Dear Alina,
I hope you are well.
I am reaching out to thank you for Arta Zalmoxa’s involvement and participation in the Partnership for Peace Coalition. The number of members has almost doubled to 170 since 2018 and we want to keep growing this peace network. For continuous support of each other, attached you can find the list of our current active members.
Our 20th Anniversary Celebration was a great success, and I wanted to show you the results of everyone's effort to institutionalise Peace Day - the core mission of our work. Please find attached the report carried out independently by Digitalis, Social 360 and Signal AI showing the level of exposure generated on the day. It is astonishing!
As we embark on the journey to making 3 billion people aware by 2025, I am sure you will agree, that this is a great starting point to exposing a significant number of people to the message of peace. Awareness of Peace Day manifests behavioural change, and that change reduces violence.
Thank you so much for your continuous support of Peace One Day and for making the Partnership for Peace Coalition stronger. Let’s bring the peace message into 2020 together.
Warm regards,
In Peace
Jeremy Gilley
Founder, Peace One Day
Peace One Day
St. George's House
15 St. George's Road
Surrey TW9 2LE
Tel: +44 (0) 208 334 9900
Fax: +44 (0) 208 948 0545
1. 80000 Voices
2. ABC Charity
3. African Youth Initiative Organisation
5. AIESEC Global
6. Aik Saath
7. Alarm Ministries
8. Alliance for Peacebuilding
9. Amelie & Daniel Linsey Foundation
10. ARTconnects Salma Zulfiqar
11. Arta Zalmoxa
12. Artistes pour L'Humanite
14. Asylum Welcome
15. Atlantic Whale and Dolphin Foundation
16. Bahrain for All (Consult Nivs)
17. Be - World Happiness Festival
18. BlinkNow
19. Borneo Nature Foundation
20. Brightmed (Gibralter World Music Festival)
21. Brixton Soup Kitchen
22. Build Peace
23. Building Blocks for Peace
24. Center for Religious Cooperation and Tolerance CRCT
25. Christian International Peace Service (CHIPS)
26. CMI
27. Cultura Kulturveranstaltungen e. V.
28. Coaches Across Continents
29. Code Pink
30. Collectif Des Artisans De Paix Et la Reconciliation (CAPR)
31. Conciliation Resources
32. Conflict Transformation and Civic Education (CRISP)
33. Consult Nivs
34. Culture of Peace
35. CYPLP Nigeria
36. Delegations for Dialogue
37. Don Bosco Football Academy Goma Drc
38. EcoPeace Middle East
39. Embodiment Of The One Heart
40. Embrace the Peace
41. European Peacebuilding Liason Office
42. Faces Up
43. Fair Earth Foundation
44. Fellowship of Reconciliation
45. FICRD Uganda
46. First Republic Registrar foundation
47. Galaxy4Peace
48. Ganda Boys
49. Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS UK)
50. Generations for Peace
51. Global Dignity
52. Global Feast for Peace
53. Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation
54. Global Network of Women Peacebuilders
55. Global Peace Without Borders
57. Green Africa Youth Organisation (GAYO)
58. H4bf Cooperative
59. Hand in Hand: Center for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel
60. Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART)
61. International Cities of Peace
62. International Peace Bureau
63. Interpeace
64. IQ Peace
65. JCI
66. JCI India
67. Karuna Centre
68. Kids For Peace
69. Kites for Peace Zimbabwe
70. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
71. Let's Do It
72. Listen First Uganda
73. Little Big Peace Event
74. London Mozart Players
75. Louis D Brown Peace Institute
76. Love for Life Project
77. Master Peace
78. Mediators and Advocates for Peace (LAMPAIX)
79. Mediators Beyond Boarders
80. Messengers of Peace - Association of Scouts of Burkina Faso
81. Middle East Sustainable Peace Organisation - MESPO
82. Mil Milenios de la Paz
83. Moments of Mass Mindfulness
84. Musicians for Peace and Disarmament
85. Nepal Friendship Society
86. Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD)
87. Network for Building Peace
88. NHG Canda Water RTA
89. Nonviolent Peaceforce
90. Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
91. One Voice
92. On Earth Peace
93. One Day One Choir
94. One Young World
95. Oxford Human Rights Hub
96. Pace e Bene - Campaign Nonviolence
97. Pakistan Centre of Peace
98. Parents for Peace
99. Pax Christi International
100. Peace Accelerators
101. Peace Alliance
102. Peace and Sport
103. Peace Boat
104. Peace Day Philly
105. Peace Dayton
106. Peace Direct
107. Peace Education Cornwall
108. Peace Helmet Project
109. Peace Highway
110. Peace One Day
111. Peace Week
112. Peace Window Weekly
113. Peace Partners
114. PeaceBeam
115. PeaceNow
116. Peace Partners
117. PeaceStart Up Foundation
118. PeaceTech Lab
119. Pinwheels for Peace
120. Postcards for Peace
Peace One Day Limited, St. Georges House,
15 St. Georges Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 2LE
Tel: +44 (0) 208 334 9900 Fax: +44 (0) 208 948 0545
121. Prem Rawatt Foundation
122. Puntland Women Writers Association
123. Reboot the Future
124. Rotary International
125. Safer Globe
126. Search for Common Ground
127. Service Civil International
128. Service in Satchidananda - SIS Project
129. Ship of Tolerance
130. SOS Children's Villages Philippines
131. Soul Love
132. Southwark Peace Garden
134. Street Soccer Foundation
135. Tanzania Active Youth Actions Organisation
136. The British Academy of Sound Therapy
137. The Democratic Progress Institute
138. The Good News Email
139. The Parents Circle-Families Forum
140. The Peace Crane Project
141. Think Peace Workshop
142. Time 4 World Peace
143. UNA UK
144. United People's Organisation for Peace
145. Uniting for Peace
146. University for Peace
147. URI-Africa
148. Values Based Education
149. Waging Peace
150. Warwick UN
151. WasteAidUK
152. Wedowe
153. Women Peace Network - Arakan
154. Women's Action for New Directions
155. Work Collaboratively
156. World Assembly of Youth
157. World Beyond War
158. World Merit
159. World Peace Berlin
160. World Peace Mural Tour
161. World Peace Now
162. YELI Burundi
163. YMCA d'Haiti
164. You Can Free Us
165. Young Peacebuilders
166. Youth Initiative Against Violence & Human Rights Abuse (YIAVHA)
167. Youth Peace Foundation
168. Yuvsatta (Youth For Peace
Peace One Day Report
Digitalis, Signal-AI, Social360
11 October 2019
Private and Confidential
The report was compiled using data from Digitalis, Signal-AI, and Social360 and provides an overview
of the monitoring conducted for the Peace One Day online campaign.
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1. Summary .................................................. .................................................. .......................... 3
2. Volumetrics and Sentiment......................................... .................................................. .......... 4
2.1. Sentiment......................................... .................................................. ....................................4
2.2. Reach............................................. .................................................. .......................................5
2.3. Heatmap........................................... .................................................. ....................................6
3. Social Media Coverage .................................................. .................................................. ....... 7
3.1. Influential Coverage by Individuals .................................................. .................................7
3.2. Influential Coverage by Organisations .................................................. ............................8
3.3. Influential Mentions for #cybernonviolence .................................................. .................11
4. Climate Action Engagement........................................ .................................................. ........ 12
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1. Summary
This report contains key metrics from the monitoring of the Peace One Day (POD) campaign. It is split
into two sections: Volumetrics and Sentiment which is concerned primarily with traditional news media
and the statistics around the global reach; and Social Media Coverage which is concerned with social
media activity primarily focused on Twitter and the prominent examples of individuals / organisations
reached by the campaign.
The key findings are:
- POD this year occurred one day after the Global Climate Strike. The UN adopted the theme for
this years’ Peace Day as climate action, was appeared to have been broadly accepted as the
main theme for the day. This resulted in a large amount of peace related social media posts
focusing in on climate change issues.
- As previously mentioned, the potential audience of those exposed to the POD campaign was
over 2 billion individuals (full details below in Section 2), according to Signal-AI data.
- Coverage of “Peace Day” itself is high, with global social media reusing the hashtag #peaceday.
Among notable online commentators were the US comedian Ellen DeGeneres (78.6m+
followers, 2.1k+ retweets/likes) and UNESCO (3m+ followers).
- On 21 Sep 19, the hashtag #Peaceday was circulated between 18-19 million users at midday,
representing 13 per cent of the 139 million active users on Twitter a day. At its height, the
hashtag #Peaceday was tweeted 20 times per minute, according to Social360 data.
- Peace One Day itself gained overwhelmingly positive global coverage. Sources commenting on
the event range from Members of Parliament, prominent actors and musicians, governmental
and non-governmental organisations, and national news agencies. All findings detailed below
in Section 3.
- The hashtag #cybernonviolence saw a good amount of engagement too, with key promoters
including: the Australian e-Safety Office (14.5k+ followers), the charity Childnet (56.8k+
followers), Liberal Democrat MP Normal Lamb (47.7k+ followers, 20+ retweets/likes) and
others (see Section 3 for further details).
- On 21 Sep 19, the POD website was visited by 1,300 unique users from 116 countries across
the globe, representing 60.1% of UN-recognised countries in the world.
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2. Volumetrics and Sentiment
2.1. Sentiment
The following sentiment analysis provides metrics regarding the tone of the articles published for POD;
these are based on Signal-AIs software are provide an indication of tone only. More than 72% of the
articles mentioning Peace One Day from September 1st to September 26th are positive. Out of the
3865 articles published during September 2796 were carrying positive sentiment (see Fig.1).
There were 32 negative mentions, however, these are due to misinterpretations of the sentiment
analysis software and thus should not be considered (see Fig.2). 26.8% of the articles were neutral.
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2.2. Reach
The biggest spike of coverage was during the day of the event, with 878 articles worldwide. During
that day the articles published potentially reached over 2 billion people around the globe (see Fig.3).
This means that potentially the news about Peace One Day and the International Day of Peace reached
around Ľ of the global population. If we compare this number (2 billion potential readers) with the
global population that has access to the internet (3.2 billion according to an estimation of International
Telecommunication Union from 2015), it becomes obvious that 2 out of 3 humans with access to
internet potentially read something on Peace One Day and International Day of Peace. Below a list with
the countries with the most coverage during the POD event on 21 Sep 19 (see Fig.4).
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2.3. Heatmap
The vast majority of the mentions originate from the U.S (see Fig.5). More specifically, 1,370 articles
were published by U.S. sources, followed by the U.K. sources with 380 articles. Although most of the
articles originated from the U.S. there are mentions of Peace One Day from almost every part of the
Peace One Day Website
On the 21 Sep 19, the Peace One Day website was visited by 1,300 unique users from 116 countries
across the globe, representing 60.1% of UN-recognised countries in the world.
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3. Social Media Coverage
This section of the report presents an overview of the key social media coverage of the Peace One Day
campaign, focusing on activity during the period 13-26 Sep 19. We have provided examples of
influential mentions by individuals, organisations, as well as influential mentions of the hashtag
The hashtag #Peaceday was circulated between 18-19 million users at midday today, representing 13
per cent of the 139 million active users on Twitter a day (see Fig.6). At its height, the hashtag
#Peaceday was tweeted 20 times per minute.
3.1. Influential Coverage by Individuals
- Global personality Ellen DeGeneres (78.6m+ followers, 210+ retweets, 1.8k+ likes) lends her
support to Peace Day, tweeting "It’s #PeaceDay. You can participate by making a #peacecrane
and sending it to someone. Here’s how. I love this. @PeaceCraneProj" sharing project's
- Green MEP Gina Dowding (5k+ followers, 1+ retweets, 7+ likes) "insists on action", referencing
the Climate Strike action on 20 September and "today's resounding engagement with
@JeremyGilley's call for peace #PeaceDay." (see Fig.7)
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- Singer Jahmene (521k+ followers, 3+ retweets, 15+ likes) shares his official song for Peace
One Day 2106 adding "Happy #PeaceDay Every One! "Peace can not be kept by force; it can
only be achieved by understanding."
- Singer Emeli Sande (1.1m+ followers) shares her experiences at the event, describing the
celebrations as "an important, beautiful day".
- Singer Jack Savoretti (41.6k+ followers) points to video clip of his BBC interview promoting
Peace One Day, tweeting "Looking forward to celebrating tomorrow at @PeaceOneDay's 20th
Anniversary of the Official Day of Peace. Check out this brilliant initiative & get one of the last
few tickets for tomorrow's show." The post sees significant pickup, generating 31+ retweets
and 161+ likes.
- Other notable personalities and entities referencing the event include TV personality Eden
Blackman (45.7k+ followers), marketing business leader Marc Mathieu (34.1k+ followers) and
Avon Worldwide (25.1k+ followers).
- Campaigner Baroness Floella Benjamin (24.4k+ followers) adds her support remarking "Please
let’s try and keep all children safe, innocent and happy and give them unconditional loving
childhood memories because #childhoodlastsalifetime @IWFhotline #PeaceDay."
- Poet and artist Renda Writer (23.1k+ Instagram followers, 65+ followers) posts images of
murals he is painting in Miami, Florida to mark World Peace Day. Events in Halifax, Nova Scotia
also feature, as the City of Denver also pledges its support for the movement.
3.2. Influential Coverage by Organisations
- Reaction to the Peace One Day event is overwhelmingly positive, and the Globe Theatre (215k+
followers) is among multiple sources to share various posts from the Peace One Day event,
generating good levels of online interest.
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- UNESCO (3m+ followers) shares several posts promoting Peace Day, campaigning for peace
alongside climate change and asking "What are you going to do today that can contribute to a
more peaceful, kinder and empathetic society?" (138+ retweets, 230+ likes)
- The UK Embassy in Afghanistan (61.8k+ followers, 11+ retweets, 50+ likes) shares content of
its Chargé d'affaires Giles Lever talking "about the importance of #Peace in #Afghanistan",
- Interbrand (58.1k+ followers, 1+ retweets, 6+ likes) shares the work it has completed
rebranding the Peace One Day logo, tweeting "The reimagination of a universal symbol matches
@PeaceOneDay’s aspirations, showing that change can start small, with us as individuals, one
piece at a time." The company's chief learning and culture officer Rebecca Robins (2.8k+
followers, 5+ retweets, 6+ likes) tweets "We are excited to announce the official #mascot for
#CyberPeaceCorps on International #PeaceDay."
- The organisation Peace Boat (4.5k+ followers) shared Peace One Day’s message tweeting “As
a partner of Peace One Day, Peace Boat celebrates the International Day of Peace” (see Fig.8)
- Sky News (5.1m+ followers, 12+ retweets, 33+ likes) is among mainstream news outlets to
report the peace day event at the Globe, featuring an interview with Sir Mark Rylance and
- Official account of the Commonwealth (76.4k+ followers, 11+ retweets, 19+ likes) shares
photographs from event, posting "21 September is International #Peaceday! @PScotlandCSG
joins panelists at the #PeaceOneDay 20th anniversary celebration at Shakespeare’s Globe
theatre, London to say no to sexism and harassment. #internationaldayofpeace2019."
- Dominican Republic news source (208k+ Instagram followers) posts several messages
promoting International Peace Day and using the hashtag #peaceoneday.
- The Japan-based Peace Boat (22.6k+ Facebook followers, 478+ views, 39+ reactions) posts
"As a partner of Peace One Day, Peace Boat celebrates the International Day of Peace every
year onboard. Here is our message on the International Day of Peace from the Pacific Ocean
on the way to Manzanillo, Mexico!"
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- The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (21.7k+ Facebook followers, 8+
reactions) also shows its support for Peace One Day,
- Qatar News (1.3m+ followers) reports a Qatar Academy's celebration of Peace One Day, while
the BBC's Persian reporter Negin Shiraghaei (94k+ followers) shares background to the
movement (see Fig.9).
- Gordonstoun School (3.5k+ followers, 8+ retweets, 31+ likes) shares video of pupils
celebrating Peace Day, tweeting "#peaceoneday from the roof of G House - supported by all
staff and students from both the senior and @gstounjunior @peaceoneday_official."
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3.3. Influential Mentions for #cybernonviolence
- Peace One Day's #cybernonviolence campaign sees pickup from lobbyists in the field, with
Charity Childnet (56.8k+ followers) tweeting "Today is #peaceday. Afua talking about
#Cybernonviolence - ''online sexual harassment is not acceptable. If we would not accept it
offline we should not accept it online'' #doyourpeace."
- In the UK Liberal Democrat MP Normal Lamb (47.7k+ followers, 2+ retweets, 18+ likes)
pledges to make #DigitalPeace and join the #CyberNonViolence campaign.
- Australia-based cyber expert Bradley Deacon (33.4k+ followers, 1+ retweets, 1+ likes) tweets
"Looking forward to playing my part on #PeaceDay #CyberNonViolence where we all have a
role to play to ensure we have #PeaceOneDay online. I pledge to deliver an informative online
safety webinar to 50 international teachers."
- Australia's e-Safety commissioner Julie Inman Grant (7.3k+ followers, 4+ retweets, 17+ likes)
adds her support to the campaign, commenting "We all have a role to play in ensuring that we
realise the achievable goal of #PeaceOneDay online!" The Australian e-Safety Office (14.5k+
followers) also references the campaign (see Fig.10).
- The Cyber Peace Corps (15.7k+ followers, 28+ retweets, 257+ likes) gains a significant amount
of online pickup from its tweet "We are excited to announce the official #mascot for
#CyberPeaceCorps on International #PeaceDay. Help us name our mascot and win a $50 gift
voucher. #CyberNonViolence #doyourpeace #CyberPeace #CyberPeaceFoundation
- Partnership between the Montessori teaching group and the UN (7.4k+ Instagram followers,
32+ likes) shares principles to prevent cyberbullying, referencing the #CyberNonviolence
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3.4. Hashtag Languages
The following chart shows the language breakdown across all hashtags monitored for the POD
campaign on social media. English language registered for 91.7 per cent of the post made (see Fig.11).
4. Climate Action Engagement
This year, Peace One Day occurred one day after the start of the Global Climate Strike, consisting of
major climate demonstrations and protests held worldwide over the course of one week, led by Greta
Thunberg and school students.
According to the event’s website, 7.6 million people took part in the protests across 185 countries.1
The UN backed the event, reporting that this year’s theme for Peace Day was climate action.2 The UN
Secretary General, António Guterres, made a speech to 700 school students, emphasising climate
change as a threat to peace, on 20 September in New York.3
As a likely result of the timing of the Global Climate Strike and the UN’s affirmation that the theme for
their Peace Day was climate action, this appears to have broadly been interpreted as the clearest
theme for Peace Day, and the majority of social media posts we saw by groups and individuals alluding
to a peace day theme mentioned tended to reference climate change, rather than cyber non-violence.