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Subiect: Mesaj in engleza - 01

  1. #1
    Data înscrierii

    Mesaj in engleza - 01

    Voluntarii ROMANI au inceput lucrul efectiv in zona - Pestera Topolnita, Izverna, Baia de Arama, Herculane, Mehadia - la infiintarea " Orașul sănătății ZALMOXA - ARSENIE BOCA " , cu o suprafata de cca 500 Kmp, unde semenii nostri cu probleme de sanatate vor fi tratati gratuit.

    Al doilea proiect pe care acestia il au in vedere, este cel legat de
    Capitala Spirituala a Romanilor, Sarmizegetusa Regia, sa devina Capitala Pacii Mondiale. Se doreste ca toate popoarele Lumii sa semneze tratatul de PACE MONDIALA.

    Al treilea proiect la care lucram cu totii este destinat construirii Catedralei de la Manastirea " Pacea Lumii " de la Bucium, Fagaras, conform viziunii lui Mos Ilie de la Hurezi.

    Aceste trei proiecte majore sunt biunivoc legate unul pe altul, pentru ca sanatatea este deteriorata complet de emotiile datorate fricii, nesigurantei, secretomaniei si saraciei.

    Stiinta Plasmatica dezvoltata de savantul iranian Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, ajutat de cca 7 milioane de oameni de pe Terra, inclusiv de catre " Pionierii Romani ", va avea un rol extrem de important in dezvoltarea si finalizarea acestor trei proiecte atat de necesare tuturor popoarelor, proiecte care in Timp vor deveni modele de lucru pentru toti semenii pentru ca se bazeaza pe Omenie si pe Bun Simt.

    Cheia succesului este data de capabilitatea de a ne tine de cuvant. Doar atat, pentru ca de la incalcarea propriilor noastre afirmatii, totul degenereaza...

    " La inceput era Cuvantul si Cuvantul era la DUMNEZEU si DUMNEZEU era Cuvantul. "

    Cheia CAII UNICE

    1. - comunicare eficienta, public facuta.
    2. - deschidere totala.
    3. - Arta facuta in altruism.

    Aceasta este sansa pe care ti-o dai in cunostinta de cauza pentru a merge pe " Cale ".... si-n cateva cuvinte spui TOT, astfel incat arati semenilor care este Cheia Succesului individual.

    1. - comunicare eficienta, public facuta .....Facand astfel, iti dai sansa sa folosesti retelele neuronale secundare ale mai multor semeni, adaugand un plus enorm gandirii proprii.
    2. deschidere totala....Comportandu-te astfel, iti dai sansa de-a cumula continuu enorm de multe informatii complexe, pentru ca daca porti o discutie cu un iterlocutor cu o pregatire aparent superioara, dar care este inchis, secretos, rautacios, negativist, capacitatile eficiente ale acestuia i se vor lua si ti se vor transfera.

    3.- Arta facuta in altruism....Acest concept inseamna atat de mult, pentru ca-ti completeaza total calitati certe de OM, dand forma finita Cheii Unice care ajuta in mersul cu certitudine pe Calea Unica a fiecaruia, aceea promisa lui DUMNEZEU la venirea pe pamant in aceasta Viata.

    Mecanismele gandirii umane:


    The Romanian Volunteers have started the actual work in the area - Cave Topolnita, Izverna, Baia de Arama, Herculane, Mehadia – to the establishment of the "Health City ZALMOXA - ARSENIE BOCA", with an area of about 500 sq km, where people with health problems will be treated for free.

    Another project which they have in mind, is the one concerning The Romanian’s Spiritual Capital, Sarmizegetusa Regia. It is wished that all World nations to sign the WORLD PEACE Treaty.

    The third project that we are working on, aims the construction of the "World Peace" Monastery at Bucium, Fagaras.

    Those three major projects are one-to-one connected to each other, because health is completely damaged by the emotions caused by fear, insecurity, secrecy and poverty.

    The Plasmatic Science developed by iranian scientist Mehran Tavakoli Keshi, helped by approx. 7 million people on Earth, including the "Romanian Pioneers ", will have an extremely important role in the development of this major project so necessary to all nations, which will become in Time a working model for all people, as it is based on Humanity and Common Sense.

    The key of success is given by the ability to keep our own word. That’s all, as by breaching our own statements, everything degenerates.

    „In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD.”

    The key of the UNIQUE PATH
    1. Efficient and in public communication
    2. Total opening
    3. Mastery made with altruism

    This is the chance that you give knowingly to yourself for going on the „Path”... and in a few words, you say EVERYTHING, and in this way you show to the others what’s the Key of the individual Succes.

    1. Efficient and in public communication... By doing this, you offer yourself the chance to use the secondary neural networks of the others, adding a huge plus to your own thinking.
    2. Total opening... By behaving in this way, you offer yourself the chance to continuously accumulate huge amount of complex information, because, if you have a discussion with someone which apparently has a superior degree, but he is closed, secretive, mischievous, not positive, than his efficient abilities are taken and transferred to you.
    3. Altruism offered with Mastery... This concept means a lot, due to the fact that it completes in totality certain qualities of OM. It gives complete shape to the Unique Key, which will help you in going with certainty on your own Unique Path, promised to God at arrival on Earth in this Life.

    The mechanisms of human thinking:

    Ultima modificare făcută de Adrian Pop; 27.03.2017 la 15:02.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  2. #2
    Administrator Avatarul lui admin
    Data înscrierii
    The Romanian Volunteers have started the actual work in the area - Cave Topolnita, Izverna, Baia de Arama, Herculane, Mehadia – to the establishment of the "Health City ZALMOXA - ARSENIE BOCA", with an area of about 500 sq km, where people with health problems will be treated for free.

    Another project which they have in mind, is the one concerning The Romanian’s Spiritual Capital, Sarmizegetusa Regia. It is wished that all World nations to sign the WORLD PEACE Treaty.

    The third project that we are working on, aims the construction of the "World Peace" Monastery at Bucium, Fagaras.

    Those three major projects are one-to-one connected to each other, because health is completely damaged by the emotions caused by fear, insecurity, secrecy and poverty.

    The Plasmatic Science developed by iranian scientist Mehran Tavakoli Keshi, helped by approx. 7 million people on Earth, including the "Romanian Pioneers ", will have an extremely important role in the development of this major project so necessary to all nations, which will become in Time a working model for all people, as it is based on Humanity and Common Sense.

    The key of success is given by the ability to keep our own word. That’s all, as by breaching our own statements, everything degenerates.

    „In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD.”

    The key of the UNIQUE PATH
    1. Efficient and in public communication
    2. Total opening
    3. Mastery made with altruism

    This is the chance that you give knowingly to yourself for going on the „Path”... and in a few words, you say EVERYTHING, and in this way you show to the others what’s the Key of the individual Succes.

    1. Efficient and in public communication... By doing this, you offer yourself the chance to use the secondary neural networks of the others, adding a huge plus to your own thinking.
    2. Total opening... By behaving in this way, you offer yourself the chance to continuously accumulate huge amount of complex information, because, if you have a discussion with someone which apparently has a superior degree, but he is closed, secretive, mischievous, not positive, than his efficient abilities are taken and transferred to you.
    3. Altruism offered with Mastery... This concept means a lot, due to the fact that it completes in totality certain qualities of OM. It gives complete shape to the Unique Key, which will help you in going with certainty on your own Unique Path, promised to God at arrival on Earth in this Life.

    The mechanisms of human thinking:

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