[19:04, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: My friend Liviu Nuteanu, has physically demonstrated that information can be transmitted regardless of their complexity (Bioenergy and PSI), anywhere on Earth. We wanted to make experiences similar to those in Craiova in the cosmic space, to show that nothing can stop the human mind, regardless of the environment of energy propagation ...

Prietenul meu Liviu Nuteanu, a demonstrat fizic ca se pot transmite informatii indiferent de complexitatea lor ( Bioenergie si PSI ), oriunde pe Terra. Doream sa facem experiente similare cu cele de la Craiova in spatiul cosmic, sa demonstram ca nimic nu poate opri mintea umana, indiferent de mediul de propagare a energiilor...
[19:04, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Am spus cs s-a facut PACE pe Constelatia ne si ajuta in domeniul sanatatii...

[18:03, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Solutii pentru virusul corona, prin teh plasmatica. Doamna Keshe imi trimite zilnic cercetarile facute in laboratoarele Keshe de peste tot....
[18:07, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Dul Dr Dobrea, un Prieten la care tin mult....poate sa gasesca antidotul coronavirusului....asa cum a facut in doferite tari cand a fost solicitat, cu pr de sanatate grave....cum mi-a povestit
[18:09, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Constantin Pandaru....un cercetator oltean, unic in rezolva aproape toate pr de sanatate cu 40 de plante luate din Romania. Investitiile doar intr-un din firmele lui de cercetare din Texas sunt de cca 2 mld dolari
[18:10, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Eu cred ca cei trei, Dul Dr Dobrea, Dul Keshe si Dul Pandaru, pot rezolva acest impas prin care trece omenirea.
[18:12, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop:
[18:13, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop:
[18:13, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop:
[18:17, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: la Craiova a tinut un simpozion, unicul, in urma discutiilor pe care le-am avut la Milano, cand am convenit sa lucram impreuna pentru reducerea timpilor de actiune cu biorezonanta asupra virusulor si bacteriilor.
[18:22, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Anul trecut impreuna cu echipa formata din ing.Dragos Ungureanu, ing.Florian Ghe, conf. dr. Petrica savescu si dr. ing. Cornel Naidin, am lucrat la un dispozitiv capabil sa injumatateasca Timpii de actiune si avem in vedere, folosind toate simturile, sa reducem Timpii de actiune la nivel de minute, chiar secunde si astfel sa concepem un sistem capabil sa deviruseze omul in momentul cand intra in casa, fiind montat pe usa de la intrare.
[18:22, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Asta am discutat, asta vom face.....
[18:23, 31.01.2020] Doamna Moise-CMR: Ar fi ideal!
[18:26, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Pe cei doi buni Romani i-am pus in legatura la Bucuresti, impreuna cu Catalin, la o intalnire extrem de importanta. Dul Dr Dobrea m-a rugat sa-l pun in legatura cu Dul Keshe lucru pe care l-am facut, avand in vedere relatia extrem de utila si de frumoasa, cu Dna Carolina de Rosse, sotia Dlui Keshe.
[18:27, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Aceste frecvente pur si simplu sunt introduse in dispozitivul inventat de Dul Dr Dobrea cu un inventator craiovean si am incredere totala ca poate distruge virusul.
[18:30, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Domnul Pandaru, nu este adeptul injectiilor sau tratamentelor dureroase, asa ca are scos pe piata creme, sprayuri si pastile, capabile sa rezolve pr urisase in domeniul sanatatii. De trei ori a venit la Craiova sa prezinte in 6-7 ore echipei noastre cercetari si cazuistica unica.
[18:31, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Faptul ca a gasit frecventele Grabovoi Cz, nu stiu unde, demonstreaza eficacitatea discutiilor dintre noi, aici pe aceasta conferinta.
[18:32, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: avem pregatiri diferite asa ca fiecare aduce la cunostiinta celor din conferinta aceasta, ceea ce crede ca este util sa din cand in cand, primim informatii inestimabile, ca acum.

[18:03, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Solutions for corona virus, through plasma teh. Mrs. Keshe sends me daily the researches done in Keshe laboratories everywhere.[18:07, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Mr. Dr Dobrea, a friend whom I love a lot .... can find the antidote for coronavirus .... as he did in gifted countries when requested, with pr serious health .... as he told me[18:09, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Constantin Pandaru .... an olive researcher, unique in the world ... who solves almost all health problems with 40 plants taken from Romania. The investments in only one of his research firms in Texas are about $ 2 billion[18:10, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: I think the three, Mr. Dr Dobrea, Mr. Keshe and Mr. Pandaru, can solve this deadlock that humanity is going through.[18:12, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop:[18:13, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop:[18:13, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop:[18:14, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: I GIVED THIS INFORMATION FOR WHAT CATALAN FREQUENT FREQUENCIES DATED BY RUSSI, PT CORONAVIRUS.[18:17, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: in Craiova held a symposium, the only one, following the discussions we had in Milan, when we agreed to work together to reduce the action times with biorezoning on viruses and bacteria. .[18:22, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Last year, together with the team formed by Eng.Dragos Ungureanu, Eng.Florian Ghe, Ph.D. Petrica savescu and Ph.D., Cornel Naidin, I worked on a device capable of half the Time of action and we plan, using all the senses, to reduce the Time of action to minutes, even seconds and thus to design a system capable of devouring the man when he enters the house, being mounted on the front door.

[18:22, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: That's what we discussed, that's what we're going to do .....[18:23, 31.01.2020] Mrs. Moise-CMR: It would be ideal![18:26, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: I put the two good Romanians in Bucharest, together with Catalin, at an extremely important meeting. Mr. Dr. Dobrea asked me to contact Mr. Keshe, which I did, given the extremely useful and beautiful relationship, with Mrs. Carolina de Rosse, Mr. Keshe's wife.[18:27, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: These frequencies are simply introduced in the device invented by Dr. Dobrea with a Craiovian inventor and I have complete confidence that he can destroy the virus.[18:30, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: Mr. Pandaru, is not adept at injections or pain treatments, so he has put on the market creams, sprays and pills, able to solve problems in the health field. Three times he came to Craiova to present in 6-7 hours to our research team and unique case law.[18:31, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: The fact that he found the Grabovoi Cz frequencies, I do not know where, demonstrates the effectiveness of the discussions between us, here at this conference.[18:32, 31.01.2020] Adrian Pop: we have different preparations, so everyone brings to the notice of this conference, which he thinks is useful to know .... and from time to time, we receive invaluable information, as now .

Am spus ca s-a facut PACE pe Constelatia ne si ajuta in domeniul sanatatii...