Arată versiune întreagă : Primele 50 Cele mai vizitate atractii turistice

13.04.2018, 13:14
The world's 50 most visited tourist attractions (https://www.lovehomeswap.com/blog/latest-news/the-50-most-visited-tourist-attractions-in-the-world)


Published in News (https://www.lovehomeswap.com/blog/latest-news)- January 1, 2015

Every travel destination has at least one must-see attraction.

We at Love Home Swap (http://www.lovehomeswap.com/) were curious. Which of these attractions was the most visited? Would it be India's iconic Taj Mahal? Or perhaps California's Disneyland? And just how many holidaymakers visited them each year? Following extensive research, we've come up with a list of the 50 most visited tourist attractions.
https://assets-prod.lhsenv.com/images/original/430751-lhs-touristattractions-final.png (https://assets-prod.lhsenv.com/images/original/430751-lhs-touristattractions-final.png)

13.04.2018, 13:15
sa vedeti numarul de vizitatori...

la nr 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 34, 41 este Disneyland...