Thanks a lot for the huge work done for the fellows. A good friend from Denmark has problems with her sister from Italy, found with the virus and taken to hospital today. He sent Gans of the Life Cup 2 days ago but he has not reached it yet. I put her to hold her left palm next to the Life Cup and her right palm points to her lungs, or to her picture. I told her she could keep her palms raised, mentally, identically ... take energy from the Life Cup with her left palm and send her away with her right palm, towards her sister. I am totally convinced that she can thus transfer the Energy of the Gans to her sister.
Multumesc mult pentru munca uriasa depusa pentru semeni. O prietena buna din Danemarca are probleme cu sora ei din Italia, depistata cu virus si dusa la spital azi. I-a trimis acum 2 zile Gans din Cupa Vietii dar inca nu a ajuns la ea. Am pus-o sa tina palma stanga alaturi de Cupa Vietii si palma dreapta s-o indrepte spre plamanii ei, sau spre poza ei. I-am spus ca poate sa tina palmele ridicate, mental, ia energie de la Cupa Vietii cu palma stanga si s-o trimita la distanta cu palma dreapta, spre sora ei. Sunt convins total ca poate sa transfere astfel Energia Gans-ului spre sora ei.
The need to help others teach us to find such working methods.
Nevoia de-a ajuta semenii ne invata sa gasim astfel de metode de lucru.
In momentul cand faci cu mana ta Cupele Vietii si vezi Gans-ul format, cu atat mai mult in mintea ta ai aceste imagini si poti mai usor sa transmiti mental Energia Gansului spre diverse persoane. In functie de capabilitatea fiecaruia de gandire poti sa faci acest lucru pentru 1,2,3...n persoane instantaneu.
The moment you make your Life Cups with your hand and see the Gans formed, the more in your mind you have these images and the easier it is to mentally transmit the Energy of the Gans to different people. Depending on the ability of each thinking you can do this for 1,2,3 ... in people instantly.
Am facut asa ceva acum 23 de ani pentru o colega care avea cancer, pe care o alimentam mental cu Energie alba. Mi-au trebuit cateva luni sa invat sa fac acest lucru, fara sa fiu afectat fizic si mental, pentru un numar din ce in ce mai mare de oameni, pana am ajuns sa pot face asa ceva pentru toti oamenii.
Idid this 23 years ago for a colleague who had cancer, which we mentally fed with White Energy. It took me several months to learn how to do this, without being physically and mentally affected, for an increasing number of people, until I got to do something for all people.