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Subiect: Cum aflam simplu ca suntem infestati sau nu cu corona virus si ce facem ?

  1. #1
    Data înscrierii

    Cum aflam simplu ca suntem infestati sau nu cu corona virus si ce facem ?

    NCu, Cu si Zn

    50 % Cu,
    30 % C02
    20 % Zn0

    Cu la intensitatea Zn
    Se produce in paharul Vietii Zn0
    NCu + Zn da C02

    Asta face Paharul Vietii Keshe

    Zn - elevatorul Sufletului Folosindu-l ca Gans ZnO este pentru intarirea Sufletului
    Cu0 ia energia virusului
    Co2 face conexiunea

    Cum aflam simplu ca suntem infestati sau nu cu corona virus si in cazul ca avem o astfel de problema, trebuie facti pasii urmatori :

    1. Testul de respiratie 10 s - TESTAREA PARTII MATERIALE

    Tineti-va de nas sa nu respirati 10 s.
    Daca nu tusiti si nu ramaneti fara aer, 90 % este OK. Sunteti sanatosi.
    In cazul cand tusiti si simtiti iritatie pe gat, sau simtiti neaparat nevoia de a lua aer proaspat in plamani, probabilita este de 90 % sa fi contactat virusul.
    Urmariti 10-25 de zile si daca apare febra mare, sigur este datorita virusului din plamani

    2. Testarea plasmatica

    Pulverizati o data pe zi apa de Gans din Paharul Vietii Keshe pe piept, spate si cap
    Daca simtiti durere in corp sau durere de cap sau presiune in cap, virusul este contactat 100 %. Este vorba de campul magnetic al Gansului asupra coprului sau capului.

    Ambele teste sa se faca pentru certitudine.

    Este nevoie de 3 pahare ale Vietii Keshe, pentru ca este diferenta de potential plasmatic intre ele, chiar daca au fost facute cu aceleasi materiale. In acest fel ne asiguram ca nu avem proibleme cu mutantii virusului.

    In cazul in care 100% este contactat virurul, toata familia si cei cu care v-ati intalnit faceti aceste procedee fara gresala:

    1. Virusul afecteaza Sufletul si plamanii. Intre plamani este inima care se poate opri neavand energie, care ste luata de virus. Sufletul fizicalitatii poate parasi corpul.
    - in fiecare ora se pulverizeaza apa din paharul Vietii pe piept si pe spate. Daca se simte presiune pe piept si durere de cap, in 5 minute apa de Gans preia energia virusului, protejand inima.
    2. Pentru a proteja Sufletul, pulverizati apa de Gans pe fata si in jurul capului. Nu va spalati pe fata ci pulverizati apa.
    3. Se bea apa de Gans din paharul Vietii, cca 15 min la o ora, cca 50 ml.
    4. Inhalati apa de gans 10 min /ora - intr-o sticla de coca cola puneti apa de Gans si un pai, pt a face inhalatii. cred ca se sufla aer prin pai si aerul care iese din sticla, este pentru inhalatii. In acest fel golim energia viruslui in exterior.
    Daca exista temperatura in corp, in 1-3 ore dispare.
    Plamanii se vor repara in cateva zile astfel. Iritatia pe gat si transpiratia de asemenea.
    5. Se face asa timp de 2-3 luni, dar dupa o anumita perioada de timp o sa simtiti ca nu mai aveti nevoie de apa si nici de preventie.

    Pentru recuperare :

    1. se pulverizeaza apa de Gans pe piept, spate, fata si cap in ordine cronologica, in fiecare ora chiar daca nu simtiti ca sunt probleme. Faceti asta timp de 3 zile si daca este totul ok...intrati infaza de preventie.

    Procedura de Preventie

    Procedura de Preventie

    Aici o sa scriem pasii de urmat in cazul cand nu suntem infectati cu virusul.

    Min 35 - mai sunt 10 min pana se termina filmul acesta

    1. Pulverizati corpul, fata si capul cand va sculati si cand va culcati
    2. Se vbea zilnic 300-500 ml apa de Gans din paharul Vietii
    3. inhalatii apa de Gans din Paharul Vietii o data de 2 ori cate 10 min.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  2. #2
    Data înscrierii
    How do we find out that we are infected or not with the corona virus and what do we do?

    NCu, Cu and Zn50% Cu,30% CO220% Zn0With the intensity ZnIt is produced in the glass of Life Zn0with 0NCu + Zn from C02

    That's what Keshe's Glass of Life does

    Zn - the Elevator of the Soul Using it as a Gans ZnO is for the Strengthening of the Soul
    It takes energy from the virus
    Co2 makes the connection

    As we simply know that we are infected or not with the corona virus and in case we have such a problem, the following steps must be taken:1. Breathing test 10 s - MATERIAL PART TESTINGHold your nose for 10 seconds.If you do not cough and do not run out of air, 90% is OK. You are healthy.In case you cough and feel irritation in the throat, or you feel the need to get fresh air in your lungs, 90% of the chance is to have contacted the virus.Follow 10-25 days and if high fever occurs, it is probably due to the lung virus2. Plasma testingSpray once a day the water of Gans from the Glass of Life Keshe on the chest, back and headIf you experience pain in the body or headache or pressure in the head, the virus is contacted 100%. This is the magnetic field of the Goose on the head or head.Both tests should be done for certainty.It takes 3 glasses of Keshe Life, because it is the difference in plasma potential between them, even if they were made with the same materials. In this way we make sure that we do not have problems with the virus mutants.

    If 100% contact is made, the whole family and those you met do these procedures without mistake:1. The virus affects the soul and lungs. Between the lungs is the heart that can stop without energy, which is taken by the virus. The soul of physicality can leave the body.- Every hour the water from the glass of Life is sprayed on the chest and on the back. If pressure is felt on the chest and headache, in 5 minutes Gans water takes over the energy of the virus, protecting the heart.2. To protect the Soul, spray Gans water on the face and around the head. Do not wash your face but spray water.3. Drink the water of Gans from the glass of Life, about 15 minutes to one hour, about 50 ml.4. Inhale goose water 10 min / hour - In a bottle of coca cola put Gans water and a straw to make inhalations. I think there is air through the straw and the air coming out of the glass is for inhalation. In this way we drain the energy of the virus outside.If there is temperature in the body, in 1-3 hours it disappears.The lungs will repair in a few days like this. Neck irritation and sweating as well.5. Do this for 2-3 months, but after a certain period of time you will feel that you no longer need water or prevention.If 100% contact is made, the whole family and those you met do these procedures without mistake:1. The virus affects the soul and lungs. Between the lungs is the heart that can stop without energy, which is taken by the virus. The soul of physicality can leave the body.- Every hour the water from the glass of Life is sprayed on the chest and on the back. If pressure is felt on the chest and headache, in 5 minutes Gans water takes over the energy of the virus, protecting the heart.2. To protect the Soul, spray Gans water on the face and around the head. Do not wash your face but spray water.3. Drink the water of Gans from the glass of Life, about 15 minutes to one hour, about 50 ml.4. Inhale goose water 10 min / hour - In a bottle of coca cola put Gans water and a straw to make inhalations. I think there is air through the straw and the air coming out of the glass is for inhalation. In this way we drain the energy of the virus outside.If there is temperature in the body, in 1-3 hours it disappears.The lungs will repair in a few days like this. Neck irritation and sweating as well.5. Do this for 2-3 months, but after a certain period of time you will feel that you no longer need water or prevention.

    For recovery:

    1. Gans water is sprayed on the chest, back, face and head in chronological order, every hour even if you do not feel that there are problems. Do this for 3 days and if all is well ... enter the prevention window.

    Prevention Procedure

    Prevention Procedure

    Here we will write the steps to follow in case we are not infected with the virus.

    Min 35 - there are 10 minutes until this movie ends

    1. Spray your body, face and head when you get up and sleep
    2. 300-500 ml of Gans water from the glass of Life was used daily
    3. Inhale the water of Gans from the Glass of Life once 2 times 10 minutes.
    Ultima modificare făcută de Adrian Pop; 08.03.2020 la 11:37.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  3. #3
    Data înscrierii
    Doamne ajuta !

    God help!
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  4. #4
    Data înscrierii
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

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