Arată versiune īntreagă : H4BF COOPERATIVE - Hope for a better future

Adrian Pop
19.11.2019, 12:11
Salutari ADRIAN POP,

Vă mulțumim pentru cuvintele voastre de īncurajare și felicitare și pentru munca deosebită pe care o desfășurați īn țara dvs., După ce ați văzut activitățile organizației dvs. și ceea ce face īn schimbarea vieții și īmbunătățirea lumii, suntem īncāntați să partenerăm cu organizația dvs. pentru facem schimb de abilități, cunoștințe și idei și oferim comunității noastre oportunitatea de a beneficia de lucrările voastre bune, īn timp ce vă extindem și munca pentru a realiza misiunea și viziunea organizației dvs. și a noastră.

-------- Mesajul original --------

Re: We congratulate you on everything you do in the area of Peace.

Tue, 19 Nov 2019 05:16:35 +0100

de la:
H4BF COOPERATIVE <info@h4bfcooperative.com>

Hope for a better future

Adi Pop <adipop@popservice.ro>

Greetings ADRIAN POP,

Thanks you for your words of
encouragements and congratulation to you too for the great work you are
doing in your country, After seeing your organization's activities and
what she is doing in changing lives and improving the world, we are
thrilled to partner with your organization to exchange skills, knowledge
and ideas and give our community an opportunity to benefit from your
good works while we also expand your work to realize the mission and
vision of your organization and ours.

You can find more about H4BF on: www.h4bfcooperative.com (http://www.h4bfcooperative.com).
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/h4bf.Cooperative/
twitter: https://twitter.com/h4bfcooperative
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/h4bfcooperative
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/h4bf-cooperative-610b97151/
Yours Sincerely
Ngo Banfogha Abdulai
Founder and Executive Director

Adrian Pop
19.11.2019, 12:30
Welcome to H4BF Cameroon

Adrian Pop
19.11.2019, 12:58

Adrian Pop
19.11.2019, 13:00
[10:30, 19.11.2019] Adrian Pop: http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro/threads/25890-H4BF-COOPERATIVE-Hope-for-a-better-future
[10:58, 19.11.2019] Adrian Pop: You can find more about H4BF on: www.h4bfcooperative.com.
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/h4bf.Cooperative/
twitter: https://twitter.com/h4bfcooperative
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/h4bfcooperative
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/h4bf-cooperative-610b97151/
[10:59, 19.11.2019] Adrian Pop: Sa incercam sa comunicam si noi pe twiter, istagram si linkedin, in domeniul pacii...

Adrian Pop
19.11.2019, 13:02
Hi, thanks for contacting us. We've received your message and appreciate you reaching out. You can read more at www.h4bfcooperative.com (http://www.h4bfcooperative.com/?fbclid=IwAR3fcqM3F1u1_eq9VISn0Sy2SL2BrR_t0sX6q7FL F2bDNX99FzhxPNRliPA) or Email: info@h4bfcooperative.com

Adrian Pop
19.11.2019, 13:11
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqMa...T16EIcvxwglDKw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqMa1GZnC4E&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR29VwIbkWf8BhtE9e6H0sDT_rxz2wZKfDg4cXzcj MrdJT16EIcvxwglDKw)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byjw...V42Ht910O9V2Uc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byjw_F4scGE&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1GIoBlZXlshLithXEsPIsXusCoEwsLBEofDx9r-AiGtV42Ht910O9V2Uc)
http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro/threa...i-21-sept-2019 (http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro/threads/25652-Poze-si-filme-de-la-Mar%C8%99ul-Piciumanilor-Mar%C8%99ul-P%C4%83cii-21-sept-2019)