Să nu uităm niciodată Scopul nostru principal din Viată, care nu este altul decât acela de-a trăi cu toţii Frumos, Fericiti si Sanatosi.
Asa cum am mai spus, fara Consilier(i), nu faci nimic. Incepand de la parinti, profesori, mentori...
Omul invata prin comparatie.
Cand devenim suficient de maturi si ne alegem un domeniu de lucru, cat de cat bine definit, in care dorim sa activam o mare parte din Viata, ne alegem un Consilier(i).
Criterii de selectie corecta ale acestui Om :
1. Ne interesam de Familia lui, de ceea ce face fiecare membru al ei, dar mai ales de relatiile dintre ei.
2. Ne uitam atent la realizarile lui in planul fizic, nu la ideile sau la conceptele lui.
3. Suntem atenti la normalitatea activitatilor lui zilnice.
4. Aflam care sunt idealurile lui de viitor.
5. Se observa usor ce fel de persoane sunt in anturajul lui si tragem concluziile.
6. Descoperim atent responsabilitatile pe care si le asuma in totalitate.
7. Acesta este atent numai la ce-ti doresti tu, sprijinandu-te neconditionat si altruist.
Sa nu uitam ca Adevaratul CONSILIER este DUMNEZEU.
The Council of Elders - Lesson 43 - How to Choose Advisers in Life
Welcome to another life lesson.
I have met individuals whose advice has meant a lot in shaping me as a person. In turn, I have advised many young people, and with some of them, I take pride.
Let us never forget our main purpose in life, which is nothing other than to live beautifully, happily, and healthily together.
As I have mentioned before, without advisers, you can't achieve much. Starting from parents, teachers, mentors...
People learn through comparison.
When we become mature enough and choose a well-defined field in which we want to work for a significant part of our lives, we select advisers.
Criteria for the correct selection of this person:
1. We take an interest in their family, what each member does, but especially in their relationships.
2. We closely examine their physical accomplishments, not just their ideas or concepts.
3. We pay attention to the normalcy of their daily activities.
4. We find out about their future aspirations.
5. It's easy to see the kind of people in their circle and draw conclusions.
6. We carefully discover the responsibilities they wholeheartedly assume.
7. They pay attention only to what you desire, supporting you unconditionally and selflessly.
Let us not forget that the True Adviser is GOD.