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Subiect: Proiectul legat de caramizi si pavele !

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    Proiectul legat de caramizi si pavele !

    Proiectul legat de caramizi si pavele !
    e-mail -
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  2. #2
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    Everestul Zamolxian iti construieste o cetate cu usa mereu deschisa catre rasarit.


    caramizi zamolxiene 1.jpgcaramizi zamolxiene 2.jpgcaramizi zamolxiene 3.jpg

    caramida zamolxiana 1.jpgcaramida zamolxiana 2.jpg
    Ultima modificare făcută de Marcel TUDOR; 10.07.2013 la 23:10.

  3. #3
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    by Marcel Tudor (Notes) on Saturday, 6 July 2013 at 13:41



    Inmormintarea ideilor si solutiilor se face punind hirtia pe care ai scris-o in sertar.
    Foloseste aceasta metoda doar pentru griji si nevoi.
    Odata scrise se pot inmorminta chiar si in cosul de gunoi.
    Pastreaza in buzunarul de la iia sufletului partea cu solutiile de a iesi din griji si nevoi.
    De ce nu or fi facut stramosii iie cu buzunare ?
    Cred ca nu aveau la indemina hirtie si creion pentru a scrie idei, solutii, griji, nevoi, etc.
    Dupa parerea mea toate grijile si nevoile stramosilor sunt cusute odata cu mustele de pe iie.
    Daca vrei sa cumperi o iie poti spune ca-i cumperi toate gindurile care au fost cusute odata cu mustele iiei.
    Cel care vindut iia scapa de toate gandurile avute pina in momentul vinzarii si tu cel care cumperi acum le imbraci.
    Imbracand o iie vom fi imbracati cu toate gandurile celor care ti-au pus iia in mina.
    Afacerea cu ganduri este prospera cind ni le cumparam unii de la altii.
    Daca tinem gandurile doar pentru noi macar sa le coasem pe iia cu care vrem sa ne imbracam.
    Odata imbracati cu propriile ganduri cusute'n iie, s-ar putea sa gasim cumparatori pentru ea.
    Nu poti vinde ginduri daca nu esti imbracat in ele, daca nu ti-ai cumparat unele, sau nu te-ai pus pe ganduri inca, astfel incit ceilalti sa le poata admira macar pe tine , pentru ca in mintea ta nu pot vedea prea bine.
    Ofera creatorilor o iie si vei primi inzecit inapoi o gramada de ginduri cusute !
    Ca o concluzie : Coase-ti propria iie de ganduri pentru ca se va gasi pina la urma cineva sa le veda si va dori sa se imbrace cu ele.
    Esenta afacerii: Poti gandi mut si bine dezbracat si te vei petrece impovarat de ganduri.
    De ce oare nu au Ginditorul si Femeia sa ( cultura Hamangia ) ii pe ei ?
    De ce oare femeile si barbatii din lut ars ( cultura CUCUTENI ) au simbolizate cusaturile iilor romanilor pe ele ? Artefactele sunt carti scrise peste veacuri cu intelepciunea universala.
    Vasele de lut pictate nu erau decit carti de schimb pentru transmiterea modelelor de cusaturi de pe iile fizice care pastrau ci si coaserea gandurilor odata cu acestea.
    Olarul roman mai picteaza inca ginduri pe strachinile sale.
    Cautand in situri arheologice cioburi nu facem altceva decit sa cautam carti cu ganduri, apoi traducatorii nu vor avea altceva de facut decut sa stea pe ginduri sau sa se imbrace in ii .
    Afacerea cu ginduri prospera cind pui la treaba afacerea gindurilor.
    Cetatene universal ! Nu-mi vei cumpara niciodata toate gindurile cumparind doar o iie. Chiar daca voi coase ii toata viata tot imi mai ramin niste ginduri necusute. Pune-ma la treba cumparindu-mi gindurile !. Altfel voi ramine mereu un dezbracat, insa tot mai pot coase o iie.
    Dupa ce vei bea apa dintr-un ciob te vei putea apuca sa cosi ganduri.
    Daca prima iie iti va tine de cald , nu inseamna ca ai scapat total de ganduri pentru ca vine altul si va vrea sa ti le cumpere.
    Daca nu le vinzi, tot are sanse sa ti le ia, insa tot bogat in ganduri vei ramine si mai ai inca sansa sa te apuci de cusut ginduri.
    Afacera cu ginduri nu va falimenta nici macar odata cu ultimul cusator de ginduri pentru ca va ramine dezbracat. Ultimul om al umanitatii va gandi imbracat in iie cosind ganduri.
    Tot ce va ramine va fi minim o iie in care vor fi cusute ginduri.
    Cine va mai cumpara ultimele ginduri cusute intr-o iie ?

    07 iulie 2013
    Marcel TUDOR

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  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Ultima modificare făcută de Marcel TUDOR; 09.07.2013 la 15:06.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Tigla dotata cu panouri solare . Oportunitate de a deveni distribuitor unic .

    Si zidurile pot avea caramizi zamoxiene cu celule solare pe ele. De asemenea bordurile pot include celule solare si sisteme de iluminat in ele. Astfel se cistiga energiie stind ca o tiglape casa, o caramida'n zid si o bordura'n vint.

    Cetatea ta devine un captator solar zomolxian care poate fi legat in reteaua nationala. ? Prima casa zamolxiana legata la reteaua nationala ? , o utopie oare ?

    Vor urma complexe zamolxiene de locuinte integrate in ecosisteme ?

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Labirinturile, o provocare atit pe hirtie cit si la scara umana.

    The world’s largest labyrinth lives just outside Tamarindo

    It takes a full hour to complete Ronald Esquivel’s labyrinth, La Senda, which is strategically built over two energy centers in Guanacaste.

    They say it’s the journey, not the destination. A cryptic cliché, perhaps, but for practitioners of meditation, the adage holds true. An ancient meditation tool, labyrinths are the physical embodiment of this saying, and people use their journeys down this path to quiet their minds.

    The trip to La Senda, the world’s largest labyrinth, is a journey in itself. Located 20 minutes from Tamarindo, Santa Rosa is not a travel destination. It is barely even a town. Like most barely-even-towns in Costa Rica, directions are all given from the nearest soccer field, from which La Senda is nearly 4 kilometers of dusty, bumpy road.

    While the location is mildly inconvenient, those willing to make the hike will soon find themselves smack in the middle of pure Guanacaste jungle bliss and, upon arriving at the farm, in the welcoming presence of Griet Depypere, the labyrinth’s bubbly Belgian owner.

    Depypere did not buy her property, Finca Anapasati, with the intention of building a labyrinth. She got idea while exploring the premises during a reforestation project.

    “We discovered two energy centers on the property,” she said. “I just felt that this was the right thing to do with them.”

    It was biologist Sergio Salas who found the energy centers with a dousing rod, and later suggested building the labyrinth. Depypere and Salas called in architect and labyrinth designer Ronald Esquivel, who drew up the labyrinth using rules and traditions from sacred geometry.

    Nearly a year and $20,000 later, Esquivel’s designs began to take form. Salas and Depypere decided to use cacti to create the paths, bringing in truckloads of caldera and prickly pear and planting them on more than one acre of cleared of land.

    The effect of their labors is an overwhelming sight. After a short hike through the woods, labyrinth seekers will suddenly find themselves in a clearing exuding the ceremonial wonder of an Indian burial ground.

    Eventually, the prickly pear cactus will grow to form solid walls between the other cacti, but for now it is easy to weave between the lines without taking the 3-kilometer walk along the path. The cacti are clustered in spirals around the two energy vortexes, with another point on the line between them creating a third center. At ground level, the circular mass of cacti looks like an alien landing marker, but aerial photos show the obvious spiral path.

    “As an architect, I have always been very interested in the energy of form,” said Esquivel. “A spiral, or a spiral labyrinth, is an expression of transformation.”

    For centuries, labyrinth walkers have used the spiral paths to bring about personal transformation. For Depypere, walking the labyrinth gives her a chance to clear her mind and focus.

    “We are like machines,” she said. “We will be brushing our teeth, but our minds will be thinking of hundreds of things. Walking the labyrinth lets you be there in that moment mentally and physically.”

    Walking the labyrinth creates what Depypere describes as a “profound silence,” quieting the hundreds of thoughts caused by the distractions of daily life. Numerous studies have shown decreased stress levels in subjects after walking a labyrinth, and several organizations are beginning to study the benefits at schools and hospitals.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Un univers intr-o prezentare.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    mingi geometrice
    ( pot fi facute pentru educarea copiilor, ca si bile in mecanisme cum ar fi rulmentii, chei pentru a lega diverse alte obiecte, greutati pentru plasele de pescuit ( ( fiind legate printre nervuri- au cam aceleasi dimensiuni deci cam aceeasi greutate care necesita la suprafata flotoare ce pot tine plasa la un nivel constant in apa ; au geometrii diferite in functie de detinatorul plasei de pescuit , legarea plaselor in comun in timpul pescuitului si apoi repararea individuala a plasei proprii ; au greutate buna pentru a se pescui in mare peste cu dimensiuni mari , totodata sa nu sperie nici pestele; folosirea pietrelor fiind obisnuita pentru pestii in mediul lor acvatic ), moneda de schimb cu valoare diferita in functie de complexitatea geometriei incrustate, arme caractristice fiecarei tabere din armata proprie si/sau din cea adversa, pise de joc la fel ca si piesele de sah, obecte de arta si/ sau cult reprezentind soarele , semintele,etc., bile pentru morile de cereala ( azi se folosec mori cu bile pentru carbune - poate morile de carbune pot fi imbunatatite cu acest design ), lovituri pentru prastii de mina, catapulte, bile pentru macinat argila si pietre colorate ( colorantii pentru desenat pe ceramca ), apasate in argila nearsa / ceramica pot da texturi si desene imprintate pe acestea , ceea ca poate constitui un mod de scriere rezultind un limbaj care foloseste simboluri ( urmele lasate ), pot fi folosite ca mijloace de masurare a unor dimensiuni predeterminate ( ata pt ochiurile de pescuit ), pot fi folosite ca baza ghemelor de ata pina se formeaza ghemul ( opoi se poate scoate din mijloc ), pot fi folosite ca obiecte pentru masaj in functie de zona masata si de centrii nervosi ai zonei ( presopunctura ), pot fi folosite la macinarea minereului de cupru pt concentrarea acestuia in vederea topiri ( minereu pus intr-un butoi cu astfel de bile poate fi agitat pina se marunteste ),

    Prehistoric Artifacts Out Of Nowhere -
    Their Origin And Purpose Are Totally Unknown
    25 June, 2013 - These strange artifacts are symmetrical in design and very skillfully manufactured. In form they appear to be quite modern, but they are not.
    These prehistoric artifacts of unknown origin were found mainly in Scotland and a few of them in England and Ireland.
    Many say they are hoaxes, but if that's true, why are they kept in museums as valuable objects?
    Archaeologists say these carved stone balls date to approximately 4000 BC, and are made of various stones ranging from sandstone to granite.

    Click on image to enlargeCredits: Ashmolean Museum

    They are all of a relative similar size and are decorated with carved evenly-spaced patterns of circular bosses or knobs around the surface of the sphere. The designs vary with the majority being based around a series of six bosses, but the number of bosses varies from 3-160.

    Five carved stone balls from Scotland (AN1927.2727-2731). Credits: Ashmolean Museum

    Particularly interesting are those unearthed at the Neolithic site at Skara Brae, one of the Orkney's most famous ancient sites dated from the late Neolithic - inhabited for around 600 years, between 3200BC and 2200BC.
    More than 425 of these artifacts are now known and five of them are stored at the Ashmolean Museum.
    Three-hundred and seventy-five of these balls are much the same size, with a diameter o fabout 70mm, but there are also 12 large balls of 90-114mm diameter.
    They are different one from the other. Some are carved with four or six knobs plain and decorated, seven knobs, eight or even 33 knobs; their decorations are also varied.
    Many are carved with complex spiral patterns or cross-hatching on the faces.
    However, despite their numbers, very little is known about carved stone balls and their purpose is still unknown.
    Very few of the balls are damaged. The do not have any signs of use and they have not been found in contexts that would suggest a specific function.

    This carved stone ball is one of several fancy carved stone objects found at Skara Brae on Orkney. It was a prestige object, and dates from between 3400 and 2000 BC. The stone ball is covered with 50 pyramid-shaped knobs. 000-100-040-497-C. Credits: National Museums Scotland

    Credits: Aberdeen University Museum

    Credits: Aberdeen University Museum

    Credits: Aberdeen University Museum

    Credits: Aberdeen University Museum

    Did they have a symbolic meaning? Did they symbolize prestige and power?
    Could the artifacts be linked to a much earlier - but unknown and undocumented period of time in the history of life on Earth?
    One thing is for sure - those who manufactured these artifacts must obviously have possessed rather advanced technology.
    Copyright © All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of
    See also:

    Alien Toy? - All Attempts To Solve This Ancient Mystery - Failed

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Living Off the Grid
    Like This Page · Yesterday

    This is Charlie and Meg's beautiful roundhouse!

    To learn more about building a home like this, consider these books... Serious Straw Bale: A Home Construction Guide:; Building a Low-Impact Roundhouse:

    Poate fi un model pentru casele zamolxiene.

    Casa din lemn pe roti ( un model pentru casa zamoxiane transhumanta )
    Ultima modificare făcută de Marcel TUDOR; 11.07.2013 la 20:48.

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