Membrii Asociatiei Avangarda de sacrificiu si-au propus ca in cat mai multe sate, comune si orase din toate zonele unde se vorbeste Romaneste, sa infiinteze Muzee ale Pacii care sa poarte denumirea localitatii respective, care sa fie vizitate de Piciumani de Gradinita si de Scoala Primara, pentru a-si insusi primele elemente din Cultura PACII, pe care dorim s-o dezvoltam ca filosofie si mod de Viata, in intreaga lume.
Incepand de anul trecut am declarat impreuna cu familia si neamurile mele, prima Casa a Pacii la Siroca ( judetul Mehedinti, Romania ) si acum lucram la un proiect prin care dorim ca in cele 25.000 de localitati din Roamnia si cele 5.000 de localitati din Basarabia, Romanii care-si Iubesc Neamul si Tara sa declare cat mai multe Case in care locuiesc, ca fiind CASE ALE PACII. Ulterior, sunt convins ca acele localitati, in momentul cand acesti Piciuamni vor creste si-si vor insusi elemente din filosofia Culturii Pacii, sa fie declarate LOCALITATI ale PACII.
Lucram in acest moment la Sigla Pacii, care va fi pusa pe fiecare locuinta a celor care participa ca voluntar la acest proiect important privind viitorul omenirii.
Ne-am propus ca ziua de 1 Iunie sa fie declarata a doua zi Internationala a Pacii, in momentul cand un milion de Piciumani Romani vor defila in localitatile in care traiesc, in Marsuri ale Pacii si speram ca in urmatorii ani la nivelul tuturor tarilor, sute de milioane de Piciumani sa participe la astfel de actiuni.
Implementand CULTURA PACII piciumanilor de Gradinita si de Scoala Primara prin Agentia de turism de explorari Piciumanii Zalmoxieni, suntem total convinsi ca pana in anul 2050 la Sarmizegetusa Regia ( Capitala Spirituala a Romanilor ) sa fie ratificat de catre cele 202 tari, tratatul de Pace Mondiala.
Peace museums in villages, towns and cities in Romania
The members of the Vanguard of Sacrifice Association have proposed that in as many villages, communes and cities from all areas where Romanian is spoken, to establish Peace Museums bearing the name of the respective locality, to be visited by Kindergarten and School Children The Mayor, in order to acquire the first elements of the PACII Culture, which we want to develop as a philosophy and way of life, throughout the world.
Starting last year, I declared with my family and nations, the first Peace House in Siroca (Mehedinti county, Romania) and now we are working on a project that we want in the 25,000 localities in Roamnia and the 5,000 localities in Bessarabia, Romanians who love their nation and country declare as many houses in which they live, as houses of peace. Later, I am convinced that those localities, at the moment when these Piciuamni will grow and will acquire elements from the philosophy of the Culture of Peace, be declared LOCALITIES OF PEACE.
We are currently working on the Peace Logo, which will be placed on each home of those who participate as a volunteer in this important project on the future of humanity.
We have proposed that the day of June 1 be declared the International Day of Peace, at the moment when one million Romanian Piciumani will march in the localities where they live, in March of Peace and we hope that in the coming years at the level of all countries, hundreds of millions of Piciumani to participate in such actions.
Implementing the CULTURE OF PEACE kindergartens and Primary School through the Zalmoxian Piciuman Exploration Tourism Agency, we are totally convinced that by 2050, in the Sarmizegetusa Regia (Spiritual Capital of the Romans), the World Peace Treaty will be ratified by the 202 countries.