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Subiect: Balonare si Flatulenta

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Balonare si Flatulenta

    Balonarea si flatulenta – simptome despre care nu vorbim

    Stii cum e : zgomote care te fac sa te simti jenat, senzatia ca hainele au devenit dintr-o data prea mici si alte manifestari care iti strica ziua.
    Viata e prea scurta ca s-o traiesti cu balonare si flatulenta. Vestea buna e ca aceste simptome sunt semne care arata ca suferi de o intoleranta alimentara. Acum cand stii acest lucru poti alege sa scapi de aceste simptome.
    Ce este balonarea si flatulenta ?
    Balonarea si flatulenta sunt simptome obisnuite si frecvent intalnite fiind rezultatul alimentelor pe care le consumam. Aceste 2 simptome sunt comune tuturor formelor de intoleranta alimentara cunoscute : intoleranta la histamina, la gluten, la fructoza, la lactoza.
    DEFINITIE: Flatulenta este rezultatul producerii anormale si in exces de gaze la nivelul tractului digestiv. Aceste gaze se produc atunci cand organismul nu poate digera anumite tipuri de alimente. Digestia incompleta este urmata de aparitia unor compusi pe care organismul nu poate sa ii tolereze. Excesul de gaze va produce cresterea presiunii in interiorul intestinului avand ca rezultat distensia acestuia (balonare) aparitia durerilor abdominale.
    Acest excedent de gaze – rezultat al digestiei incomplete a alimentelor – sunt antrenate in miscae de catre miscarile peristaltice ale intestinului si vor fi eliminate acesta fiind mecanismul prin care se produce flatulenta.
    Aceste simptome – balonarea si flatulenta – sunt tipice intolerantelor alimentare.
    Simptome asociate balonarii si flatulentei
    Exista si alte simptome care pot surveni concomitent sau ca urmare a balonarii si flatulentei :
    Simptome gastro-intestinale:

    • Greata si varsaturi
    • Distensie gastrica
    • Diaree
    • Zgomote hidro-aerice
    • Sindromul de intestin iritabil – perioade de constipatie alternand cu perioade de diaree (iti recomand sa consultati medicul gastroenterolog pentru a elimina alte diagnostice)

    Simptome asociate malbsorbtiei nutrientilor

    • Scaderea nivelului fierului seric – anemie feripriva
    • Scaderea nivelului calciului si a altor minerale
    • Reducerea densitatii osoase / osteoporoza

    Stari depresive, schimbari ale dispozitiei, tulburari de concentrare si atentie.
    Cum tratam balonarea si flatulenta?
    Primul pas in rezolvarea acestor simptome este sa recunoastem existenta lor si sa vorbim medicului despre ele. Al doilea pas este sa stim ca prezenta lor este determinata de cele mai multe ori de existenta unei intolerante alimentare. Al treilea pas este sa identificam care sunt alimentele care produc neplacerile si sa stabilim tipul de intoleranta alimentara. Pentru a identifica tipul de intoleranta este suficient sa tinem un jurnal de dieta. Exista situatii in care se impune consultul medical de specialitate pentru a stabili corect diagnosticul.
    Controleaza flatulenta si balonarea identificand alimentele pe care le tolerezi

    Identifica alimentele care nu iti produc neplaceri si preia controlul asupra vietii tale.
    Inceteaza sa suferi

    • Uita de balonare si flatulenta
    • Atinge greutatea pe care o doresti in mod natural, fara efort
    • Protejeaza-ti sanatatea pe termen lung
    • Pielea, parul si unghiile vor arata mai bine
    Intoleranta alimentara este genetica sau dobandita. Genele nu le putem schimba insa putem alege sa consumam alimente care ne fac bine.
    Balonarea nu este normala
    Balonarea abdominala nu este normala insa este un semn pretios care iti arata ca este posibil sa suferi de intoleranta alimentara. Foloseste-te de semnalele pe care ti le transmite organismul si incearca sa identifici cauzele care genereaza aceste semnale.
    Balonarea este doar una dintre consecintele incapacitatii organismului de a digera complet anumite proteine alimentare prin absenta echipamentelor enzimatice specifice. Digestia incompleta conduce la flatulenta, diaree sau constipatie, dureri abdominale.
    In timp intoleranta alimentara poate duce la aparitia sindromului de intestin iritabil, anemie, malabsorbtie, deshidratare si chiar osteoporoza.
    Nu uita ca balonarea abdominala este un semn care iti spune ca trebuie sa faci ceva pentru a identifica motivele care produc acest simptom. Asa cum iti spuneam mai sus cele mai intalnite intolerante alimentare sunt cele la fructoza, lactoza, histamina, gluten si din fericire nu suferi de toate. Important este sa identifici corect tipul de intoleranta si sa o tratezi cu regim dietetic sau folosind adjuvanti enzimatici acolo unde sunt disponibili.
    Intoleranta alimentara si flatulenta
    Cand suferi de intoleranta alimentara, in loc ca organismul tau sa produca mici cantitati de gaze (metan, nitrogen, oxigen), in intestin se vor produce cantitati mari de gaze potential toxice, compusi sulfurati (urat mirositori). Uneori acesti compusi se produc la temperaturi si presiuni mai mari decat poate suporta intestinul si de aici rezulta senzatia de presiune dureroasa precum si senzatia imperioasa de eliminare a gazelor.
    Simptome asociate flatulentei :

    • Constipatie
    • Inflamatii anale
    • Hemoroizi
    • Diaree
    • Sindrom de intestin iritabil
    • Anemie
    • Depresie

    Nu lasa ca aceste simptome sa iti controleze viata. Consulta medicul, povesteste-i despre problemele tale, nu te sfii sa ii descrii amanuntit manifestarile de care suferi, intreaba-l despre intolerantele alimentare, ajuta-l si ajuta-te sa fii din nou liber.

    sursa :

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Data înscrierii
    ZDF Zoom - Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Krebs, Parkinson durch Pestizide.

    Atentie la Pesticide.
    Ultima modificare făcută de MirsuCatalin; 14.11.2013 la 16:25.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Data înscrierii
    3sat : Zeitbombe Zucker - Krebs

    Cercetatorii de la Harvard Medical School confirma : zaharul hraneste cancerul

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Data înscrierii
    Creierul Egoist.

    Das Egoistische Gehirn. Warum unser Kopf Diaeten sabotiert und gegen den eigenen Koerper kaempft.
    The Selfish Brain.

    Brain Pull

    The human brain possesses the natural characteristic, in a figurative sense, of being 'selfish'. Of all the organs it is the one that allocates the most energy to itself in order to cover its own high energy needs. This aspect is viewed by the "Selfish Brain" theory, which Prof. Achim Peters founded and developed further with experts from other disciplines, as
    - the key feature for organizing the energy supply of the human organism and
    - the key to understanding a number of diseases including obesity.

    "The selfish brain: competition for energy resources"

    A.Peters, U.Schweiger, L.Pellerin, C.Hubold, K.M.Oltmanns, M.Conrad, B.Schultes, J.Born, H.L.Fehm

    The brain occupies a special hierarchical position in the organism. It is separated from the general circulation by the blood-brain barrier, has high energy consumption and a low energy storage capacity, uses only specific substrates, and it can record information from the peripheral organs and control them. Here we present a new paradigm for the regulation of energy supply within the organism. The brain gives priority to regulating its own adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration. In that postulate, the peripheral energy supply is only of secondary importance. The brain has two possibilities to ensure its energy supply: allocation or intake of nutrients. The term 'allocation' refers to the allocation of energy resources between the brain and the periphery. Neocortex and the limbic-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (LHPA) system control the allocation and intake. In order to keep the energy concentrations constant, the following mechanisms are available to the brain: (1) high and low-affinity ATP-sensitive potassium channels measure the ATP concentration in neurons of the neocortex and generate a 'glutamate command' signal. This signal affects the brain ATP concentration by locally (via astrocytes) stimulating glucose uptake across the blood-brain barrier and by systemically (via the LHPA system) inhibiting glucose uptake into the muscular and adipose tissue. (2) Highaffinity mineralocorticoid and low-affinity glucocorticoid receptors determine the state of balance, i.e. the setpoint, of the LHPA system. This setpoint can permanently and pathologically be displaced by extreme stress situations (chronic metabolic and psychological stress, traumatization, etc.), by starvation, exercise, infectious diseases, hormones, drugs, substances of abuse, or chemicals disrupting the endocrine system. Disorders in the 'energy on demand' process or the LHPA-system can influence the allocation of energy and in so doing alter the body mass of the organism. In summary, the presented model includes a newly discovered 'principle of balance' of how pairs of high and low-affinity receptors can originate setpoints in biological systems. In this 'Selfish Brain Theory', the neocortex and limbic system play a central role in the pathogenesis of diseases such as anorexia nervosa and obesity. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Ultima modificare făcută de MirsuCatalin; 27.11.2013 la 13:09.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Data înscrierii
    The healthy and the diseased brain: energy supply through allocation or food intake[edit]

    Allocation represents the way a healthy brain secures its energy supply when acutely needed. It diverts blood glucose from the periphery and leads it across the blood-brain-barrier. An important role here is played by the stress system, whose neural pathways lead directly to the organs (heart, muscle, adipose tissue, liver, pancreas, etc.) and which also acts indirectly on these organs via the bloodstream by the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This system ensures that the glucose is transported to the brain, and that uptake by the musculature and the adipose tissue is reduced. In order to achieve that, the release of insulin and its effect on organs is halted.
    The acute supply of energy to the brain from the intake of nutrients presents problems for the organism. In the event of an emergency food intake is only activated if allocation is insufficient, and must be taken as a sign of disease. In this case the required energy can not be requested from the body, and it can only be taken directly from the environment. This pathology is due to defects lying within the control centers of the brain such as the hippocampus, amygdala and hypothalamus. These may be due to mechanical (tumors, injuries), genetic defects (lacking brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) receptors or leptin receptors), faulty programming (post-traumatic stress disorder, conditioning of eating behavior, advertising for sweets) or false signals may arise due to the influence of antidepressants, drugs, alcohol, pesticides, saccharin or viruses.
    Such disorders can have a negative impact on a number of behavioral types:

    • Eating behavior (eating, drinking)
    • Social behavior (e.g. dealing with conflicts, sexuality)
    • Behavior during food procurement (movement, orientation)

    Diseases can then result. The "Selfish Brain” research group has concentrated above all on obesity as a pathology.
    The following applies irrespective of the nature of energy provision: the brain never gives up on being selfish. Peters therefore differentiates the healthy from the diseased brain through its ability to compete for its energy requirements even under adverse conditions where there are excessive demands from the body. He contraposes the "selfish brain with high fitness" that can tap the bodies energy reserves even in times of short food supply at the expense of the body mass, and the "selfish brain with low fitness", that is unable to do this, and which instead takes in additional food and bears the risk of developing obesity.
    Obesity - a build-up in the supply chain[edit]

    The "Selfish Brain" theory can be considered as a new way to understand obesity.[10][page needed][11][page needed] Disorders in the control centers of the brain such as the hippocampus, amygdala and hypothalamus are thought to underlie this, as outlined above. Whatever the type of disruption that exists, it entails that the energy procurement for the brain is accomplished less by allocation and more by the intake of nutrients even though the muscles have no additional energy requirement. If one imagines the energy supply of the human organism as a supply-chain that passes from the outside world with its numerous options for nutrient intake via the body to the brain as the end user and control organ, then obesity can be considered as being caused by a build-up in this supply-chain. This is characterized by an excessive accumulation of energy in the adipose tissue or blood. An allocation failure is expressed as a weakening of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The result is that energy intended for the brain mainly enters buffer storage areas, i.e. the adipose tissue and the musculature. Only a small proportion reaches the brain. In order to cover its huge energy needs the brain commands the individual to consume more food. The accumulation process escalates, and the buffer storage areas are continuously filled up. This leads to the development of obesity. In many cases, at a time which is dependent on an affected individual's personal disposition, obesity can also be overlain by a diabetes mellitus. In such a situation the adipose tissue and musculature can no longer accept any energy, and the energy then accumulates in the blood so that hyperglycemia results.
    Ultima modificare făcută de MirsuCatalin; 27.11.2013 la 14:10.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Inerte anorganische Mikropartikel

    TITANDIOXID und ALUMINIUMSILIKAT . Diese Stoffe gelangen uber Staub oder auch als Zusatze in Lebensmitteln oder Pharmaka in den Verdauungstrakt.Sie finden sich in Lymphgewebe distaler Darmabschnitte und werden als moegliche ausloesende Ursachen fuer entzuendliche Reaktionen wie z.B. den Morbus Crohn diskutiert.

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