Adrian Pop
14.04.2020, 18:43
Gans-uri solidificate din mai multe Cupe 1 ale Vietii
Hooks solidified from several Cups of Life g?_nc_cat=108&_nc_sid=1480c5&_nc_oc=AQmZwaUblbWIdY3_xJBjxGQ7BF9NwUlBoDndddddYp-RFeR-lCAVAcNdsHDshYu8AEqExD5TX1q4xmDc3T9ZnVbP&_nc_ht=scontent.fotp3-3.fna&_nc_tp=7&oh=506804ebd0e0c2df96b21c886b279447&oe=5EBB6784
Adrian Pop
14.04.2020, 18:43 g?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=1480c5&_nc_oc=AQmgyskzdtPxO3LRVU9OBa1TNZBUr0S2PAtv-fKjz_7lgDiRTD5vipNLDBdpVcV8yrdCaPaJrVUOTrgivLKtDgv W&_nc_ht=scontent.fotp3-3.fna&_nc_tp=7&oh=63474480eff201827eba14c6a168caa2&oe=5EBBE88A
Adrian Pop
14.04.2020, 18:44 g?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=1480c5&_nc_oc=AQn_yXi5CWdSK42G9qyd_ZrcebZfv-AFI_jbpXNs5DskEEfBDlOBUZyY-jR-Natm3NZ2YRgrO-KtokwpHjoX9Wp8&_nc_ht=scontent.fotp3-2.fna&_nc_tp=7&oh=84f8ee7e4f818ae605a679746a67fd98&oe=5EBC159C
Adrian Pop
16.04.2020, 19:59
Balis Dan Constantin, [14.04.20 21:36]
[In reply to Adrian Pop]
De ce uscate Adrian? crezi că va avea aceiași intensitate gansul uscat față de cel cu apă
Babelgram, [14.04.20 21:36]
[In reply to Balis Dan Constantin]
Why dry Adrian? You believe that the Gans same intensity will be dried to the water
Adrian Pop, [16.04.20 18:58]
De ani buni fac asa cu divesre Gans-uri si le tin prin casa, uscate. Am reactoare cu zeci de plante si la fiecare planta este specificata pr de sanatate pe care poate s-o rezolve. Daca ai pr cu inima, prostata, ochii, etc....pun Gans-urile in astfel de alveole de plastic, cate 6, ca asa am gasit. Consider ca asa ajuta mai multe organe odata sa se insanatoseasca.
Babelgram, [16.04.20 18:58]
[In reply to Adrian Pop]
For years they do so with divesre Gans sites and keep them around the house dry. I reactors dozens of plants and each plant is specified pr health that can solve it. If you pr heart, prostate, eyes, etc .... put Gans sites such pockets in plastic, each June as it found. I think it helps more organically to get well.