Arată versiune întreagă : utilizarea excesivă a antibioticelor sintetice

Adrian Pop
05.07.2018, 19:15
-------- Forwarded Message --------

1)WBAA - whole body Anti Aging ( newly arrived results ). 2) most “ damaging approval ? “ - message from London

Thu, 05 Jul 2018 07:20:20 -0500

Constantin Pandaru <tsapresident@icloud.com>



1) the Professional group ( TSA CORP) is processing the new results on
WBAA PROJECT ; more and more evidence comes up about the unrivaled results
when using the new techs. More and more evidence showed the risks and damages
associated with use and overuse of synthetic antibiotics and other synthetics ....read additional info on the WEBMD link , presented bellow.. A special seminar open to participants and guests will be announced soon ( presenting all DNA results/findings )


From WEBMD , MARCH 23 /2018. ( HealthDay News) AMR ... synthetic drugs
Common Meds May Help Spur Antibiotic Resistance:


2) message from London ( W. Robertson) :

“ ....the American Authorities ( FDA ) approved 10 days ago another synthetic ( poison) antibiotic; this time , however , something very unique happened :
- the announced PRESS CONFERENCE for next day ( June 26) did not occur
- the stock price of the public company producing the new antibiotic dropped over 30% during the following two days ! ....in fact, during the last 15 months the same company lost over 64% .....
....is this the most “ damaging approval “ ?
....invitation to the AMERICAN team: please find out how and why the FDA “approval” ruined the whole company....when the medical community is looking desperately for new, effective antibiotics? “

The right answer will be presented on our website! Special award for the author!

Adrian Pop
05.07.2018, 19:15
1) Grupul Profesionist (TSA CORP) prelucrează noile rezultate
Proiect WBAA; din ce în ce mai multe dovezi privind rezultatele neegalate
când folosiți noii tehnici. Din ce în ce mai multe dovezi au arătat riscurile și daunele
asociate cu utilizarea și utilizarea excesivă a antibioticelor sintetice și a altor materiale sintetice .... citește informații suplimentare despre link-ul WEBMD, prezentat mai jos .. Un seminar special deschis participanților și oaspeților va fi anunțat în curând (prezentând toate rezultatele / concluziile ADN-ului)

Adrian Pop
05.07.2018, 19:16
Common Meds May Help Spur Antibiotic Resistance

By Robert Preidt
HealthDay Reporter
FRIDAY, March 23, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- More than one-quarter of non-antibiotic medicines inhibit the growth of bacteria in the human gut and may contribute to antibiotic resistance (https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/antibiotic-resistance), new research suggests.
Many species of bacteria live in the human gut -- collectively known as the gut microbiome (https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/ss/slideshow-how-gut-health-affects-whole-body) -- and antibiotics (https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/rm-quiz-antibiotics-myths-facts) can affect the balance. But the effect of non-antibiotic medicines on gut bacteria had been unclear.
Researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, in Germany, tested about 1,000 medicines on 40 species of gut bacteria. Of 923 non-antibiotics tested, 250 affected the growth of at least one of species of gut bacteria.
"The number of unrelated drugs that hit gut microbes as collateral damage was surprising. Especially since we show that the actual number is likely to be even higher," study co-author Peer Bork said in a laboratory news release.
Bork noted that the shift in gut bacteria makeup contributes to drug side effects, but also might be part of the drugs' beneficial action.
Co-author Kiran Patil pointed out that scientists have much more to learn.
"We don't know yet how most of these drugs target microbes, how these effects manifest in the human host, and what the clinical outcomes are," Patil said. "We need to carefully study these relationships, as this knowledge could dramatically improve our understanding and the efficacy of existing drugs."
The findings open up the worrisome possibility that non-antibiotic drugs may contribute to antibiotic resistance, another co-author added.
"This is scary, considering that we take many non-antibiotic drugs in our life, often for long periods," said co-author Nassos Typas. "Still, not all drugs will impact gut bacteria and not all resistance will be common. In some cases, resistance to specific non-antibiotics will trigger sensitivity to specific antibiotics, opening paths for designing optimal drug combinations."
The researchers said their study is the first to investigate direct interactions between marketed drugs of all kinds and individual gut bacteria.
This line of research could also lead to personalized drug therapies, according to study co-author Georg Zeller.

"We all carry different bacterial species -- besides several common ones -- and on top of that, we carry different individuals of the same species called strains. These strains can have very different functionalities, including the response to drugs," Zeller said.
"Therefore," he added, "many drug-microbe interactions are likely to be individual, opening paths for personalized drug therapies aimed at the individual gut microbiome."
The findings were published March 19 in the journal Nature.
WebMD News from HealthDay

Adrian Pop
05.07.2018, 19:17
2) mesaj de la Londra (W. Robertson):"... Autoritățile americane (FDA) au aprobat acum 10 zile un alt antibiotic sintetic (otravă); de data aceasta, însă, sa întâmplat ceva foarte unic:- Conferința de presă anunțată pentru a doua zi (26 iunie) nu a avut loc- prețul acțiunilor societății publice care produce noul antibiotic a scăzut cu peste 30% în următoarele două zile! .... de fapt, în ultimele 15 luni aceeași companie a pierdut peste 64% ......... aceasta este cea mai "aprobare dăunătoare"?.... invitația echipei AMERICAN: vă rugăm să aflați cum și de ce aprobarea FDA a ruinat întreaga companie .... atunci când comunitatea medicală este în căutarea disperată de antibiotice noi și eficiente? „Răspunsul corect va fi prezentat pe site-ul nostru! Premiul special pentru autor!

Adrian Pop
05.07.2018, 19:38
Multumesc Domnule Constantin !!!!


Sarut mana Doamnei !!!


Cu mare respect,