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Subiect: Salutari de la domnul Presedinte Clinton - comunicam

  1. #41
    Data înscrierii
    Vezi acest e-mail ca pagină web.


    2012 a fost un an destul de, datorită sprijinului de neclintit și dedicarea de oameni ca tine.

    Am rupt teren pe o nouă facilitate de producție de soia în Rwanda. Noi am efectuat operatii de cataracta 45000 în Peru. Mai mult de 4200 de locuri de muncă noi au fost create în Columbia, ca urmare a eforturilor noastre de a ajuta micii producători conecta cu piețe mai mari. În Haiti, am adus împreună mai mult de 1.600 de investitori și donatori care rezultă în mai mult de 150 milioane dolari in investitii pentru a impulsiona redresarea și creșterea economică. Aici, în Statele Unite ale Americii, ne-am extins programul nostru sănătos școli la 15.000 de școli și vom crește noastră de aducere program pentru a ajuta companiile mai multe proprietarii de case și a economisi costurile de energie în timp ce, de asemenea, combaterea schimbărilor climatice.

    Și asta e doar începutul. Luna trecută, am anunțat un program de brand nou - Health Initiative Clinton materie - pentru a oferi oamenilor de toate vârstele în întreaga SUA de a trăi un stil de viață sănătos și să inspire persoane fizice, comunități, și corporații pentru a face sănătate și wellness o prioritate.

    Toate aceste lucruri fac lumea un loc mai bun, și toate dintre ele au fost realizate din cauza suporterilor ca tine. Vă mulțumim!

    În anul care vine, sper că veți continua să împărtășiți darurile voastre când și unde poți, pentru a da o noua speranta pentru cei care au nevoie de ea, și pentru a promova schimbarea pozitivă în curtea ta și în regiunile din întreaga lume.

    Vă doresc și familia ta un sezon de vacanță sanatos si fericit, si toate cele bune în noul an care vine.

    Cu stimă,

    Bill Clinton
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  2. #42
    Data înscrierii

    Secretarul de stat Hillary Rodham Clinton a fost internat într-un spital din New York pentru tratamentul unui cheag de sânge, purtătorul de cuvânt al ei a declarat duminică.

    Purtătorul de cuvânt al Departamentului de Stat a declarat Philippe Reines Clinton a intrat în spital în urma unui examen medical pentru o comoție ea susținut la începutul acestei luni.
    "În cursul unui examen de follow-up de astăzi, medicii Secretarul Clinton a descoperit un cheag de sânge au format, care decurge din ea contuzie suferit câteva săptămâni în urmă," a declarat Reines într-o declarație. "Ea este tratată cu anti-coagulanți și este la NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, astfel încât acestea să poată monitoriza medicament in urmatoarele 48 de ore."

    Reines a adăugat, "medicii ei vor continua să evalueze starea ei, inclusiv alte probleme asociate cu comoție cerebrală ei Ei vor stabili daca orice acțiune suplimentară este necesară.".

    Clinton a fost programată să se întoarcă la muncă în această săptămână după tratament pentru comoție. Ea este setat să demisioneze din postul său la scurt timp după inaugurarea președintelui Barack Obama pe 21 ianuarie. Săptămâna trecută, Obama a anunțat că a ales Massachusetts, senatorul John Kerry pentru a înlocui Clinton ca diplomat națiunii de top.

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has been admitted to a New York hospital for treatment of a blood clot, her spokesman said Sunday.
    State Department Spokesman Philippe Reines said Clinton had entered the hospital following a medical examination for a concussion she sustained earlier this month.
    "In the course of a follow-up exam today, Secretary Clinton's doctors discovered a blood clot had formed, stemming from the concussion she sustained several weeks ago," Reines said in a statement. "She is being treated with anti-coagulants and is at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital so that they can monitor the medication over the next 48 hours."
    Reines added, "Her doctors will continue to assess her condition, including other issues associated with her concussion. They will determine if any further action is required."
    Clinton was scheduled to return to work this week after treatment for the concussion. She is set to step down from her post shortly after President Barack Obama's inauguration on January 21. Last week, Obama announced he had chosen Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry to replace Clinton as the nation's top diplomat.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  3. #43
    Data înscrierii
    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: My dad’s offer
    Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 03:09:46 -0800
    From: Chelsea Clinton, Clinton Foundation <>
    Reply-To: Clinton Foundation <>

    My dad's offer View this email as a web page.


    Before midnight tonight, I hope you'll take advantage of my father's offer to personally match your gift twice, two dollars for every one you donate.

    $10 turns into $30, $20 turns into $60, and $30 turns into $90. Just imagine what having three times the impact will mean for millions of people worldwide.

    My dad sees every gift, no matter what size, as an important investment in programs that empower people to improve their health, their environment, their livelihoods. That's why he's willing to once again give personally in the hope that you'll support the life-changing work we're proud to do here at the Clinton Foundation.

    Please join me in supporting the remarkable work the Clinton Foundation team does around the world with my father every day to provide hope and opportunity to millions.



    P.S. - My dad's email is below

    From: President Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation []
    Subject: Here's my offer


    I started this Foundation to take on the big challenges facing our world by bringing together governments, businesses, nonprofits, and individuals to work together to implement real solutions.

    I can't stress enough just how important you are to the whole equation. I can bring attention to problems and build networks of people to develop innovative solutions that will change lives. But unless all of us step forward to take action, all the talk in the world doesn't matter.

    So here's my proposal: If you donate right now, I'm going to match it twice. From now through December 31 – up to our new goal of $300,000 – you, your friends, and your family can have your impact go three times as far. If you believe that empowering people can change lives, I'm asking you to give today.

    Join the thousands who have already given. Make your tax-deductible year-end gift now, and I will match every dollar you give with two.

    The proof that people-oriented solutions can make a meaningful and measurable difference in the lives of millions is in the remarkable accomplishments that we've seen this year:

    • In Eastern Africa, we are building sustainable agribusinesses that are improving the incomes and lives of 21,000 rural farmers.

    • We are delivering the gift of sight to 50,000 underserved Peruvians with life-altering cataract surgeries.

    • We are strengthening the Haitian economy by opening the Caracol Industrial Park in Haiti, a private-public partnership that will create up to 60,000 jobs in the region.

    • We are replacing empty calories in schools with healthy options to make sure that the one out of every three young people in America who are already overweight or obese have the ability to make healthy choices and succeed both physically and mentally.

    • Using the same model that has successfully increased access to HIV/AIDS medication for nearly 5 million people by lowering the cost of treatment, we are reducing the costs of treatments for malaria, tuberculosis, and diarrhea to save millions of lives.

    I say that 'we' are doing these things because I am certainly not doing them alone. The scale of our projects is not small – we want to reach millions of people. And I need your help to do that.

    I hope you will join me in making the world a better place, and I will match your gift, two dollars for one.

    We have big plans for our work in Haiti, Malawi, the United States, and across the globe in 2013, but that can only happen with your support.

    Thank you again for changing the world with me.

    Bill Clinton

    President Bill Clinton established the William J. Clinton Foundation with the mission to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote healthier childhoods, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.


    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  4. #44
    Data înscrierii
    One last thing before midnight View this email as a web page.

    Pop - In the final hours of 2012, I hope you consider the permanent good you can create by making a tax-deductible gift to the Clinton Foundation.

    Barbra Streisand, Chelsea, and President Clinton put it much more eloquently than I ever could, but as the Director of Development at the Clinton Foundation, I can promise that a gift to the Clinton Foundation will make a huge difference in millions of lives around the world.

    The response to this campaign so far has been truly moving, with more than 9,179 donors from all corners of the globe joining President Clinton to help build a better world.

    This is your last chance to take advantage of President Clinton's offer to personally match your gift $2-to-$1, Pop, so please make your tax-deductible gift. This matching gift offer expires at midnight tonight, so don't wait a second longer!

    Thank you and best wishes for a happy new year,

    Dennis Cheng

    Director of Development
    William J. Clinton Foundation

    From: President Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation []
    Subject: Here's my offer


    I started this Foundation to take on the big challenges facing our world by bringing together governments, businesses, nonprofits, and individuals to work together to implement real solutions.

    I can't stress enough just how important you are to the whole equation. I can bring attention to problems and build networks of people to develop innovative solutions that will change lives. But unless all of us step forward to take action, all the talk in the world doesn't matter.

    So here's my proposal: If you donate right now, I'm going to match it twice. From now through December 31 – up to our new goal of $300,000 – you, your friends, and your family can have your impact go three times as far. If you believe that empowering people can change lives, I'm asking you to give today.

    Join the thousands who have already given. Make your tax-deductible year-end gift now, and I will match every dollar you give with two.

    The proof that people-oriented solutions can make a meaningful and measurable difference in the lives of millions is in the remarkable accomplishments that we've seen this year:

    • In Eastern Africa, we are building sustainable agribusinesses that are improving the incomes and lives of 21,000 rural farmers.

    • We are delivering the gift of sight to 50,000 underserved Peruvians with life-altering cataract surgeries.

    • We are strengthening the Haitian economy by opening the Caracol Industrial Park in Haiti, a private-public partnership that will create up to 60,000 jobs in the region.

    • We are replacing empty calories in schools with healthy options to make sure that the one out of every three young people in America who are already overweight or obese have the ability to make healthy choices and succeed both physically and mentally.

    • Using the same model that has successfully increased access to HIV/AIDS medication for nearly 5 million people by lowering the cost of treatment, we are reducing the costs of treatments for malaria, tuberculosis, and diarrhea to save millions of lives.

    I say that 'we' are doing these things because I am certainly not doing them alone. The scale of our projects is not small – we want to reach millions of people. And I need your help to do that.

    I hope you will join me in making the world a better place, and I will match your gift, two dollars for one.

    We have big plans for our work in Haiti, Malawi, the United States, and across the globe in 2013, but that can only happen with your support.

    Thank you again for changing the world with me.

    Bill Clinton


    Un ultim lucru înainte de miezul nopții Vezi acest e-mail ca pagină web.

    Pop - In ultimele ore din 2012, sper să ia în considerare buna permanente puteți crea de a face un cadou deductibile la Fundatia Clinton.

    Barbra Streisand, Chelsea, iar președintele Clinton a pus mult mai mult decât elocvent l-am putut, dar ca director de dezvoltare de la Fundatia Clinton, eu pot promite că o cadou de la Fundatia Clinton va face o diferență uriașă în milioane de vieți în jurul valorii de lume.

    Răspunsul la această campanie până în prezent a fost cu adevărat în mișcare, cu mai mult de 9179 donatori din toate colțurile globului unesc Președintele Clinton a ajuta la construirea unei lumi mai bune.

    Aceasta este ultima ta șansă să profite de oferta președintelui Clinton pentru a se potrivi personal darul dv. $ 2-la-1 $, Pop, așa încât vă rugăm a vă face deductibile fiscal cadou. Aceasta oferta cadou de potrivire expiră la miezul nopții, așa că nu așteptați o secundă mai mult!

    Vă mulțumesc și cele mai bune urări pentru un nou an fericit,

    Dennis Cheng

    Directorul de Dezvoltare
    William J. Clinton Foundation

    De la: președintele Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation []
    Subiect: Aici e oferta mea

    Clinton Foundation

    Presedintele Clinton

    Am inceput acest Fundației să ia cu privire la provocările cu care se confruntă lumea noastră mare, prin reunirea guverne, organizații non-profit, întreprinderi și persoane fizice, pentru a lucra împreună pentru a pune în aplicare soluții reale.

    Nu pot sublinia indeajuns cat de important ești pentru întreaga ecuație. Eu pot aduce atenția asupra problemelor și de a construi rețele de oameni pentru a dezvolta soluții inovatoare care vor schimba viețile. Dar, cu excepția cazului în noi toți un pas înainte să ia măsuri, toate vorbesc în lume, nu contează.

    Deci, aici e propunerea mea: Dacă ați dona chiar acum, am de gând să se potrivească de două ori. De acum până la 31 decembrie - de până la obiectivul nostru nou de 300.000 dolari - tu, prietenii tăi, și familia ta poate avea un impact ta merge de trei ori mai mult. Dacă credeți că împuternicirea oamenilor poate schimba viața, îți cer să le dau astăzi.

    Alăturați-vă mii de oameni care au deja dat. Asigurați-vă deductibile la sfârșitul anului cadou acum, și voi potrivi fiecare dolar pe care il dau cu două.

    Dovada că oamenii soluții orientate spre poate face o diferenta semnificativa și măsurabile, în viețile a milioane de oameni este în realizările remarcabile pe care le-am văzut în acest an:

    În Africa de Est, noi construim agricole din durabile, care sunt sporirea veniturilor și viața de 21.000 fermieri din mediul rural.

    Suntem livrarea darul vederii la 50.000 de peruani deservite cu viata-i va schimba operatii de cataracta.

    Suntem consolidarea economiei haitian prin deschiderea Caracol Parcul Industrial din Haiti, un parteneriat public-privat, care va crea până la 60.000 de locuri de muncă în regiune.

    Suntem înlocuirea calorii goale în școlile cu opțiuni sănătoase pentru a vă asigura că unul din fiecare trei tineri din America, care sunt deja supraponderali sau obezi au capacitatea de a face alegeri sănătoase și de a reuși atât fizic cât și mental.

    Folosind același model care a crescut cu succes accesul la HIV / SIDA medicamente pentru aproape 5 milioane de oameni prin scăderea costurilor de tratament, suntem reducerea costurilor de tratamente pentru malarie, tuberculoză, și diaree pentru a salva milioane de vieti.

    Eu spun că "noi" facem aceste lucruri pentru că eu sunt cu siguranță, nu le faci singur. Scară de la proiectele noastre nu este mic - vrem să ajungă la milioane de oameni. Și am nevoie de ajutorul dvs. pentru a face acest lucru.

    Sper că mă veți alătura în a face lumea un loc mai bun, iar eu va potrivi darul tău, doi dolari pentru unul.

    Avem planuri mari pentru munca noastră în Haiti, Malawi, Statele Unite ale Americii, și în întreaga lume în 2013, dar că se poate întâmpla doar cu sprijinul tău.

    Vă mulțumim din nou pentru a schimba lumea cu mine.

    Bill Clinton
    Ultima modificare făcută de Adrian Pop; 31.12.2012 la 23:51.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  5. #45
    Data înscrierii
    One last thing before midnight View this email as a web page.

    Pop - In the final hours of 2012, I hope you consider the permanent good you can create by making a tax-deductible gift to the Clinton Foundation.

    Barbra Streisand, Chelsea, and President Clinton put it much more eloquently than I ever could, but as the Director of Development at the Clinton Foundation, I can promise that a gift to the Clinton Foundation will make a huge difference in millions of lives around the world.

    The response to this campaign so far has been truly moving, with more than 9,179 donors from all corners of the globe joining President Clinton to help build a better world.

    This is your last chance to take advantage of President Clinton's offer to personally match your gift $2-to-$1, Pop, so please make your tax-deductible gift. This matching gift offer expires at midnight tonight, so don't wait a second longer!

    Thank you and best wishes for a happy new year,

    Dennis Cheng

    Director of Development
    William J. Clinton Foundation

    From: President Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation []
    Subject: Here's my offer


    I started this Foundation to take on the big challenges facing our world by bringing together governments, businesses, nonprofits, and individuals to work together to implement real solutions.

    I can't stress enough just how important you are to the whole equation. I can bring attention to problems and build networks of people to develop innovative solutions that will change lives. But unless all of us step forward to take action, all the talk in the world doesn't matter.

    So here's my proposal: If you donate right now, I'm going to match it twice. From now through December 31 – up to our new goal of $300,000 – you, your friends, and your family can have your impact go three times as far. If you believe that empowering people can change lives, I'm asking you to give today.

    Join the thousands who have already given. Make your tax-deductible year-end gift now, and I will match every dollar you give with two.

    The proof that people-oriented solutions can make a meaningful and measurable difference in the lives of millions is in the remarkable accomplishments that we've seen this year:

    • In Eastern Africa, we are building sustainable agribusinesses that are improving the incomes and lives of 21,000 rural farmers.

    • We are delivering the gift of sight to 50,000 underserved Peruvians with life-altering cataract surgeries.

    • We are strengthening the Haitian economy by opening the Caracol Industrial Park in Haiti, a private-public partnership that will create up to 60,000 jobs in the region.

    • We are replacing empty calories in schools with healthy options to make sure that the one out of every three young people in America who are already overweight or obese have the ability to make healthy choices and succeed both physically and mentally.

    • Using the same model that has successfully increased access to HIV/AIDS medication for nearly 5 million people by lowering the cost of treatment, we are reducing the costs of treatments for malaria, tuberculosis, and diarrhea to save millions of lives.

    I say that 'we' are doing these things because I am certainly not doing them alone. The scale of our projects is not small – we want to reach millions of people. And I need your help to do that.

    I hope you will join me in making the world a better place, and I will match your gift, two dollars for one.

    We have big plans for our work in Haiti, Malawi, the United States, and across the globe in 2013, but that can only happen with your support.

    Thank you again for changing the world with me.

    Bill Clinton
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  6. #46
    Data înscrierii
    ---- Original Message --------
    Subject: Thanks to you!
    Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2013 09:48:25 -0800
    From: Clinton Foundation <>
    Reply-To: Clinton Foundation <>

    View this email as a web page.
    President Bill Clinton established the William J. Clinton Foundation with the mission to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote healthier childhoods, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.

    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  7. #47
    Data înscrierii
    Original Message --------
    Subject: Watch the Health Matters Conference live
    Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 07:10:08 -0800
    From: Clinton Foundation <>
    Reply-To: Clinton Foundation <>

    We invite you to participate in this year's Health Matters: Activating Wellness in Every Generation conference on Tuesday, January 15, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. PST. President Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and leading health and wellness advocates from around the world will identify strategies to promote and improve individual healthy lifestyles in the home, the community and the workplace. Watch the panel discussions live, learn more about making health a priority in your own life and community, and join the conversation.
    RSVP to watch the conference live webcast and view the full conference agenda.
    Follow the conference panel discussionson on Twitter using the hashtag #HealthMatters2013 and submit your questions for panelists to @ClintonTweet.
    Follow conference conference highlights on President Clinton's Facebook page and the Clinton Foundation Instagram.
    Have you tested your health and wellness knowledge yet? Take our quiz.
    After last year's Health Matters conference, Beth Oden left feeling inspired and made a pledge to improve her own health and the health of others. Read Beth's pledge.

    We hope this conference inspires you to take charge of your health and contribute to the health of others. For more information on the conference and the Clinton Health Matters Initiative visit us online at and


    The Clinton Foundation
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  8. #48
    Data înscrierii
    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Thank you, Hillary
    Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2013 07:58:59 -0800
    From: Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton, Clinton Foundation <>
    Reply-To: Clinton Foundation <>

    Thank You, Hillary View this email as a web page.


    As we welcome Hillary home, we couldn't be more proud of what she's accomplished or more humbled by her commitment to making our country and our world stronger, safer, and better.

    Over the past four years, she's traveled to 112 countries, more than any other Secretary of State in our nation's history – and while this sometimes meant we saw her less often than we'd like, we're so grateful for the millions of lives she's touched and the change she's inspired across the globe.

    So as she steps down as Secretary of State, we hope you'll join us in thanking Hillary for all she's done.

    Through her tireless service, she has strengthened America's relationships with the world – from our closest allies to emerging powers to developing nations.

    She's transformed the way we practice diplomacy and taken advantage of global trends – engaging directly with people, embracing technology, and championing economics, education, and energy to improve lives and strengthen communities around the world.

    As First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State, she has dedicated herself to service, and to giving more people in more places, particularly women and girls, the opportunities to live their dreams.

    She inspires us every day – and we hope she inspires you, too. Please take a moment to send Hillary your personal note of thanks.


    Bill and Chelsea

    President Bill Clinton established the William J. Clinton Foundation with the mission to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote healthier childhoods and health and wellness, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.



    William J. Clinton Foundation | 1200 President Clinton Ave | Little Rock, AR 72201

    Așa cum am bun venit acasă Hillary, nu am putea fi mai mândri de ceea ce e desăvârșit sau mai multe umilit prin angajamentul ei de a face țara noastră și lumea noastră mai puternică, mai sigură și mai bună.

    În ultimii patru ani, ea a călătorit în 112 de țări, mai mult decât oricare alt secretar de stat din istoria națiunii noastre - si, uneori, in timp ce aceasta a însemnat am văzut-o mai des decat ne-am dori, suntem atat de recunoscatori pentru milioanele de vieți ea a atins și ea a inspirat schimbarea de pe tot globul.

    Deci, ca ea pași în jos în calitate de secretar de stat, sperăm că vă veți alătura la mulțumi lui Hillary pentru tot ce a făcut.

    Prin intermediul serviciului său neobosit, ea a consolidat relațiile Americii cu lumea - de la aliații noștri cei mai apropiați de puterile emergente la națiunile în curs de dezvoltare.

    Ea a transformat modul în care ne practica diplomației și avantajul luat de tendințele globale - angajarea direct cu oamenii, îmbrățișând tehnologie, și championing economie, educație, energie și pentru a îmbunătăți viața și de a consolida comunități din întreaga lume.

    Ca Lady În primul rând, senator american, și secretarul de stat, ea sa dedicat de servicii, și acordarea de mai multe persoane în mai multe locuri, în special a femeilor și fetelor, a posibilităților de a trăi visele lor.

    Ea ne inspiră în fiecare zi - și sperăm că ea te inspiră, de asemenea. Vă rugăm să luați un moment pentru a trimite Hillary act personal de mulțumire.
    Ultima modificare făcută de Adrian Pop; 05.02.2013 la 21:14.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  9. #49
    Data înscrierii
    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: We got your message - Thanks!
    Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2013 09:24:40 -0800
    From: Clinton Foundation <>
    Reply-To: Clinton Foundation <>

    View this email as a web page.


    Thank you for sending Hillary a message of gratitude for all her work to make our country and our world stronger, safer, and better.

    Please invite your friends and family to send Hillary their own personal message of thanks.

    Thanks again!

    The Clinton Foundation
    President Bill Clinton established the William J. Clinton Foundation with the mission to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote healthier childhoods and health and wellness, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.


    William J. Clinton Foundation | 1200 President Clinton Avenue | Little Rock, AR 72201
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  10. #50
    Data înscrierii
    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Join President Clinton and Chelsea for our next Millennium Network event
    Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 13:11:00 -0800
    From: Clinton Foundation <>
    Reply-To: Clinton Foundation <>

    View this email as a web page.
    Join President Clinton and Chelsea in New York on March 4
    President Clinton and Chelsea Clinton will engage in a dialogue, moderated by actor and philanthropist Edward Norton, about the work of the Clinton Foundation and how all of us can contribute to creating a better future. Learn more and attend the event.

    Be sure to sign up to receive updates from the Millennium Network to learn about new events in your area.
    Improving Women's Heart Health
    Heart disease is the number one killer of American women, yet less than 50 percent know they are at risk. As we recognize American Heart Month this February, Dr. C. Noel Bairey Merz, director of the Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Center, explains how they are working to close the gender gap in heart disease awareness and research. Read more.
    Celebrating 20 Years of the Family and Medical Leave Act
    Barely two weeks into his presidency, President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act, which provided millions of Americans with the opportunity to take time off to care for a new child or sick relative. Read President Clinton's thoughts on why he signed the bill, and the impact it has had on Americans over the last 20 years.
    Improving Agriculture and Energy in Haiti
    We are continuing to improve agriculture and energy projects across Haiti, including work on a solar drip irrigation system to improve agriculture production. Read more about our newest developments in Haiti.

    Expanding our Work in Africa
    With a generous grant from the Dutch Postcode Lottery, we are excited to be expanding our work helping farmers in Africa improve their livelihoods. Learn more about our agriculture work in Africa.
    Little Rock Nine
    As Black History Month comes to a close, we celebrate the story of the Little Rock Nine – an historic moment of the civil rights movement from President Clinton's home state. Watch a video of President Clinton speaking about the significance of the event.
    Give Today | Email Sign Up | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr

    President Bill Clinton established the William J. Clinton Foundation with the mission to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote health and wellness and healthier childhoods, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.


    William J. Clinton Foundation | 1200 President Clinton Avenue | Little Rock, AR 72201

    Top image: Barb Kinney/Clinton Foundation
    Ultima modificare făcută de Adrian Pop; 27.03.2013 la 18:36.
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