Arată versiune īntreagă : Distrugerea de celule tumorale cu bioenergie

25.11.2019, 13:00
Feb 28, 2010#1
Sumar: Īn două experienţe, s-a reuşit cu succes, in vitro, distrugerea de celule cerebrale tumorale maligne (oligodendrogliom şi glioblastom), fiecare īn 24 de godeuri, īn diferite diluţii, cu lot martor. Īn prima experienţă, rata distrugerii a variat īntre 48,19-100%, īn funcţie de diluţie, īn comparaţie cu 5,66% īn lotul martor. Īn cea de-a doua experienţă, au fost distruse 77-100% din celulele canceroase, īn comparaţie cu 1,5% īn lotul martor. Rezultatele au fost puse īn evidenţă cu coloraţie vitală, la aproximativ 10 minute de la prelevarea intraoperatorie. Īn fiecare experienţă au fost preparate (de către doamna doctor specialistă īn biologie celulară*), plăci cu 24 de godeuri.

Cerebral tumour cells damaged by emission of bioenergy

Author : Nuţeanu Liviu, M.D.

Bucharest Neurosurgical Clinic 1

Summary: In two experiences the destruction with bioenergy of cerebral malignant tumoral cells (oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma), every one on 24 probes in different dilutions, with witness lot, was successful in vitro. In the first experience, the destruction rate varied between 48.19-100%, depending on dilution, in comparison with 5.66 in the witness lot. In the second experience, was destroyed 77-100% by cancer cells, in comparison with 1.5% in the witness lot. The results were put in evidence with vital coloration, at approximately 10 minutes to the intraoperatory prelevation. In every experience were prepared (by cellular biology specialist M.D.*), plates with 24 wells.

Obţinerea de motilitate prin chirurgie şi bioenergie,

īn paraplegie prin metastază vertebrală: prezentare de caz.

Bolnava B.M. īn vīrstă de 22 ani, operată īn urmă cu 2 ani pentru un adenocarcinom mamar, se internează pentru parapareză spastică forte şi hiperestezie cutanată cu nivel T6-T7, dureri la nivelul coloanei toracale. Simptomatologia s-a instalat progresiv īntr-o lună. La internare, motilitatea īn membrul inferior stīng era abolită. Radiografia coloanei vertebrale toracale arată fractura T5, cu modificări de structură osoasă. Se intervine chirurgical şi se practică aloplastie vertebrală T5-T6 cu ciment autopolimerizabil. Operaţia deplin reuşită, decomprimă măduva. La 12 zile postoperator, bolnava era paraplegică. Se practică o şedinţă de bioenergie şi la cīteva ore apare motilitatea īn membrul inferior drept şi motilitate antigravitaţională la membrul inferior stīng. După 6 luni mergea normal și s-a reīntors la lucru. Decomprimarea chirurgicală vertebro-medulară īn tumori maligne este obligatorie, cu consolidarea coloanei. Bioenergia ar putea fi folosită īn recuperare, terapie anticanceroasă şi amplificarea efectelor chirurgicale salutare.

The female patient B.M., 22 years old was operated 2 years before the admission in the neurosurgical department for a breast cancer (adenocarcinoma) and was now admitted for spastic paraparesis and hiperestezia, with the level T6-T7 and pain at the toracal spine. This symptomathology progressed in one month. The x-ray spine showed us T5 fracture with modyfied bone structure.

She received surgery and an alloplasty T5-T6 with autompolimerizable cement was performed. The operation, was completely successful and the spinal cord was liberated. But, at 12 days postoperatory, the patient was still paraplegic.

A bioenergetic procedure was performed and after some hours she start to move her left foot.

At the 6 months follow-up, she walked almost normal and come back to work.