Kakasi Sándor a distribuit fotografia postată de Belinda Dawson.

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Belinda Dawson
November 20, 2015

We tested our first health pens last night. Wow! This Plasma field is so elegant and powerful. We could both feel the field after about 30 seconds, it then amplified and ran through the body.... beautiful sensation. It gave a calming sensation as well, almost blissful. Neither of us suffer from constant pain, although Wayne's toe that he recently injured felt much much better this morning. We made one with a single set of coils with top ends b...
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Belinda DawsonînThe Golden Age of GANS20 Noiembrie 2015 ·

ified and ran through the body.... beautiful sensation. It gave a calming sensation as well, almost blissful. Neither of us suffer from constant pain, although Wayne's toe that he recently injured felt much much better this morning. We made one with a single set of coils with top ends bent over and another with 2 sets of coils with top ends open. All per Mr Keshe's instructions. They are powerful, even more so the double set of coils. We are JAZZED!
We used them for about 5 minutes on the body then stopped, then again. It felt that the second or third time we used them, the field was more amplified, as if the memory remained in the cells.
The 46th Health Teaching, Mr Keshe teaches on the pens. A heartfelt Thank You Mr Keshe!!!

Am testat prima noastră sănătate pixurile aseară. Wow! Acest câmp de plasmă este atât de elegant şi puternic. Am putea să ne simţim amândoi pe teren după aproximativ 30 secunde, apoi a amplificat şi am fugit prin corp.... frumoasa senzatie. I-a dat o senzaţie de calmare, aproape la fel de bine meritată. Niciunul dintre noi nu suferă de durere constantă, deşi degetul lui wayne rănit că recent a simtit mult mai bine in dimineata asta. Am făcut una cu un singur set de rulouri cu vârf se termină aplecat şi alta cu 2 seturi de rulouri cu vârf se termină deschisă. Toate pe Domnul keshe e instrucţiuni. Sunt puternic, cu atât mai mult cu setul dublu de rulouri. Suntem încântat!
Le-am folosit pentru aproximativ 5 de minute pe corp, apoi s-a oprit, apoi din nou. M-am simţit că a doua sau a treia oară când le-am folosit, terenul era mai mult amplificat, ca în cazul în care memoria a rămas în celule.
Al 46-lea de predare de sănătate, d-le keshe predă pe stilouri. Vă mulţumesc din suflet Domnului Keshe!!!

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9Adrian Folteanu, Codarcea Vasile şi alţi 7


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Kakasi Sándor Mr. Keshe speaks about how to make the coils of the pain pens in the 46th Health Teaching Workshop November 17th, 2015

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46th Health Teaching Workshop Nov 17 2015 - YouTube

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