Arată versiune întreagă : Uragane si cutremure

25.11.2019, 13:03
Feb 28, 2010#1
----- Original Message -----
From: Liviu NUTEANU
To: adipop@popservice.ro
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 9:21 AM
Subject: Uragane si cutremure

Stopping natural disasters

In principle, with training, bioenergy can be used to stop some natural disasters, as a hurricane or an earthquake.

Why first a hurricane ? Because it is more difficult to demonstrate that someone stop an earthquake. Nobody don’t know exactely when a earthquake will appear and how much time will manifest.

A hurricane can be anticipated and the teams knows their duration, unfortunately too much time. Even the trajectory can be approximated. If someone could stop a hurricane in some hours, and the team knows that the hurricane have enough force for some days, and this will be repeated let say three times consecutively, this will be very demonstrative.

I personally studied this phenomenon and I did it. There is even a book named „PK man” written by Jeffrey Mishlove. He reffers to Mr. T. Owens who could influence (but not enough to be useful and not every time) hurricanes.

But, if we think better, an effect can be obtained also in earthquakes. In Japan, as example, where daily earthquakes appear. At least 1 earthquake per week can be observed by the population. If someone could reduce the number of earthquakes to 1 per month, or rarely, it will be clear enough. I personally studied this phenomenon and I also did it.

Gen. Prof. C. Dumitru, MD wrote that „The circulations of the specialized energies is rhytmic. They have as appartenence the organism alive, but they are influenced by the outer cosmic signal. The eurythmy represents the capacity of the organism alive to function in resonance with the Universe.”

Many phenomenon are named „paranormal”, term with conotations no real, anormal etc. All those terms only prevent or slow the understanding of these phenomena. Many of the phenomena considered „paranormal”, becames soemthing well defined from our daily life, after there have been scientifically explained.

I should recongize here that myself I don’t believe some of those phenomena, but I am very careful and if someone ask me, I reply that I am ready to be convinced if someone demonstrate me a fact.

We shoud not forget that the training is very important. If there is an important possibility to use the bioenergy, a person can be trained, in order to obtain the desired goal. I also first I have had the idea, then I performed a documentation, then I trained myself and finally I started to work, the most cases with succes from the first time.


Thelepaty is one of the most common „psi phenomenon”. This can be observed often at „normal” subjects. Psy or psi is appropriate for „paranormal”.

Thelepaty means transmission of thoughts between two persons. One is emitter and the other receptor, for distances varying from centimeters to thousands kilometers. The quality of transmission depends on native qualities and the exercise of this activity.

It is a field where I know very few things, but I have assisted to some demonstrations that amde me believe that some trained people are very far ... To justify from the literature I mention the story of the asutralian pilot Wilkins who was forced to land in Antarctica and he was saved due to the thelepatic connection with his friend Harold Sherman, to whom he commnuicated the coordinates of the place.

I did not tried to work with thelepaty, but I have observed that space, no matter his dimensions, it is not an obstacle. Of course as mcuh as distance is bigger, the effort to transmit bioenergy os higher. Theoretically, probably also practically, any point from the Universe can be atteint.


I have read about this phenomenon but I have never assited to a demonstration.

Telekinezia (named by some poltergeist) reffers to a „psi phenomenon”, of moving objects at distance, without a physical force. The phenomenon means movement without a material contact of an object, from a place to another, passing an object through another, dematerialization of an object from a palce and the rematerialization intact in another place, using a medium. Here we can thought at the Philadelphia experiment. Einstein declared that if he could have more energy, he could repeat the experiment succesful. Theoretically, with the bioenergy one can obtain and trnasmit as much energy, without a limit. As distances are not a limit, some energy from a black hole can be obtained and used to telekinesy,or to dematerialize or rematerialize (if these are possible indeed). First, someone should fundament theoretically all those processes.


This is a phenomenon of mental concentration that determines the movement or modification of the physical form of objects, without using a physical force. In contrast with telekinesia, the phenomenon are obtained through the will and conentration of the practicant person.

Even if I have not assisted directly at producing psychokinesia, except macrokinesia (earth phenomenon as stopping earthquakes and hurricanes) and microkinesia (microscopic level) that I perform myself, I think it is possible. I have read about persons that can do that, but they did not convinced me. From what I have seen on TV, Uhri Gehler seems to me the most credible. I have read in a revue that he has a site on the internet, with the photo of a spoon, in a special recipient, wached by cameras permanently and he offer 1 million dollars to one who can modify the spoon by internet. I was looking after this site but I could not find it. If I could find it, maybe I would search for a model of action in order to obtain the desired effect and probably I would also try to obtain it.

What I know, is that a photo really retain much more data that generally people believe. There are some people in the world that can make treatments on photos. I can also perform such treatments, usually for patients from other cities.

I used the internet to stop hurricanes and earthquakes.

Global and Regional Networks

Unlike the WWSSN, which was developed mainly for monitoring nuclear explosions, the current-generation global network has been constructed with a science rationale, and significant funding from national science agencies. The Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) coordinated the worldwide deployment of digital, broadband seismic instruments, organized in nationally supported and operated networks. A standard data-exchange format has emerged, and a software-based system now links the main data archives, in the United States, Europe, and Japan. The IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) Data Center in the United States provides a centralized facility for global data exchange.

References and Notes

A. M. Dziewonski, A. T. Chou, J. H. Woodhouse, J. Geophys. Res. 86, 2825 (1981).
FDSN: www.fdsn.org/.
B. A. Romanowicz, A. M. Dziewonski, Eos 67, 541 (1986).
IRIS: www.iris.edu/.
IMS: www.pidc.org/.
ORFEUS: http://orfeus.knmi.nl/.
G. Nolet, B. Romanowicz, E. Wielandt, R. Kind, ORFEUS Science Plan (Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1986).
ANSS: http://www.anss.org/.

In Japan there are som many geological organisations, all of them highly developed.

Earthquake Research Institute at the University of Tokyo:


Geological Survey of Japan - Earthquake Research:


Kyoshin Net (K-NET) - Japan strong-motion data center of NRI for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention


Fundamental Research on Earthquakes and Earth'S Interior Anomalies- (Freesia) of NIED, Japan - broad-band network:


National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), Japan: http://www.bosai.go.jp/center/

I have worked with Jeffrey Mishlove (President of Intuition Network and author of PK man) and J. Stone (President of NSPP)

On 3 October 2002, I wrote that I made bioenergetic-psy procedures on hurricane Lili between 09:15 – 10:15 (Romanian time) and I come back at the bioenergetic-psi procedures on Lili at 13:20 (Romanian time). The finish is for about 14:20.

Mr. J. Mishlove wrote me that he also have worked with his team on hurricanes. Then we have established he works on Isidore hurricane and me on Lili (just some hours before Lili was expected to hit Louisiana.

Comparing with Isidore, which remains at a hurricane level (grade 1 Simpson scale) producing damages of $100 millions, Lili diminished to a middle storm (down to 50 mph). I think if I am announced 1 – 2 days earlier, we can prevent/diminish the floods. There are many possibilities to work: diminish the power, prevent the landfall, modifying the trajectory or combinations of these.

Let see the message of Mr. J. Mishlove, recognizing my action on hurricane Lili:

Subject: Re: Psi procedures on Lili

Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2002 10:01:25 –0700

Even though Lili did hit the Louisiana coast at hurricane strength, I believe that no lives were lost and that damage was relatively minimal. People there are grateful that the strength was reduced from Category 4 to Category 2. Thanks for your efforts.


And now, please see my reply:

4 October 2002

Lili diminished progressively to a middle storm (“down to 50 mph” October 3, CNN, short time after I finished the procedure !) and did not continue the inland as much as expected (maybe less than 1/6 of territory). Lili was grade 2 hurricane at landfall, when I did not finished my procedure.

I think if you announce me 1 – 2 days earlier, we can prevent/diminish the floods. Indeed, the floods made so many damages and I am very sorry.


