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Subiect: Mesaj ce trebuie trimis la toate bancile de date ale strainilor

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    Mesaj ce trebuie trimis la toate bancile de date ale strainilor

    We are the messengers of Humanity, Faith and Peace worldwide!

    We work daily within our Associations Zalmoxa Art and the Vanguard of Sacrifice, on three major projects:

    1.The City of Health Zalmoxa - Arsenie Boca, in which all patients are treated free of charge
    2. Pacea World Cathedral, to be built in Bucium, Prahova
    3. Ratification of the Peace Treaty - Sarmizegetusa 2050 - so that all human and material resources at the planetary level, will be logically redistributed

    The human resource required for these 3 projects is "modeled" within the Exploration Tourism Agency - Sarmizegetusa - Zalmoxeni Piciumanii, where the philosophy of the Culture of Peace will be implemented.

    Every year in Craiova we organize 3 International Symposiums:

    - Our nation's obsession - in March
    - Peace - on June 1st
    - The visionaries of our nation - in December

    Principles of coexistence of all the people on the Planet of Peace, where the Humanity, Faith and Common Sense become LAWS.

    In principle, for joining us, you must meet the following criteria:

    - Love for everyone
    - Loyalty
    - Honorability
    - Availability
    - Credibility
    - Determination
    - Modesty
    - Altruism
    - Empathy
    - Good reputation
    - Clear-thinking and clear communication

    In particular, those who form a "SUPPORT POINT" by gathering continuously the Energy of the Human SOUL and seeking constantly the Principles for coexistence of all the people on the Planet of Peace, are:

    1. People with faith in God and high spiritual beliefs, able to understand the gift of image and likeness, the gift of free will as a prerequisite for conscious participation to the fulfillment of the individual and collective destiny of the human being.

    2. The ones who love People, who respect the traditional values (material and spiritual) ​​of ALL PEOPLE from their origins to the present and who respect all those who have contributed to progress and historical continuity.

    3. People who understand the importance of obtaining money and the goods in a perfect legal way.

    4. Persons capable of serving all people on Earth with the power of public thought and word, through all creative means of expression and all modern channels of communication.

    5. People who are devoted to the human being, teachers who ennoble themselves by willingly giving others the science and experience of their own lives with altruism.

    6. People of character, who always respect their word, remaining loyal to their fellow citizens and to the principles that consecrated them.

    7. People who never give up looking for the optimal way to achieve their noble goals, as doesn’t matter how much they have achieved, but overcoming the obstacles and transforming them into principles of correct understanding and effective action.

    8. People with an accentuated team spirit and sense of responsibility, willing to contribute at any time to solve in common the problems concerning the entire human community.

    9. Modest, persevering and conscientious people in the services they provide. They are seeking to increase the quality of their services, not the personal gains or advantages.

    10. People who know how to approach problems without fear, hatred and bias, with the face illuminated by a genuine smile - mirror of an open and friendly soul.

    11. People with a clean "moral record" and a reconciled conscience, not involved in groups and party ideological interests, invulnerable to public pressure and attacks.

    12. People for whom "impossible" does not exist. They are always able to find innovative particular solutions and general strategies for solving the problems in a creative way.

    13. People able to understand that they belong to a community that transcends the boundaries of their own Country and that only by raising a RAINBOW of the planetary spirit, governed by unconditional love and harmonious wisdom, they will contribute to the continuity of life on the Mother Earth - in connection with the values ​​of all the others who think in the same way and with the unaltered preservation of the cosmic creation, by knowing the primordial Laws (the Zalmoxian ones).

    14. People who peacefully direct the course of humanity.

    Those who wish to join us in order to consolidate this "SUPPORT POINT" - essential for the future of the Earth - are invited on our WhatsApp and Skype conferences called "Humbleness 1, 2... n", in order to communicate with us in an effective, public, continuous and responsible way for finding viable solutions, easy to put into practice every day, multiplying the system on Facebook and hoping that other people from all continents will also join us by subscribing themselves on the website to gather beneficial Energy in the same point. On this website, they can post their CV, so we know the people we are talking with and thereby we will create a clear chance to have a decent, happy and healthy life.

    It would be good (but not compulsory) that before subscribing, by sending a request to the Sage People’s Council from Romania), that you have a number of topics / messages posted (studies, analyzes, research, opinions, comments) reflecting your point of view, assessments, personal conclusions, etc.!

    The first steps that we will take together are to educate the children from kindergarten and primary schools rightly.

    God bless you!
    Ultima modificare făcută de Adrian Pop; 05.04.2020 la 20:30.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

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