Arată versiune întreagă : În atenția Dlui Jeremy Gilley

Alina Bratu
30.05.2019, 18:35
În atenția Dlui Jeremy Gilley

Mult stimate Dle Jeremy Gilley,

Sunt impresionat de inițiativa și efortul Dumneavoastră privind ”Ziua Internațională a Păcii” și de efectul benefic pe care l-a avut și-l are asupra tuturor semenilor. Vă rog să primiți felicitările mele sincere pentru această reușită majoră.

Consider că este un mare succes, ca o zi – din cele 365 de zile ale anului - să fie declarată ZIUA PĂCII la nivel planetar, datorită ideii și acțiunilor Dumneavpastră.

Vă scriu în numele tinerilor de la Asociațiile Arta Zalmoxa și Avangarda de Sacrificiu, cu speranța ca, prin unirea eforturilor noastre, comunicând între noi continuu și responsabil, să reușim, pas cu pas, ca și celelalte 364 de zile ale anului să fie declarate ZILE ale PĂCII

Pentru izbânda acestui deziderat, organizăm - împreună cu membrii Academiei DacoRomâne - Simpozionul Internațional de Pace intitulat ”SARMIZEGETUSA 2050 - Capitala Păcii Mondiale”, acțiune care va avea loc anual la Craiova, România, în data de 21 Septembrie.

Începând de anul trecut, am oferit la grădinițele și școlile primare din orașul Craiova mii de fluturași (cum este cel atașat la acest e-mail), pentru ca Piciumanii Neamului nostru să scrie cu mânuțele lor cuvântul PACE, așa încât curățenia lor Sufletească să determine pacea, iar familiile lor să țină cont de această dorință sinceră privind viitorul omenirii.

Am notat că acțiunea noastră a început sa aibă un impact neașteptat asupra părinților, bunicilor și străbunicilor micuților, după distribuirea în regiunea Oltenia a zeci de mii de fluturași de PACE, motiv pentru care am hotărât să finanțăm cel puțin un milion de astfel de fluturași, pe care să-i trimitem în toate localitățile aflate de-o parte și de alta a Prutului.

Dorim să extrapolăm la nivel global acest sistem, împreună cu cei care ni se vor alătura, determinând semnarea la SARMIZEGETUSA REGIA - Capitala Spirituală a Românilor - a Tratatului de PACE la nivel Mondial până în anul 2050. Astfel, vom asigura liniștea și prosperitatea planetei și omenirii, oferind premisele unui trai sănătos, fericit și decent.

Am fi bucuroși să ne onorați cu prezența la acest simpozion, cât și să vă alăturați acestor activități, stabilind împreună strategia și logistica de lucru a acestora.

Cu deosebit respect,
Adrian Pop


To the kind attention of: Mr. Jeremy Gilley

Dear Mr. Jeremy Gilley,

I am impressed by your initiative and effort with reference to ”International Day of Peace”, and the beneficial effect which it has had and it will have on all the people. Please accept my sincere congratulations for this major achievement.

It is a big success, that one day – from all 365 days of the year – is declared PEACE DAY at global level, due to your idea and actions.

I am writing on behalf of the young people from Arta Zalmoxa Association and Avangarda de Sacrificiu Association, with the hope that by joining our forces, having a continuous and responsible communication, to succeed – step by step – that the rest of 364 days of the year to be declared PEACE DAYS as well.

In order to accomplish this desideratum, we organize - together with Academia DacoRomână - The International Symposium for Peace called ”SARMIZEGETUSA 2050 – The World Peace Capital”, event that will take place each year on 21st September in Craiova, Romania.

Since last year, we offered thousands of flyers (like the one attached to this e-mail) to kindergartens and primary schools from Craiova city, thus the kids of our Nation to write with their own hands the word PEACE on them, so their pure souls to determine the peace and their families to take into consideration this sincere wish regarding the future of humanity.

I have noticed that our action has started to have an unexpected impact on children’s parents, grandparents and great-grandparents after we have distributed thousands of flyers in Oltenia region. That is the reason why, we decided to finance at least one million flyers which will be sent to all the cities placed on both sides of Prut River (river which separates Romania in two regions).

We want to extrapolate this system to global level, together with the ones which will join us, determining signing at SARMIZEGETUSA REGIA – The Spiritual Capital of Romanians - of the World Peace Treaty by the year 2050. Thus we will ensure the peace and prosperity of the planet and mankind, providing premises for a happy, healthy and decent life.

We would be honored by your attendance at the symposium and also to join those efforts, agreeing together on their strategy and logistics.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Respectfully yours,

Adrian Pop

Alina Bratu
30.05.2019, 18:36
Dear Adrian,

Thank you for your email and for your kind words.

It is so wonderful to hear about your Peace Day plans, unfortunately Jeremy will not be able to attend as we are celebrating our 20th year and his schedule is packed. However, we would love to hear more about your plans for Peace Day, I have attached a document which will outline how you can do this, as we would love to share this on our social media pages.

We would love to sign you up to our Partnerships for Peace Coalition, our global social media initiative that helps us promote the wonderful work you are doing while spreading the message of peace and the Global Goals even further. I have attached some more information about this and how you can get involved.

We are also running our PeaceDay193 Campaign which you might like to get involved in. The ambition of this project is - for the first time ever - to record young people committing to Peace Day across all 193 UN Member States, and to portray this visually through 193 photos of young people (1 from each country) compiled together as an artistic installation at this year’s flagship Peace Day celebration, in London. It could look incredible! I’ve attached a document for your information.

Let me know what you think of the above, as we would love for you to be a part of this years celebrations!

All the best,

Ned Morgan
Campaigns Team

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=3a58c29fda&attid=0.0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1634964022211350449&th=16b08f1da4738fb1&view=fimg&sz=s0-l75-ft&attbid=ANGjdJ8xDOXBrGFGRkDZABOAvoGrla20F93aFNYiNlT n2Oma9SEHbX2sK028ldYRRS1otYCA8d0qA7uXAH5FpqCyJrgTp 1_SOgU67ahNRjJvfSh5tDPfwpOPvoGlfNw&disp=emb

Peace One Day (http://www.peaceoneday.org/)
St. George’s House
15 St. George’s Road
Tel: +44 (0) 208 334 9900
Mob: +44 (0) 7514194532
Fax: +44 (0) 028 948 0545

Adrian Pop
30.05.2019, 18:43
Dragă Adrian,

Vă mulțumim pentru e-mail și pentru cuvintele tale bune.

Este atât de minunat să auzim despre planurile voastre legate de Ziua Păcii, din păcate, Jeremy nu va putea să participe, având în vedere că sărbătorim al 20-lea an, iar programul său este încărcat. Cu toate acestea, ne-ar face o deosebită plăcere să aflăm mai multe despre planurile voastre pentru Ziua Pacii, am atașat un document care va explca modul în care puteți face acest lucru, deoarece ne-ar plăcea să împărtășim acest lucru pe paginile noastre de social media.

Ne-ar plăcea să vă înscrieți la Parteneriatele pentru Coaliția Păcii, inițiativa noastră globală în domeniul social media, care ne ajută să vă promovăm minunata voatră muncă, în același timp răspândind și mai mult mesajul de pace și Obiectivele Globale. Am atașat mai multe informații despre acest lucru și despre cum vă puteți implica.

De asemenea, desfășurăm Campania ZiuaPăcii193 la care este s-ar putea să doriți să vă implicați. Ambiția acestui proiect este – ca pentru prima dată în lume – șă înregistrăm tineri care se angajează la Ziua Păcii în toate cele 193 de state membre ale ONU și să prezentăm vizual 193 de fotografii ale tinerilor (1 din fiecare țară) compilate împreună ca o instalație artistică care va avea loc la celebrarea Zilei de Pace din acest an, la Londra. Ar putea arăta incredibil! Am atașat un document cu această informație.

Vă rugăm să vă spuneți opinia despre cele de mai sus, deoarece ne-ar plăcea să faceți parte din sărbătorile de acest an!

Toate cele bune,

Adrian Pop
30.05.2019, 18:44
-------- Forwarded Message --------

Re: To the kind attention of: Mr. Jeremy Gilley

Thu, 30 May 2019 15:46:13 +0200

Asociatia ARTA Zalmoxa <artazalmoxa@gmail.com>


În joi, 30 mai 2019 la 15:33, Peace One Day <Campaigns@peaceoneday.org> a scris:

Dear Adrian,

Thank you for your email and for your kind words.

It is so wonderful to hear about your Peace Day plans, unfortunately Jeremy will not be able to attend as we are celebrating our 20th year and his schedule is packed. However, we would love to hear more about your plans for Peace Day, I have attached a document which will outline how you can do this, as we would love to share this on our social media pages.

We would love to sign you up to our Partnerships for Peace Coalition, our global social media initiative that helps us promote the wonderful work you are doing while spreading the message of peace and the Global Goals even further. I have attached some more information about this and how you can get involved.

We are also running our PeaceDay193 Campaign which you might like to get involved in. The ambition of this project is - for the first time ever - to record young people committing to Peace Day across all 193 UN Member States, and to portray this visually through 193 photos of young people (1 from each country) compiled together as an artistic installation at this year’s flagship Peace Day celebration, in London. It could look incredible! I’ve attached a document for your information.

Let me know what you think of the above, as we would love for you to be a part of this years celebrations!

All the best,

Ned Morgan
Campaigns Team

http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro/image/jpeg;filename=image001.jpg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDAAoHBwgHBgoICAgLCgoLDhgQDg0NDh0VFhEYIx8lJCIfIi EmKzcvJik0KSEiMEExNDk7Pj4 JS5ESUM8SDc9Pjv/2wBDAQoLCw4NDhwQEBw7KCIoOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Oz s7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozv/wAARCAB5AFUDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJ xFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3O Dk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIW Gh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx 8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4 Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3 Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRM iMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2N zg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goO EhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPEx cbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3 Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD2aiiigApskiRIXkcIo6knAFRXd3FZQGa ZsKOg7k grlp5b7VzLNyYouducBR/U1Sjcwq1lT0WrNufxFYxcRl5j/sjA/M1XPiiLtaufqwrD yn7D9rMihS xV7k1YtNHvLoxsISsT4JckDj1rVQj1OH6xXk7RNu38R2czBZA8 JPdhkfmK1FZXUMrBlPQg5Brjtbt0tLxViCiMoNuOvHBz75FRad rE2myjBLwk/NGT o9DVex5leJpHFShLlqHcUVFbXMV3bpPC25HGQalrmasegmmroK KKKBhRRTJG2RO/91SaAOc1v7Te3qxwxvIiA7VUZ74J/Pj8KTQ7Sd70iVXWKLJZGGASRjpW/ZRLFax4A3FAWb17/wBanrTnsrHIsPeftGzKl0RZnDzOXRD 7gjwqqM/5zRrmpnTbZI4CFmf7vH3VFac0iRRM8kixqP4mIAH51x s3dzfTfZYozMkLnEiDO7Pv8ASrpJzkr7IVZqlF8m7KF5fz3svm 3D7mxgcYAFU3kq9FpyvYm8uLyK2jJIVWBLMR6D61jvJXowS2R5 clLeXU6fwjqYju3sJD8s3zJ7MOo/Efyrsa8t0uV4dZsnKsuZlwSMZGcV6lXDioKM7rqepg5Nws gUUUVynYFNkXdGyjuCKdWbq1xe2Uf2q2CSRqP3kbL09wacVd2J nJRjdjPD1z5un Sx eBipHfHb/PtWrXH6fqiw6lLfiPZBIdsyA52Z/i ma6zK3EAaKX5XGVdDWtWDjK5hh6ilC3YzPEN9ZW9g0FyBK0mMR BsE89c9q5y38TG3VbZrWP7EBtMa/eI9c tR LRNHrLySpsR1HltnhgBWHMkqJuZcAdeeV o7V20aMeRX6nFWrT9o7aWOjv/FNjOkkMWmJtYFUlkxlN3U4x/I1hCwvV1SK0ji8yViGjIG5HXs3utZryVveEbbUNR1GPZcSpZWj B3AcgZ6hR9a1cVSi2iE3VklI7PWbe0MFrLdCMPDMnlyMdoQ5Gf wwKv211BeQ dbSrLGSQHU5Bx6GuW8WX1jdX8OnX90LexgIkuDglpW7IoHsck9 s1v6NqFlqNiH0 N1tk RCYyikD 7ntXnSg1TTZ6cZJzaRoUUUVgbCVgXRGn3e9dcUKT80E538dxW QGBBGQeCKxr7wtp93log1s57x9D Fa03FP3jGtGTXurUzLvT4Z976JdxvvOTCrgEeoHsfSsyx8T32k kW0kSvFGcNEy7WX1qfUfDMOmJ59zq6RJn5f3R3E wBqiby21Rks47Frlxy93I2xlUdSccAD3Jruioyj3RwPmjK691n ReJNaRfD0F1bIrG6IEbOoOzjk/XtXnwunjl8wNlu ed3qD6108d/plxplxpX2iaSztIzKXMYO7n HuOTwffpiseyttE1C9jt4mvA5Vm2vtwxVc4/HB/L3q6KVOLTQVb1JJ3M aONHeRyVh4KgdWyMgD8D1pYNTvjA1rbTSW9oG3OkJILE9s9STi tTzNF1KCWaysZJ7mBSwspn2qUHUqF5PuM5H4Utv4j0 /s00y0hTQp3bCXEXzISexP3h9a1cm18IlBJ7jNP8OGQ/bdenjtIEG6O1lmCPL6A5Pyg p5rqdAl1q/uY5G1TTIbOIYFnY7ZDtHQE9qxLf4XXEs2 /1VSCckxISzfi1dZpHhHRdFZJbW0BnX/lvIdz/AJ1yVqsGt7v0OulTkulvmbVFFFeedYUUUhIVSzEAAZJPagDJ1L w1Y6tdfaLt52YDAUSYUD2FVNX8O7dAk0/RII4nldfMLNgsvfJ6mtG31/SLqYQwajbvIeAokGTU1/qlhpaI19dxW4c4Uu2M1sp1E0vwMXCm0336nP6X4JSz0u8huJxJ cXcRjLKMKg6jHrzg/hWf4O8IXllqb32pxCPydyRJkHcTwW mOn1rr7DV9O1Tf9hvIrgx43CNs4z0ot9W0 7vJbO3vIZbiH/WRowJXtVutVtJPruJUqd010OKg8DajpXiq1vbJ45rNJw5Jba6L 3BHfg9q6LU/BOg6mXd7MQyvyZIDsOfXHT9K1NQ1Sw0qES393FboxwDI2Mn29a dHqFnNY/bormJ7YKWMqsCoA6nNKVarK0io0oK6JoYxDCkQJIRQoJ6nAp9Z Nv4p0G6nSCDVbZ5JCFRQ/LE9q1qxlFrdGit0CiiipGFQ3YDWc4PQxt/Kpqhuzts5z6Rt/KmtxPY8hSHTD4PnupJFXUEugsQD/MVwO3p1Ofaug8TyoyeFZNTwYWUG48zOMYTOaj8A HdK1aykv72AzTQz7VDN8mMAjI79avfENIX1PQIpwvkNOVcHgbc pnn6V6kpp1lDtf8uhwwg1Tv6fmdFo0egw2c91oiW3lciR4O5Az g/nXm3gq4eHxlZ3D523hlX65z/Wu/vF0nRfC2pppXkRKkLuyxOCQxGATz9K8vhn1Cwi0W8ltWht7eUt BNj/AFg3AmooLmU/PTX0NprWPkd9q1lbaj8SrK3vVS4h xORC/IHXnH elQwaDfaB4L8QW07Jsk8x4FRs4TH9RU11Oq/FSzZ5FVDYnaWOOuaE8RT IfC3iEywxxi2EkaGPJDLg4/Gs7ztFLbT8zVRV2QeB4PC89hYfu7NtWRSxB/1gYE88 2K7uuL8CWGiQ6PY35S2XUGDKZGf5ydxGMZ64rtKwru9R7lpWQU UUVgMKbIiyRsjjKsCD9KdUN1/x6TY6 W38qEBz3ha48MafLNo j34lmMhdldiSx74OMHGO1M8Qp4Y8Q2RuNQvmEOnTmJ3iJG1zgF Tx9K5jQUjU D3VArtNcbmA5bnue9Z19M9ideglLG3vrt0Q46SRyBv8A0FjXo x/eXTd/wDg2Zgn7trHTT6V4K8Nx3Wm3F3NE1/Cu/LMx2ZyCCBgcit6fwvo peHrTTnEhtIFV4WDkNjHXPuDWLeXF5a PybHTxftJp8YZC4Tau772T/AJ5rtz90/SuepKSs7u 5okjj7pPCHjKaCyW7JuLdSsXlko20dRyOelX7C08OWUV14XtZM O0bNPHklyCOST64IrA0iFBp/hmVYx5g1CVd2OcfPmq1pcpH8RTfeaD5t7JbkZ5A2gA/nWjjvFN2X5miiaNj4Y8HQiy1KK7mdXnVYWaQ4eQHgYxnqK7muG 07T5F8avpZUfY7KZ76MehcAAfgSa7msKzbau7jkrBRRRWJIU10 EkbI33WBBp1FAHGaR4JvrDVLJrnUYpbHTnke2jWPD5b 8ak1DwVNf6dqFu1zEJJ9QN3A204QHAIP4Zrr6K2debd7kqKRzG p6BrTa6uqaRf21u32UQN50ZbODn/CuigWZbaNZ3V5ggDuowGbHJAqWiolNySTKOV0nwxqdrNZJe30D 2ljK8sUcUZDMxz94n0yarL4EcQxzC4hGoLeee04B ZM5212dFV7ad7lKTRlQ6TLF4oudVMiGKa3WIJzuBBrVoorNtvc TdwooopCP//Z

Peace One Day (http://www.peaceoneday.org/)
St. George’s House
15 St. George’s Road
Tel: +44 (0) 208 334 9900
Mob: +44 (0) 7514194532
Fax: +44 (0) 028 948 0545

From: Asociatia ARTA Zalmoxa <artazalmoxa@gmail.com>
Sent: 30 May 2019 12:40
To: POD Info <info@peaceoneday.org>; Peace One Day <Campaigns@peaceoneday.org>
Subject: To the kind attention of: Mr. Jeremy Gilley

Dear Mr. Jeremy Gilley,

I am impressed by your initiative and effort with reference to ”International Day of Peace”, and the beneficial effect which it has had and it will have on all the people. Please accept my sincere congratulations for this major achievement.

It is a big success, that one day – from all 365 days of the year – is declared PEACE DAY at global level, due to your idea and actions.

I am writing on behalf of the young people from Arta Zalmoxa Association and Avangarda de Sacrificiu Association, with the hope that by joining our forces, having a continuous and responsible communication, to succeed – step by step – that the rest of 364 days of the year to be declared PEACE DAYS as well.

In order to accomplish this desideratum, we organize - together with Academia DacoRomână - The International Symposium for Peace called ”SARMIZEGETUSA 2050 – The World Peace Capital”, event that will take place each year on 21st September in Craiova, Romania.

Since last year, we offered thousands of flyers (like the one attached to this e-mail) to kindergartens and primary schools from Craiova city, thus the kids of our Nation to write with their own hands the word PEACE on them, so their pure souls to determine the peace and their families to take into consideration this sincere wish regarding the future of humanity.

I have noticed that our action has started to have an unexpected impact on children’s parents, grandparents and great-grandparents after we have distributed thousands of flyers in Oltenia region. That is the reason why, we decided to finance at least one million flyers which will be sent to all the cities placed on both sides of Prut River (river which separates Romania in two regions).

We want to extrapolate this system to global level, together with the ones which will join us, determining signing at SARMIZEGETUSA REGIA – The Spiritual Capital of Romanians - of the World Peace Treaty by the year 2050. Thus we will ensure the peace and prosperity of the planet and mankind, providing premises for a happy, healthy and decent life.

We would be honored by your attendance at the symposium and also to join those efforts, agreeing together on their strategy and logistics.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Respectfully yours,
Adrian Pop

Tel. +40.723.663.100 E-mail: artazalmoxa@gmail.com (artazalmoxa@gmail.com)
Câmpia Islaz Nr. 85, Craiova, România Skype: adrianpop58
www.sfatulbatranilor.ro (http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro)
www.facebook.com/arta.zalmoxa (http://www.facebook.com/arta.zalmoxa)
www.facebook.com/groups/SARMIZEGETUSA2050 (http://www.facebook.com/groups/SARMIZEGETUSA2050)

Adrian Pop
30.05.2019, 19:43
Draga Ned,

Sunt plăcut surprins pentru mesajul tău transmis atat de rapid, ceea ce înseamnă că amândoi dorim cu Adevărat să se semneze un Tratat de Pace Mondial în următorii 20-30 de ani. Pentru reușita acțiunilor noastre, am început cu "modelarea" piciumanilor cu vârste până în 10 ani, având la bază un concept propriu Neamului nostru: Om cu OM, Ban Curat cu Ban Curat.

Cu cea mai mare responsabilitate ne înscriem la inițiativa voastră privind Parteneriatele pentru Coaliția Păcii, precum și la #ZiuaPăcii193.
În acest moment suntem implicați în organizarea evenimentului care va avea loc peste câteva zile în orașul Craiova, intitulat Marșul Piciumanilor - Marșul Păcii, unde ne așteptăm să participe până la 600 de copii.
Intenționăm să ținem această activitate anual, în cât mai multe localități din România reîntregită și ulterior în toate țările lumii.

Vă vom ține la curent săptămânal cu viziunile și planurile noastre de lucru simultane în domenii importante ca: educația, sănătatea=hrana și inventica.

Succes în activitatea voastră și nu ezitați să ne contactați în cazul în care aveți nevoie de informații suplimentare.

Toate cele bune,
Adrian Pop

Adrian Pop
31.05.2019, 11:11
Dear Ned,
I am very pleased for your quick answer, which means that both of us Truly want to be signed a World Peace Treaty in the coming 20-30 years.

In order to succeed in this action, I started to “shape” up to 10 years old children, based on a concept which is particular for our Nation: Person with Person, Clean Money with Clean money.

We will sign up to your Partnerships for Peace Coalition and #PeaceDay193 Campaign with the highest responsibility.
Right now we are involved in arranging the event which will take place in a few days in Craiova city called The Children’s March – The Peace March, where we expect up to 600 children to join it.

We intend to hold this march every year, in as many cities as possible from Greater Romania and later in the other countries of the world.

Every week we will keep you informed on our visions and simultaneous working plans in important fields like: education, health=food and inventics.

We wish you best of luck with your activity and do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information.

All the best,
Adrian Pop

Adrian Pop
31.05.2019, 20:00
[18:03, 31.5.2019] Alina: ne-a raspuns Ned de la Peace One Day
[18:03, 31.5.2019] Alina: Hi Adrian,

Great to hear from you,

I have added your email to the coalition, you should start getting emails today.

You can join #PeaceDay193 through this link – if you could arrange a photo at the march holding up a sign saying #PeaceDay193 and your national flag that would be absolutely amazing!

Would you be interested in a call? We can discuss the campaigns further.

Ned Morgan

Campaigns Manager

Grozav să aud vești de la tine.
Am adăugat emailul vostru și ar trebui să începeți să primiți emailuri începând de azi.
Vă puteți alătura Campaniei #PeaceDay193, folosind acest link – dacă reușiți să faceți o fotografie la Marșul (din 5 iunie) ținând sus o pancartă pe care scrie #PeaceDay193 și tricolorul, ar fi uimitor!
Ai fi interesat să te sun? Vom putea discuta mai departe despre campanii.

Alina Bratu
31.05.2019, 20:47
Hi Ned,

I'm Alina, member of Arta Zalmoxa Association and I did the translations for Adrian (which is not very good in English).
We've made 3 banners for the coming March (files attached). Which one do you prefer?

In case you want to talk to us, you are more than welcome to call me; my phone number is .......

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Alina Bratu
31.05.2019, 21:35
Hi Alina,

It looks like you’ve been busy!

All the posters look great! If you can get a photo of young people holding one of those and someone holding the national flag, we’d love to use it.

Would you have time to talk on Monday? I can explain everything then

Please let me know if that suits,

All the best,

Ned Morgan
Campaigns Manager

Adrian Pop
31.05.2019, 21:50
https://www.ted.com/talks/jeremy_gilley_one_day_of_peace?referrer=playlist-the_road_to_peace&fbclid=IwAR1KuUlvEgLzOgU_PtnhemazmIeEbasUOUMgovwJ3 lU-BKzGur9xT37LT74#t-1024474

Sunt Alina, membră a Asociației Arta Zalmoxa și am făcut traducerile pentru Adrian (ceea ce nu este foarte bun în limba engleză).Am creat 3 bannere pentru luna martie (fișiere atașate). Pe care o preferați?Dacă vrei să vorbești cu noi, ești mai bine decât să mă suni; numarul meu de telefon este .......Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să auzim vești de la dumneavoastră.


Bună Alina,Se pare că ai fost ocupat!Toate afișele arată excelent! Dacă puteți obține o fotografie a tinerilor care dețin unul dintre aceștia și cineva care deține steagul național, ne-ar plăcea să-l folosim.Ai avea timp să vorbești luni? Pot să explic totul atunciVă rog să-mi spuneți dacă se potrivește,Toate cele bune,
Sunt Alina, membră a Asociației Arta Zalmoxa și am făcut traducerile pentru Adrian (ceea ce nu este foarte bun în limba engleză).Am creat 3 bannere pentru luna martie (fișiere atașate). Pe care o preferați?Dacă vrei să vorbești cu noi, ești mai bine decât să mă suni; numarul meu de telefon este .......Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să auzim vești de la dumneavoastră.

Adrian Pop
01.06.2019, 21:31
aceasta coalitie de 94 de parteneri ajunge prin activitatea lor de social media la 3,4 milioane persoane

Adrian Pop
01.06.2019, 22:52
One day of peace (https://www.ted.com/talks/jeremy_gilley_one_day_of_peace)

Adrian Pop
01.06.2019, 22:58

Adrian Pop
01.06.2019, 23:20
https://scontent.ftsr1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/60100693_10161606825740386_4970122522705002496_n.j pg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_eui2=AeFu4vZmijIN8GyFI4MfrRkNaBNrGTEeFt6i_St3X BXmggcpJdwwwdGEwOIgbwVp-6ozgY-osab8M1Zr3cScpaEKg7QlQisKs8f-5tEV4WCmyw&_nc_ht=scontent.ftsr1-2.fna&oh=111b32f754d2fb3822eb0fa024293985&oe=5D904F46

Adrian Pop
01.06.2019, 23:21
https://external.ftsr1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQAMAwnY0nks0avV&w=600&h=600&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi1.wp.com%2Fwww.afternoonvoice.c om%2Fmedia%2F2019%2F05%2Fearth-peace-world.jpg%3Ffit%3D800%252C420%26ssl%3D1&cfs=1&_nc_eui2=AeFea6SYHj7yBoDXQ-Qr9mKRRswmQGqLs1c-ZINNc1T91KkGnZT08bGnmu5D4XTf3Rli3spde2y19RBwpbhwbk OY2K-FKxEjp9Id9QTGPvGswQ&_nc_hash=AQAgh6JZFSZ1VA2y

Adrian Pop
01.06.2019, 23:25
https://scontent.ftsr1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/59941847_10161607194115386_5341660932093247488_n.j pg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_eui2=AeHUtyJeH_O20LwHtIrIesPYwJPivJKYJvr9SC1By Ytof0JrI8eNdt8xFCReeEh700XkvtHdeqWb6Ey2mIG9G-eyxhLpyovHKDMCSQ-Bh2U_bg&_nc_ht=scontent.ftsr1-2.fna&oh=99224930e6f3ca105e4462e53cb48f2c&oe=5D587DE4

Adrian Pop
02.06.2019, 14:25
Getting Involved: Peace DayThere are so many ways to get involved and spread the message of Peace Day 2019!Peace One Day’s mission is to give Peace Day to the world, anyone can celebrate, anywhere,by doing anything!We are in touch with people organising activities across the world. These vary fromambitious street parties to a game of football via pretty much everything in between. The skyis the limit.We would love you to email us/send a link to a short video (no more than 60 seconds) of youtalking about your or your organisation’s amazing plans to celebrate Peace Day. Please feelfree to record the video on your phone, if you have a smart phone. We intend to share theseon Peace One Day’s social media channels and include them in a video documenting PeaceDay 2019.In the video please hold the phone landscapeRemember to include:- Your Name and, if appropriate, yourorganisation’s name- Where you are - city and country- What you are doing for Peace Day 2019Here are some examples!Cultura de Paz from the Dominican RepublicBaghdad City of Peace Carnival-WorldNIMDOr if you're feeling really creative...If you are looking for inspiration, maybe we can help. Here are some ideas on how you canget involved on the day.- Taking a moment to reflect as anindividual, team, organisation etc.- Emailing your database(s) to let themknow its Peace Day.- Organising a Peace Meal/staff picnic.- Hosting a film screening- Writing a blog about Peace Day- Organising a sporting activity e.g. footballmatch, rugby game- Organising a Peace Walk- Creating a Peace tree/wall.- Organising a community event whichcelebrates Peace through the arts eg.music, dance, song.If you have any questions, please contact: campaigns@peaceoneday.o

Adrian Pop
02.06.2019, 14:28
YOUTH IN ALL 193 UN MEMBER STATES STANDING UNITED ON 21 SEPTEMBERBe part of a global network of youth activation marking Peace Day 21 September 2019.For the first time in history - can we record young people united in the name of PeaceDay from all 193 UN Member States? To get involved, follow these THREE simple steps:1. LOG YOUR PARTICIPATION2. PHOTO YOUR COMMITMENT3. SEND US YOUR #PEACEDAY193 PHOTOLet us know which country your school / youth org is representing, along with somebasic details, via this short Sign-up Form (the project’s main landing page).Be as simple or creative as you like! The photo MUST feature these 3 things:1. A young person (anything from an individual to a small group to an entire school)2. A flag of your country. This can be a real flag or self made. Have fun. Be creative!3. The hash-tag: * #PEACEDAY193 * Make your own sign, or to save time you can use this downloadable printable.PHOTOS MUST BE RECEIVED BY SUNDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 2019 (1.9.2019)Email your best #PeaceDay193 photo to Education@PeaceOneDay.org.We will share every photo received on the Peace One Day Facebook page, and useone (x1) photo from each country to build a vibrant compilation of all 193 UNMember States. This photographic compilation will be a central installation at theflagship Peace Day celebration, this year in London! Learn more below.#PeaceDay193YOUR #PEACEDAY193 PHOTOTHE FINAL PHOTO COMPILATIONBelow is an example photo taken at Peace One Day Head Quarters. As shown:20 YEARS OF PEACE ONE DAY!Only one photo from each country can be used for the final compilation to be shownat the Peace One Day 2019 celebration. In the event more than one photo from anycountry is sent, this choice will be based on the following criteria:Does the photo clearly feature all three elements stated on the previous page?Does the school / organisation have previous history of engagement or supportwith Peace One Day?Does the photo show originality / creativity?Is the image meaningful / powerful / thought-provoking?• Please only feature the flag of the countryin which your school or organisation is basedor ‘where the photo is being taken from’.• Please feel free to wear any uniform /branded garments or hold any bannersor signs representing your school ororganisation, as you see fit.• Please take the photo in ‘landscape’and email us the best quality possible.Your participation in #PeaceDay193 will help to mark 20 years of Peace One Day! Atwo-decade journey that has been a driving force behind the evolution of PeaceDay. We sincerely hope you will get involved. Sign-up to #PeaceDay193 today

Adrian Pop
02.06.2019, 14:28
Partnership for Peace Coalition: IntroductionPartnerships for Peace:We at Peace One Day want to tell the world about the brilliant work that organisations, such asyourselves, are doing in the pursuit of Peace and the Global Goals. There are currently over 100organisations on board including UNA UK, JCI, Search for Common Ground and Reboot the Future.The process is very simple, we ask coalition members to post about their Peace and Sustainabilityrelated activities on their social media pages, this post is then shared by the other members, givingeveryone the opportunity to increase their global reach.Examples of just some of the success stories we have seen are as follows:JCIOne Day One ChoirCoaches Across ContinentsKites for Peace ZimbabweThrough this coalition we’re reaching out to prospective partners and creating relationships in thespirit of collaboration. This ties in with the organisation’s 2019 focus on Goal 17 of The Global Goals,Partnership for the Goals. We believe the world should know about the brilliant things that variousorganisations are doing for Peace.Participation in the Partnership For Peace Coalition is very simple1. Partners post about their peace day activities on their social media pages using #peacedayand #goal17. We will work together to find a suitable date for you to make your post.2. Once the post is up, we email the entire coalition with links to your post.3. The post is then shared by other members of the coalition. This allows for every organisationto increase their global reach via social media, celebrate their Peace Day activities and build asocial media movement in the lead up to World Peace Day.Next Steps:We want all our partners to feel welcome and supported, so we would love to arrange a phoneconversation about your participation in the coalition to answer any questions you may have.Once you’ve joined the coalition, we will organise a date for you to make your post and assist you inthe design (if required).If you’d like any additional information, please don’t hesitate to get in touchwith The Campaign Team on campaigns@peaceoneday.org

Adrian Pop
02.06.2019, 14:29
-------- Forwarded Message --------

Fwd: To the kind attention of: Mr. Jeremy Gilley

Sun, 2 Jun 2019 08:43:49 +0200

Asociatia ARTA Zalmoxa <artazalmoxa@gmail.com>


Tel. +40.723.663.100 E-mail: artazalmoxa@gmail.com
Câmpia Islaz Nr. 85, Craiova, România Skype: adrianpop58
www.sfatulbatranilor.ro (http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro) www.facebook.com/arta.zalmoxa (http://www.facebook.com/arta.zalmoxa)
www.facebook.com/groups/SARMIZEGETUSA2050 (http://www.facebook.com/groups/SARMIZEGETUSA2050)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De la: Peace One Day <Campaigns@peaceoneday.org>
Date: joi, 30 mai 2019 la 15:33
Subject: RE: To the kind attention of: Mr. Jeremy Gilley
To: Asociatia ARTA Zalmoxa <artazalmoxa@gmail.com>

Dear Adrian,

Thank you for your email and for your kind words.

It is so wonderful to hear about your Peace Day plans, unfortunately Jeremy will not be able to attend as we are celebrating our 20th year and his schedule is packed. However, we would love to hear more about your plans for Peace Day, I have attached a document which will outline how you can do this, as we would love to share this on our social media pages.

We would love to sign you up to our Partnerships for Peace Coalition, our global social media initiative that helps us promote the wonderful work you are doing while spreading the message of peace and the Global Goals even further. I have attached some more information about this and how you can get involved.

We are also running our PeaceDay193 Campaign which you might like to get involved in. The ambition of this project is - for the first time ever - to record young people committing to Peace Day across all 193 UN Member States, and to portray this visually through 193 photos of young people (1 from each country) compiled together as an artistic installation at this year’s flagship Peace Day celebration, in London. It could look incredible! I’ve attached a document for your information.

Let me know what you think of the above, as we would love for you to be a part of this years celebrations!

All the best,

Ned Morgan
Campaigns Team

http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro/image/jpeg;filename=image001.jpg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDAAoHBwgHBgoICAgLCgoLDhgQDg0NDh0VFhEYIx8lJCIfIi EmKzcvJik0KSEiMEExNDk7Pj4 JS5ESUM8SDc9Pjv/2wBDAQoLCw4NDhwQEBw7KCIoOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Oz s7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozv/wAARCAB5AFUDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJ xFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3O Dk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIW Gh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx 8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4 Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3 Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRM iMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2N zg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goO EhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPEx cbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3 Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD2aiiigApskiRIXkcIo6knAFRXd3FZQGa ZsKOg7k grlp5b7VzLNyYouducBR/U1Sjcwq1lT0WrNufxFYxcRl5j/sjA/M1XPiiLtaufqwrD yn7D9rMihS xV7k1YtNHvLoxsISsT4JckDj1rVQj1OH6xXk7RNu38R2czBZA8 JPdhkfmK1FZXUMrBlPQg5Brjtbt0tLxViCiMoNuOvHBz75FRad rE2myjBLwk/NGT o9DVex5leJpHFShLlqHcUVFbXMV3bpPC25HGQalrmasegmmroK KKKBhRRTJG2RO/91SaAOc1v7Te3qxwxvIiA7VUZ74J/Pj8KTQ7Sd70iVXWKLJZGGASRjpW/ZRLFax4A3FAWb17/wBanrTnsrHIsPeftGzKl0RZnDzOXRD 7gjwqqM/5zRrmpnTbZI4CFmf7vH3VFac0iRRM8kixqP4mIAH51x s3dzfTfZYozMkLnEiDO7Pv8ASrpJzkr7IVZqlF8m7KF5fz3svm 3D7mxgcYAFU3kq9FpyvYm8uLyK2jJIVWBLMR6D61jvJXowS2R5 clLeXU6fwjqYju3sJD8s3zJ7MOo/Efyrsa8t0uV4dZsnKsuZlwSMZGcV6lXDioKM7rqepg5Nws gUUUVynYFNkXdGyjuCKdWbq1xe2Uf2q2CSRqP3kbL09wacVd2J nJRjdjPD1z5un Sx eBipHfHb/PtWrXH6fqiw6lLfiPZBIdsyA52Z/i ma6zK3EAaKX5XGVdDWtWDjK5hh6ilC3YzPEN9ZW9g0FyBK0mMR BsE89c9q5y38TG3VbZrWP7EBtMa/eI9c tR LRNHrLySpsR1HltnhgBWHMkqJuZcAdeeV o7V20aMeRX6nFWrT9o7aWOjv/FNjOkkMWmJtYFUlkxlN3U4x/I1hCwvV1SK0ji8yViGjIG5HXs3utZryVveEbbUNR1GPZcSpZWj B3AcgZ6hR9a1cVSi2iE3VklI7PWbe0MFrLdCMPDMnlyMdoQ5Gf wwKv211BeQ dbSrLGSQHU5Bx6GuW8WX1jdX8OnX90LexgIkuDglpW7IoHsck9 s1v6NqFlqNiH0 N1tk RCYyikD 7ntXnSg1TTZ6cZJzaRoUUUVgbCVgXRGn3e9dcUKT80E538dxW QGBBGQeCKxr7wtp93log1s57x9D Fa03FP3jGtGTXurUzLvT4Z976JdxvvOTCrgEeoHsfSsyx8T32k kW0kSvFGcNEy7WX1qfUfDMOmJ59zq6RJn5f3R3E wBqiby21Rks47Frlxy93I2xlUdSccAD3Jruioyj3RwPmjK691n ReJNaRfD0F1bIrG6IEbOoOzjk/XtXnwunjl8wNlu ed3qD6108d/plxplxpX2iaSztIzKXMYO7n HuOTwffpiseyttE1C9jt4mvA5Vm2vtwxVc4/HB/L3q6KVOLTQVb1JJ3M aONHeRyVh4KgdWyMgD8D1pYNTvjA1rbTSW9oG3OkJILE9s9STi tTzNF1KCWaysZJ7mBSwspn2qUHUqF5PuM5H4Utv4j0 /s00y0hTQp3bCXEXzISexP3h9a1cm18IlBJ7jNP8OGQ/bdenjtIEG6O1lmCPL6A5Pyg p5rqdAl1q/uY5G1TTIbOIYFnY7ZDtHQE9qxLf4XXEs2 /1VSCckxISzfi1dZpHhHRdFZJbW0BnX/lvIdz/AJ1yVqsGt7v0OulTkulvmbVFFFeedYUUUhIVSzEAAZJPagDJ1L w1Y6tdfaLt52YDAUSYUD2FVNX8O7dAk0/RII4nldfMLNgsvfJ6mtG31/SLqYQwajbvIeAokGTU1/qlhpaI19dxW4c4Uu2M1sp1E0vwMXCm0336nP6X4JSz0u8huJxJ cXcRjLKMKg6jHrzg/hWf4O8IXllqb32pxCPydyRJkHcTwW mOn1rr7DV9O1Tf9hvIrgx43CNs4z0ot9W0 7vJbO3vIZbiH/WRowJXtVutVtJPruJUqd010OKg8DajpXiq1vbJ45rNJw5Jba6L 3BHfg9q6LU/BOg6mXd7MQyvyZIDsOfXHT9K1NQ1Sw0qES393FboxwDI2Mn29a dHqFnNY/bormJ7YKWMqsCoA6nNKVarK0io0oK6JoYxDCkQJIRQoJ6nAp9Z Nv4p0G6nSCDVbZ5JCFRQ/LE9q1qxlFrdGit0CiiipGFQ3YDWc4PQxt/Kpqhuzts5z6Rt/KmtxPY8hSHTD4PnupJFXUEugsQD/MVwO3p1Ofaug8TyoyeFZNTwYWUG48zOMYTOaj8A HdK1aykv72AzTQz7VDN8mMAjI79avfENIX1PQIpwvkNOVcHgbc pnn6V6kpp1lDtf8uhwwg1Tv6fmdFo0egw2c91oiW3lciR4O5Az g/nXm3gq4eHxlZ3D523hlX65z/Wu/vF0nRfC2pppXkRKkLuyxOCQxGATz9K8vhn1Cwi0W8ltWht7eUt BNj/AFg3AmooLmU/PTX0NprWPkd9q1lbaj8SrK3vVS4h xORC/IHXnH elQwaDfaB4L8QW07Jsk8x4FRs4TH9RU11Oq/FSzZ5FVDYnaWOOuaE8RT IfC3iEywxxi2EkaGPJDLg4/Gs7ztFLbT8zVRV2QeB4PC89hYfu7NtWRSxB/1gYE88 2K7uuL8CWGiQ6PY35S2XUGDKZGf5ydxGMZ64rtKwru9R7lpWQU UUVgMKbIiyRsjjKsCD9KdUN1/x6TY6 W38qEBz3ha48MafLNo j34lmMhdldiSx74OMHGO1M8Qp4Y8Q2RuNQvmEOnTmJ3iJG1zgF Tx9K5jQUjU D3VArtNcbmA5bnue9Z19M9ideglLG3vrt0Q46SRyBv8A0FjXo x/eXTd/wDg2Zgn7trHTT6V4K8Nx3Wm3F3NE1/Cu/LMx2ZyCCBgcit6fwvo peHrTTnEhtIFV4WDkNjHXPuDWLeXF5a PybHTxftJp8YZC4Tau772T/AJ5rtz90/SuepKSs7u 5okjj7pPCHjKaCyW7JuLdSsXlko20dRyOelX7C08OWUV14XtZM O0bNPHklyCOST64IrA0iFBp/hmVYx5g1CVd2OcfPmq1pcpH8RTfeaD5t7JbkZ5A2gA/nWjjvFN2X5miiaNj4Y8HQiy1KK7mdXnVYWaQ4eQHgYxnqK7muG 07T5F8avpZUfY7KZ76MehcAAfgSa7msKzbau7jkrBRRRWJIU10 EkbI33WBBp1FAHGaR4JvrDVLJrnUYpbHTnke2jWPD5b 8ak1DwVNf6dqFu1zEJJ9QN3A204QHAIP4Zrr6K2debd7kqKRzG p6BrTa6uqaRf21u32UQN50ZbODn/CuigWZbaNZ3V5ggDuowGbHJAqWiolNySTKOV0nwxqdrNZJe30D 2ljK8sUcUZDMxz94n0yarL4EcQxzC4hGoLeee04B ZM5212dFV7ad7lKTRlQ6TLF4oudVMiGKa3WIJzuBBrVoorNtvc TdwooopCP//Z

Peace One Day (http://www.peaceoneday.org/)
St. George’s House
15 St. George’s Road
Tel: +44 (0) 208 334 9900
Mob: +44 (0) 7514194532
Fax: +44 (0) 028 948 0545

From: Asociatia ARTA Zalmoxa <artazalmoxa@gmail.com>
Sent: 30 May 2019 12:40
To: POD Info <info@peaceoneday.org>; Peace One Day <Campaigns@peaceoneday.org>
Subject: To the kind attention of: Mr. Jeremy Gilley

Dear Mr. Jeremy Gilley,

I am impressed by your initiative and effort with reference to ”International Day of Peace”, and the beneficial effect which it has had and it will have on all the people. Please accept my sincere congratulations for this major achievement.

It is a big success, that one day – from all 365 days of the year – is declared PEACE DAY at global level, due to your idea and actions.

I am writing on behalf of the young people from Arta Zalmoxa Association and Avangarda de Sacrificiu Association, with the hope that by joining our forces, having a continuous and responsible communication, to succeed – step by step – that the rest of 364 days of the year to be declared PEACE DAYS as well.

In order to accomplish this desideratum, we organize - together with Academia DacoRomână - The International Symposium for Peace called ”SARMIZEGETUSA 2050 – The World Peace Capital”, event that will take place each year on 21st September in Craiova, Romania.

Since last year, we offered thousands of flyers (like the one attached to this e-mail) to kindergartens and primary schools from Craiova city, thus the kids of our Nation to write with their own hands the word PEACE on them, so their pure souls to determine the peace and their families to take into consideration this sincere wish regarding the future of humanity.

I have noticed that our action has started to have an unexpected impact on children’s parents, grandparents and great-grandparents after we have distributed thousands of flyers in Oltenia region. That is the reason why, we decided to finance at least one million flyers which will be sent to all the cities placed on both sides of Prut River (river which separates Romania in two regions).

We want to extrapolate this system to global level, together with the ones which will join us, determining signing at SARMIZEGETUSA REGIA – The Spiritual Capital of Romanians - of the World Peace Treaty by the year 2050. Thus we will ensure the peace and prosperity of the planet and mankind, providing premises for a happy, healthy and decent life.

We would be honored by your attendance at the symposium and also to join those efforts, agreeing together on their strategy and logistics.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Respectfully yours,
Adrian Pop

Tel. +40.723.663.100 E-mail: artazalmoxa@gmail.com (artazalmoxa@gmail.com)
Câmpia Islaz Nr. 85, Craiova, România Skype: adrianpop58
www.sfatulbatranilor.ro (http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro)
www.facebook.com/arta.zalmoxa (http://www.facebook.com/arta.zalmoxa)
www.facebook.com/groups/SARMIZEGETUSA2050 (http://www.facebook.com/groups/SARMIZEGETUSA2050)

Adrian Pop
06.06.2019, 14:50

The event looks great! Well done!

I have a suggestion.

If you could post about your event TODAY using the hashtags #peaceday and #goal17.

The organisation who are scheduled to post today are not getting back to me – if they DO post, I’ll share theirs as normal but if they DON’T I can post yours instead.

This also means that if in the next week or so an organisation fails to post we can put yours out then.



Evenimentul arată grozav! Foarte bine!

Am o sugestie.

Dacă ați putea posta despre evenimentul dvs. din ziua de azi folosind hashtags #peaceday și # goal17.

Organizația care este programată să posteze astăzi nu se mai întoarce la mine - dacă posta, voi împărți a lor ca normal, dar dacă nu pot să posta pe al tău.

Acest lucru înseamnă, de asemenea, că, dacă săptămâna viitoare o organizație nu reușește să postați, atunci putem să vă scoatem.

Adrian Pop
07.06.2019, 14:22
[13:16, 7.6.2019] Adrian Pop: http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro/threads/25313-Peace-Day-193/page3

Adrian Pop
11.06.2019, 10:19
[08:55, 11.6.2019] Zamfir Catalin: A scris ieri Ned
[08:55, 11.6.2019] Zamfir Catalin: Vad ca nu a intrat Alina pe mail sa ii raspunda
[08:56, 11.6.2019] Zamfir Catalin: Bună Alina,

Asociația ARTA Zalmoxa ar fi bine să împărtășească un post cu coaliția în această joi, 13 iunie?
Nu uitați să includeți hashtags #peaceday și # goal17.
De asemenea, vreau să fiu sigur că este bine să utilizați această imagine din evenimentul dvs. din campania # peaceday193.
Aș fi mai mult decât bucuros să vorbesc din nou la telefon dacă ai nevoie?
[08:56, 11.6.2019] Zamfir Catalin: O sa ii raspund eu
[09:08, 11.6.2019] Adrian Pop: Nu stiu cand vine Alina din Franta....
[09:08, 11.6.2019] Adrian Pop: poti sa-i scrii ca alina este plecata cateva zile si ca raspunzi tu
[09:14, 11.6.2019] Adrian Pop: ii trimisai un mesaj
[09:14, 11.6.2019] Adrian Pop: Alinei

Adrian Pop
16.06.2019, 23:38

>> http://bit.ly/PD193_Overview_ENGLISH (https://www.google.com/url?q=http://bit.ly/PD193_Overview_ENGLISH&sa=D&ust=1560716868834000&usg=AFQjCNGZtOaFpK-TFRXop9qE21knYhmQOA)
[2] •• #PEACE DAY193' •• [ PRINTABLE SIGN ]
Use this sign in your #PeaceDay193 Photo (or make your own sign!)
>> http://bit.ly/PD193_Printable_ENGLISH (https://www.google.com/url?q=http://bit.ly/PD193_Printable_ENGLISH&sa=D&ust=1560716868834000&usg=AFQjCNH7DxxnxUwvKJMzUO2AFX1QIqDZDA)
'Topic of Peace' resource provides inspiration and ideas for peace-themed, cross-curricular learning in the build-up to Peace Day.
>> http://bit.ly/Topic-of-Peace_8page_ENGLISH (https://www.google.com/url?q=http://bit.ly/Topic-of-Peace_8page_ENGLISH&sa=D&ust=1560716868834000&usg=AFQjCNGe0TfaBendx9paDWxdSGjGAUeSoQ)
A shared, 4-step format for a Global Peace Assembly on Friday 20th September.
>> http://bit.ly/Global-Peace-Assembly_ENGLISH (https://www.google.com/url?q=http://bit.ly/Global-Peace-Assembly_ENGLISH&sa=D&ust=1560716868834000&usg=AFQjCNHBZ-etEa6C-z31bNdV5CRRLJJq5A)
If you would like, your school can use Peace Day participation (above) as a basis to fundraise for Peace One Day. We are a non-profit organization that has been working for 20 years in the name of peace. Any and all contributions from school fundraising will go directly towards our ongoing work to engage young people on and around Peace Day through inspirational initiatives and engaging peace projects.
To begin - or inquire further about - a school donation process, please email our head of finance, Eszter.Colley-Korondi@peaceoneday.org
Please direct any education-related communications to Ben.Harrington@PeaceOneDay.org or Education@PeaceOneDay.org. Please note we are a small team and replying make take some time.
www.PeaceOneDay.org/Education (https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.PeaceOneDay.org/Education&sa=D&ust=1560716868835000&usg=AFQjCNGLyU7RBqcxV9cjHkdbhZlEuFmuNA)


Copy and paste this link: http://bit.ly/PeaceDay193_SignUp (https://www.google.com/url?q=http://bit.ly/PeaceDay193_SignUp&sa=D&ust=1560716868835000&usg=AFQjCNGR4ZDX6uKmG85ZeDrTbaBtaaD3rQ)
__________________________________________________ ________Inform others about this powerful initiative and help spread the word of #PeaceDay193 across the world.
Share this page on your Facebook timeline, or directly with any teachers, youth workers, schools or parents you may know.
Simply copy and paste this link: http://bit.ly/PeaceDay193_SignUp (https://www.google.com/url?q=http://bit.ly/PeaceDay193_SignUp&sa=D&ust=1560716868835000&usg=AFQjCNGR4ZDX6uKmG85ZeDrTbaBtaaD3rQ)

Adrian Pop
16.06.2019, 23:40
Thank you for joining #GlobalYouth193. This collaborative spreadsheet (updated daily) shows all responses (minus email address) and provides space for you to add further details regarding your student's / young people's unfolding plans and commitments for Peace Day 2019. Please do take a look and expect an email from Education@PeaceOneDay within 72 hours with more details about this exciting global youth project :)
We will be emailing all #PeaceDay193 schools periodically with updates on Peace Points and project progress