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Subiect: Discutii dintre Doamna Carolina De Roose si Adrian Pop

  1. #91
    Data înscrierii
    23:1619. Viaţa în sine este simplă, dar noi insistăm să o complicăm. 19. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

    Discutii dintre Doamna Carolina De Roose si Adrian Pop - Pagina 9
    Carolina De Roose - Doamna Keshe
    https://scontent.ftsr1-1.fna.fbcdn.n...07&oe=588CDEF3 Dum 23:10Proposal - Attention Caroline De Roose and Mr Mehran Tavakoli Keshi Hello,

    This is the key of the Plasma able to do a planetary change, where the Humanity and Common Sense are LAWS!The innovative ideas and actual achievements in WHOLESOME Plasma Science are directly proportional with an efficient, open and altruistic communication!

    Asta-i cheia Plasmei capabile de schimbare planetara, unde Omenia si Bunul Simt sunt LEGI !

    Ideile inovatoare precum si realizarile concrete in Stiinta Plasmatica BENEFICA sunt direct proportionale cu o comunicare eficienta, deschisa si altruista !!!

    Sfârşitul conversaţiei

    Scrie un mesaj...

    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  2. #92
    Data înscrierii
    19. Viaţa în sine este simplă, dar noi insistăm să o complicăm. 19. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

    Discutii dintre Doamna Carolina De Roose si Adrian Pop - Pagina 9

    Carolina De Roose - Doamna Keshe 7b458bf30ce07aca421aa907&oe=588CDEF3 Dum 23:10Proposal - Attention Caroline De Roose and Mr Mehran Tavakoli Keshi Hello,

    [COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)]


    This is the key of the Plasma able to do a planetary change, where the Humanity and Common Sense are LAWS!The innovative ideas and actual achievements in WHOLESOME Plasma Science are directly proportional with an efficient, open and altruistic communication!

    Asta-i cheia Plasmei capabile de schimbare planetara, unde Omenia si Bunul Simt sunt LEGI !

    Ideile inovatoare precum si realizarile concrete in Stiinta Plasmatica BENEFICA sunt direct proportionale cu o comunicare eficienta, deschisa si altruista !!!

    29 IANUARIE 20:06


    20. Uită nedreptăţile, nu uita niciodată bunătatea. 20. Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.

    31 IANUARIE 22:39


    21. Nu-i fa altuia aceea ce nu-ti doresti tie. 21. What you don't want done to yourself, don't do to others.

    3 FEBRUARIE 21:41


    22. Un om mare va face ce ştie că este dificil. 22. A great man does what he knows it's difficult.

    SÂM 15:00


    23. Cel care este stăpânul minţii sale este stăpânul Universului. 23. The one who is the master of his mind, is the master of the Universe.

    VI 22:35


    24. Conştiinţa - lumina inteligenţei pentru a distinge binele de rău. 24. Consciousness - light of intelligence to distinguish right from wrong.



    25. Spune-mi şi voi uita, arată-mi şi poate îmi voi aduce aminte, implică-mă şi voi înţelege! 25. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

    Scrie un mesaj...

    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  3. #93
    Data înscrierii
    23 IANUARIE 23:3617. Nu te ruşina de greşelile tale, transformându-le în crime. 17. Don't be ashamed of your mistakes and thus make them crimes.

    18. Numai cei foarte înţelepţi şi cei foarte ignoranţi nu se schimbă. 18. Only the wisest and the most ignorant don't change.

    24 IANUARIE 23:1619. Viaţa în sine este simplă, dar noi insistăm să o complicăm. 19. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

    Discutii dintre Doamna Carolina De Roose si Adrian Pop - Pagina 9
    Carolina De Roose - Doamna Keshe
    https://scontent.ftsr1-1.fna.fbcdn.n...07&oe=588CDEF3 Dum 23:10Proposal - Attention Caroline De Roose and Mr Mehran Tavakoli Keshi Hello,

    This is the key of the Plasma able to do a planetary change, where the Humanity and Common Sense are LAWS!The innovative ideas and actual achievements in WHOLESOME Plasma Science are directly proportional with an efficient, open and altruistic communication!

    Asta-i cheia Plasmei capabile de schimbare planetara, unde Omenia si Bunul Simt sunt LEGI !

    Ideile inovatoare precum si realizarile concrete in Stiinta Plasmatica BENEFICA sunt direct proportionale cu o comunicare eficienta, deschisa si altruista !!!

    29 IANUARIE 20:0620. Uită nedreptăţile, nu uita niciodată bunătatea. 20. Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.

    31 IANUARIE 22:3921. Nu-i fa altuia aceea ce nu-ti doresti tie. 21. What you don't want done to yourself, don't do to others.

    3 FEBRUARIE 21:4122. Un om mare va face ce ştie că este dificil. 22. A great man does what he knows it's difficult.

    4 FEBRUARIE 15:0023. Cel care este stăpânul minţii sale este stăpânul Universului. 23. The one who is the master of his mind, is the master of the Universe.

    VI 22:3524. Conştiinţa - lumina inteligenţei pentru a distinge binele de rău. 24. Consciousness - light of intelligence to distinguish right from wrong.

    SÂM 09:2325. Spune-mi şi voi uita, arată-mi şi poate îmi voi aduce aminte, implică-mă şi voi înţelege! 25. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

    SÂM 23:52The entire Society needs NOW an intelligent management of Earth's resources.

    DUM 22:1726. Când stingem focul, unde se duce lumina? 26. When we extinguish the fire, where does the light go?

    Sigla Zalmoxa

    MI 22:5527. Când vezi un om bun, gândeşte-te să-l întreci: când vezi un om rău, cercetează-ţi inima. 27. When you see a good man, try to emulate his example, and when you see a bad man, search yourself for his faults.

    23:2828. Când vezi un om bun, încearcă să-l imiţi; când vezi un om rău, analizează-te.28. When you see a good man, try to imitate him; when you see a bad man, examine yourself.

    Sfârşitul conversaţiei

    Scrie un mesaj...

    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  4. #94
    Administrator Avatarul lui admin
    Data înscrierii
    Ca sprijin al Proiectului Orasul Sanatatii ZALMOXA - ARSENIE BOCA, Tinerii Asociatiei Arta Zalmoxa intreprind urmatorii pasi :

    - pe parte Spirituala, lucram zilnic la Proiectul CATEDRALA PACEA LUMII de la Manastirea de la Bucium, Fagaras.
    - Proiectul Gradinita si Minisera, ajuta acest sector.

    - pe parte Materiala, lucram constant la Proiectul " SARMIZEGETUSA - CAPITALA PACII MONDIALE ".
    - Urmeaza ca in scurt Timp sa infiintam Agentia de Turism de Explorari " Piciumanii - Sarmizegetusei ", Proiect care va deveni " motorul " tuturor celorlate Proiecte dezvoltate de Asociatiea noastra.

    As support to the Project Health City ZALMOXA-ARSENIE BOCA, the young people from Zalmoxa Art Association are doing the following steps:

    1. On Spiritual side, we work daily at the Project “WORLD PEACE CATHEDRAL” from Bucium, Fagaras.
      1. The Project "Kindergarten and Mini Greenhouse" helps this field.

    1. On Matter side, we work constantly at the Project “SARMIZEGETUSA – THE WORLD PEACE CAPITAL”
      1. We will set up in a very short Time, The Exploration Travel Agency “Zalmoxian Youngsters”, which will become “the engine” of all the other Projects developed by our Association.

  5. #95
    Data înscrierii
    [9:26:29 PM] Pop Adrian : "Blueprint for Peace in the Islamic World"

    The 176th Knowledge Seekers Workshop is Thursday June 15th, 2017 at 9 am CEST (12 am Pacific time).

    The title and theme of this KS Workshop is "Blueprint for Peace in the Islamic World".

    With Mr Keshe of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute, and other knowledge seekers of the world.

    Livestream streaming at:

    Knowledge Seekers Workshops Zoom room at:

    Youtube Streaming channel:
    [9:26:40 PM] Pop Adrian : doamna Carolina de Rosse mi-a scris astea....
    [9:27:36 PM] Pop Adrian : Knowledge Seekers Workshops Zoom room at:

    Youtube Streaming channel:

    Knowledge Seekers Workshops playlist:

    Please send your personal testimonials of using Keshe technology to:

    Keshe Foundation website:

    KFSSI Cancer Processing website:
    [9:27:56 PM] Pop Adrian : Disclaimer: We are sharing knowledge, and it is upon every individual and company to take full responsibility for applying the new knowledge, that is shared freely from the Keshe Foundation.
    [9:28:36 PM] Pop Adrian :
    [9:28:53 PM] Pop Adrian : Maria, vreau sa-i scriu ceva Dpoamnei Carolina de Rosse
    [9:29:05 PM] Dragoi Maria Loredana: scrieti aici si traduc eu
    [9:30:16 PM] Pop Adrian : Mutumesc mult pentru mesaj. Voi analiza atent materialele trimise si o sa va raspund.
    [9:30:27 PM] Dragoi Maria Loredana: atat?
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  6. #96
    Senior Member
    Data înscrierii
    Stimata D-na Carolina de Roose,
    Mutumesc mult pentru mesaj. Voi analiza atent materialele trimise si o sa va raspund.

    Dear Mrs. Carolina de Roose,
    Thank you a lot for the message. I will carefully analyze the materials, which you have sent to me and I will answer you.
    Alina Bratu

    Skype: alina.bratu.tier1
    Messenger: alinabratu2004

  7. #97
    Data înscrierii
    [9:37:15 PM] Pop Adrian : 3 AUGUST 19:23

    My wish I call humanity to start working together the path off World Peace creating life lines for who is in need to be recognized as a human as Humanity started the PROCESS trough their wishes
    Carolina De Carolina De Roose

    This is the Post:
    [9:37:41 PM] Pop Adrian : Please can you collect all the real knowledge seekers and send all information
    That you can trust and in what they are good at

    [9:38:23 PM] Pop Adrian : carolina de rosse a scris asta
    [9:38:25 PM] Pop Adrian : ce ?
    [9:39:23 PM] Alina Bratu: cere Umanitatii sa inceapa sa lucreze impreuna pt Pace
    [9:41:57 PM] Alina Bratu: cere sa se adune toti cautatorii cunoasterii si sa le fie tirmise informatiile, toti cei in case se are incredere si care sunt buni
    Ultima modificare făcută de Adrian Pop; 29.08.2017 la 12:49.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  8. #98
    Data înscrierii
    Îmi doresc să chem omenirea să înceapă să lucreze împreună calea din Lumea Pacei creând linii de viață pentru cine trebuie să fie recunoscut ca om, pe măsură ce Umanitatea a început PROCES-ul prin dorințele lorCarolina de Carolina De RooseAcesta este mesajul: -tratat[9:37:41 PM] Pop Adrian: Vă rog să colectați toți cei care caută cunoștințe reale și să trimiteți toate informațiileCă puteți avea încredere și în ceea ce sunt

    De 25 de ani, in exclusivitate, ma ocup de " modelarea " tinerilor in domeniul afacerilor cinstite. Cei mai buni dintre ei imi sunt alaturi acum, cautand impreuna solutii de mai bine pentru Romani, pentru semeni. Studiem impreuna noua stiinta plasmatica si in acest sens am infiintat la Craiova un laborator Keshe, unde facem tot felul de experimentari in domeniile sanatatii si hranei.

    De ceva Timp am pus la punct strategia pentru cateva proiecte capabile sa realizeze marea schimbare la nivel planetar, in care tehnologia Keshe va juca rolul principal.

    Voluntarii ROMANI au inceput lucrul efectiv la trei proiecte importante Neamului nostru:

    1. - Obiectiv principal - Infiintarea Orasului Sanatatii " Zalmoxa - Arsenie Boca ", in care cei cu probleme de sanatate nu platesc absolut nimic.
    2. - Componenta Spirituala - Construirea Catedralei necesare unirii crestinilor, conceputa de Mos Ilie, de Sfantul Arsenie Boca si de Sfantul Pantelimon de la Manastirea Turnu, Prahova, in cadrul Manastirii " Pacea Lumii " de la Bucium, Fagaras.
    3. - Componenta Materiala - Sarmizegetusa Regia - o sa devina " Capitala Pacii Mondiale ", dupa ce se va semna un acord de Pace intre cele 200 de tari.

    Exista doua parghii ajutatoare, cu alte 2 proiecte, in care Tinerii Asociatiei Arta Zalmoxa intreprind urmatorii pasi :- pe parte Spirituala - Proiectul Gradinita si Minisera, Proiectul " Bradutii si Florile INGERULUI "
    - pe parte Materiala - Am infiintat Agentia de Turism de Explorari " Sarmizegetusa - Piciumanii Zalmoxieni ", Proiect care va deveni " motorul " tuturor celorlate Proiecte dezvoltate de Asociatiea noastra, cizeland astfel in Timp resurse umane pregatite, necesare proiectelor atat de necesare reconstructei din temelii a Tarii.

    Cu ani buni in urma am infiintat in Romania SFATUL BATRANILOR, alegand doar oameni intelepti, pe baza unor principii cizelate in discutii ce zeci de mii de tineri. Unul dintre membrii acestui Sfat este chiar Presedintele Asociatiei Keshe Romania, d-ul Claudiu Cretulescu.

    De ceva Timp ii caut pe cei capabili si-n celelalte Neamuri de pe Pamant.

    Important este ca va suntem alaturi in tot ceea ce faceti, asa ca o sa va rog sa considerati ca facem parte cu totii, Dumneavoastra si Domnul Keshe, din aceiasi echipa a SFATULUI BATRANILOR la nivel Planetar.

    Ultima modificare făcută de Adrian Pop; 29.08.2017 la 12:49.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  9. #99
    Senior Member
    Data înscrierii

    For 25 years I’ve been engaged solely in “shaping” youngsters in honest business field. The best of them are by my side right now, seeking together solutions for the better of Romanians, of people.
    We are studying together the new Plasma Science and, for this, we have set up a Keshe laboratory in Craiova, where we are doing all kind of experiments in health and food sector.

    For some Time, we have settled the strategy for a few projects able of make the big change at global level, where Keshe technology will play the main role.

    The ROMANIAN volunteers have started the real work on three major projects for our Nation:

    1. – Main Goal - Establishing the Health City "Zalmoxa - Arsenie Boca", where people with health problems don’t pay absolutely nothing for treatment.

    2. - The Spiritual Part – Building the Cathedral within the "World Peace" Monastery from Bucium, Fagaras, needed for the unification of Christians and which has been thought by Old Man Ilie, St. Arsenie Boca and St. Pantelimon from Turnu Monastery, Prahova.

    3.- The Matter Part - Sarmizegetusa Regia - will become the "World Peace Capital" after a Peace Treaty will be signed between the 200 countries.

    4. There are two helpful levers, two other projects where the Youngsters from Association Arta Zalmoxa do the following steps:
    - on the Spiritual side – “The Kindergarten and Mini Greenhouse Project”, the "ANGEL’s Baby Fir Trees and Flowers"
    - on the Matter side - We have established the Exploration Travel Agency “Sarmizegetusa– The Zalmoxian Kids”, that will become the "engine" of all the other Projects developed by our Association, in this way shaping in Time well prepared human resources, which are necessary to the projects so needed to the reconstruction of the Country from the ground.

    I have established in Romania The ELDERS COUNCIL years ago, choosing only wise people, based on principals shaped in discussions with tens of thousands of young people. One of the members of the Council is even the President of Keshe Foundation Romania, Mr. Claudiu Cretulescu.

    I’ve been seeking for some time for the other capable people from the other Nations from the Earth.

    The important thing is that we are by your side in everything you do, and therefore I kindly ask you to consider that all of us, You and Mr. Keshe, are members of the same ELDERS COUNCIL team at Global level.

    Alina Bratu

    Skype: alina.bratu.tier1
    Messenger: alinabratu2004

  10. #100
    Data înscrierii
    -------- Mesajul original --------
    Subiect: Copy carolina Re: ELDER COUNCIL team at Global level
    Dată: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 11:13:56 +0800
    de la: Carolina De Roose <>
    Către: Adi Pop <>, Carolina De Roose <>

    Staff form:


    Please do not pass this information in public only for knowledge seekers that want to become part on volunteer basis to start
    Please Bring your work and beauty
    Thanks Carolina Keshe

    Sent from my iPhone

    On 25 Aug 2017, at 15:49, Adi Pop <> wrote:

    For 25 years I’ve been engaged solely in “shaping” youngsters in honest business field. The best of them are by my side right now, seeking together solutions for the better of Romanians, of people.
    We are studying together the new Plasma Science and, for this, we have set up a Keshe laboratory in Craiova, where we are doing all kind of experiments in health and food sector.

    For some Time, we have settled the strategy for a few projects able of make the big change at global level, where Keshe technology will play the main role.

    The ROMANIAN volunteers have started the real work on three major projects for our Nation:

    1. – Main Goal - Establishing the Health City "Zalmoxa - Arsenie Boca", where people with health problems don’t pay absolutely nothing for treatment.

    2. - The Spiritual Part – Building the Cathedral within the "World Peace" Monastery from Bucium, Fagaras, needed for the unification of Christians and which has been thought by Old Man Ilie, St. Arsenie Boca and St. Pantelimon from Turnu Monastery, Prahova.

    3.- The Matter Part - Sarmizegetusa Regia - will become the "World Peace Capital" after a Peace Treaty will be signed between the 200 countries.

    4. There are two helpful levers, two other projects where the Youngsters from Association Arta Zalmoxa do the following steps:
    - on the Spiritual side – “The Kindergarten and Mini Greenhouse Project”, the "ANGEL’s Baby Fir Trees and Flowers"
    - on the Matter side - We have established the Exploration Travel Agency “Sarmizegetusa– The Zalmoxian Kids”, that will become the "engine" of all the other Projects developed by our Association, in this way shaping in Time well prepared human resources, which are necessary to the projects so needed to the reconstruction of the Country from the ground.

    I have established in Romania The ELDER COUNCIL years ago, choosing only wise people, based on principals shaped in discussions with tens of thousands of young people. One of the members of the Council is even the President of Keshe Foundation Romania, Mr. Claudiu Cretulescu.

    I’ve been seeking for some time for the other capable people from the other Nations from the Earth.

    The important thing is that we are by your side in everything you do, and therefore I kindly ask you to consider that all of us, You and Mr. Keshe, are members of the same ELDER COUNCIL team at Global level.

    Kind regards,

    Adrian Pop
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

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