Arată versiune īntreagă : Membrii Asociatiilor Arta Zalmoxa si Avangarda de sacrificiu - 110.000 fluturasi PACE

Adrian Pop
22.11.2019, 12:50
Buna ziua,

Membrii Asociatiilor Arta Zalmoxa si Avangarda de sacrificiu, pana in acest moment, am realizat 110.000 de fluturasi de PACE si dorim sa facem in scurt timp un milion de fluturasi pe care-i oferim Piciumanilor de Gradinite si Scoali primare ( clasele I-IV) si tuturor celor care vorbesc romaneste, pe care acestia sa scrie Pace.

https://scontent.fias1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/75614104_2553978584691412_7692407472199303168_o.jp g?_nc_cat=103&_nc_oc=AQk5i6j1CD8NQU2UMHvCKEAkH-lcRlNZGrE-F1x3A9serYGcm5Nq3jxJl4EjwbLGeXY&_nc_ht=scontent.fias1-1.fna&oh=7b8dac9ef277461c8fbd048b72bc7ac7&oe=5E4A2D49

Vreti si voi sa concepeți unul asemanator in limba tării voastre si sa faceti același lucru ca si noi ?

Suntem convinsi total ca atunci cand un miliard de piciumani de pana la 10 ani, din toate țările vor semna cu manutele lor Fluturasi de PACE, omenirea face un pas important in ceea ce privește Pacea mondiala.

Pe data de 21 Septembrie 2019 am organizat la Craiova Simpozionul Internațional de Pace ” Romānia - Țara Păcii și Sarmizegetusa 2050-Capitala Păcii Mondiale ” si un Mars al PACII.


https://scontent.fias1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/75462374_2558420574247213_7013018472892334080_n.jp g?_nc_cat=106&_nc_oc=AQl8cah_ce_IKI9t38YEgMzLTdqe3moF4WEn0KqpEwX aqmy6NCjkAyx1tGZxt3rSnYo&_nc_ht=scontent.fias1-1.fna&oh=5e8543b24d89aa1f9f908ededb291d20&oe=5E7E029F

Am fi onorați sa facem impreuna Marsuri anuale ale Pacii pe data de 1 Iunie, astfel incat pana in anul 2050 la Sarmizegetusa Regia ( Capitala Spirituala a poporului Roman ) sa fie ratificat tratatul de Pace cu toate tarile de pe Terra. In acest mod, resursele umane si materale vor fi redistribuite total in folosul oamenilor.



Cu respect pentru tot ceea ce faceti in domeniul Pacii,

Adrian Pop
Presedinte Asociatia Avangarda de sacrificiu

Adrian Pop
22.11.2019, 13:13

The members of the Art Association Zalmoxa and Vanguard of sacrifice, so far, we have made 110,000 PACE flyers and we want to make in a short time a million flyers that we offer to Kindergartens and Primary Schools (grades I-IV) and to all those who speak Romanian, to whom they write Peace.

https://scontent.fias1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/76793134_2558439177578686_5869625808498196480_o.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQn1IxdCQQ-VimYc7wgBBNZ4quJ8Vu8kaQWRqHMIzlpa84-B-shKihl0KH7ebasIb30&_nc_ht=scontent.fias1-1.fna&oh=1e51596bf4e36135ca9dbefc91355220&oe=5E42E29B

Do you also want to design a similar one in the language of your country and do the same as us?

We are totally convinced that when a billion people up to 10 years old, from all countries will sign with their Peacekeeping Butterflies, humanity is taking an important step towards World Peace.

On September 21, 2019, we organized in Craiova the International Peace Symposium "Romania - Peace Country and Sarmizegetusa 2050-Capital of World Peace" and a PACII March.


https://scontent.fias1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/76615097_2558439450911992_6859783883836096512_n.jp g?_nc_cat=107&_nc_oc=AQlIlVAfzV_UHjppUyahqf1pPW6peFvGVHffhpnMR0p 9PE2F_iRu_iKVGrl7k54mgXE&_nc_ht=scontent.fias1-1.fna&oh=ca63947531046149b910723232377849&oe=5E8494DB

We would be honored to make together annual March of Peace on June 1, so that by 2050 at the Sarmizegetusa Regia (Spiritual Capital of the Roman people) the Peace treaty with all the countries on Earth will be ratified. In this way, human and material resources will be completely redistributed for the benefit of the people.



With respect for everything you do in the field of Peace,

Adrian Pop
President of the Vanguard Sacrifice Association