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Subiect: Iesim in lume cu al doilea mesaj - Engleza

  1. #1
    Data înscrierii

    Iesim in lume cu al doilea mesaj - Engleza

    We represent the scientific board of a inter-and multidisciplinary Romanian team, recently consisted of researchers and practitioners (doctors) in the energy-informational medicine.

    Our team has produced the first remarkable results regarding the direct action and distal action on tumor cells in a series of experiments conducted in Bucharest and Craiova, where tumor cells were destroyed in a proportion of about 77% and leukocytes infected with HIV from 7 to 8.5% respectively. The experiments were conducted from distance ( the location from where the distal action was performed in the past three months was Spain), the laboratories being located in Craiova, Romania, at an approximately distance of 3000 km).

    Also, the Abstract of the Paper of Dr. Liviu Nuteanu neurosurgeon 'Brain tumor cells affected by the emission of bio-energy "was published in the United States of America-vol1, No.2, 1998.

    We believe that the results of these experiments deserve the entire attention of the international scientific community, these signifying a big step regarding the future of medicine.

    We have a big casuistry regarding the effects of bio-energy in many difficult diseases, as well as a range of diseases with ineffective treatment (some forms of cancer, ALS, etc.)

    Regarding the conceptual framework associated with the phenomenon, our team has already developed – from the unique perspective of the Biophotonics - a comprehensive explanatory theory.

    Our main goal is to establish new collaboration connections with other similar teams in this field, in order to put in practice the research and results obtained so far, respectively with beneficiaries who might be interested in the development of the scientific research and the practical exploitation of the results.

    For those interested in the development of a science-based collaboration we can provide on request the desired materials, the results of the experiments, casuistry, and new theoretical explanatory framework. Also, we are willing to repeat the experiments performed so far in other locations worldwide. We want to publish the results of these experiments in specialized magazines and journals.

    As regards the PSI phenomenon we are interested to scientifically study these phenomena having here also the outstanding achievements recognized by Japan and U.S.A., performed by Dr Nuteanu Liviu .
    The collaboration we propose is especially oriented to organization which have similar teams in the world, to hospitals (especially sections of oncology and virology, within them), as well as laboratories of different Universities, etc.

    Hoping in a partnership based on mutual interest and benefit, on a real and legal base, do please contact us at the following addresses:

    Coordinating Team:

    Dr. Liviu Nuteanu - MD

    Traian D. Stanciulescu-PhD

    Petre Savescu - PhD

    Cornel Naidin - PhD

    Dipl. Eng.Adrian Pop

    Dipl. Eng.Sanda Romosan - Associate Collaborator

    Dipl. Ec. Oana Garceag – Associate Collaborator

    Dipl. Ec. Catalin Zamfir – Associate Collaborator

  2. #2
    Data înscrierii
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

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