Arată versiune întreagă : 8th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop Nov 26 2014

21.01.2017, 13:50

21.01.2017, 13:51
Transcript courtesy of Zhang Hui
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W987WqUlr8

Rick Crammond: This is the official beginning of the eighth kid’s Knowledge Seekers Workshop, put on by the Keshe foundation and I’m one of the hosts Rick Crammond and Keyvan Davani is the other co-host on this show. We will be speaking to Mr. Keshe at the spaceship institute and he will be giving us advice on how to become a better child, you might say, a better person that knows more about the universe in terms of plasma. Ok so Keyvan is there something you would like to say before we begin the talk with Mr. Keshe.
Keyvan Davani: It’s just funny that you mention kid’s in space what they would do just previously, it’s just that I have been thinking since yesterday, if I had that level of knowledge and understanding as Mr. Keshe, how easy or difficult would it be to build the first prototype of a spaceship. With that level of understanding of yours, is it more difficult or easy than I would imagine, or any other kid would imagine.
Mr. Keshe: Depends on their imagination would they. Hello children. There was a program called Hello Children, where ever you are I hope you enjoy this session. In so many ways you don’t need much imagination, one of the main things which man in space will come to understand, especially the children of the space program or spaceship program, is that as human beings in space we will move away a lot from tangibility of matter.
What does this mean?
It means we will rely more on fields on what is about the process of the generation of entities in the universe. What is important in so many ways for the children or even for the adults is to understand in the space, I was talking about this with recently in the past day or two.
What are we going to do in space with all the time we have?
There are no shopping centers, there are no cinemas, there are no arcades, possibly there is something called the space programs or games which you can play but what a destiny is for man is not as we know a day trip to moon, or a day trip to mars. It is sustaining life in the space for thousands of years. How are we going to spend our time, before we start the program Rick said can you explain to children how do they go to school, what food they eat, what would they play with, how do they get their energy. It’s very simple, the way the children have adapted and changed in the past 20 years with the computer games and more advance electronics, children will grow into the new style of living. Children will have a different value than present children.
At the moment when we say, the minute we say to our children to do something; they say what’s in it for me? What am I going to get? If you remember a very old song about a boy, whose mother said to clean up your room and then he came back and said well for putting my shoes away $1 dollar, for cleaning up my bed $2 dollars and he added it up and it was something like $12 dollars, and the mother at the end said, bringing you up, free of charge, no charge, breastfeeding you for so long, no charge and she went through everything she has done to staying awake to looking after him, out of what, out of my love to you, no charge.
So in space it’s a no charge game. In space you don’t receive financial rewards, you receive how you can help, how you can serve, how you can go out to be able to serve, to assist and to be there not just for a part of the people you are but with other people, with other creatures of the universe. The style of life which my youngest son and even my grandchildren will have or you as youngsters will have, will be totally different than what we have, even what you have, or what you see up to now. How you play games will not be so physicality, you do some on what the space allows you to do, what the space accommodates you to do but the standard expectation of life will change, the games you play will change, the habits will change, in a way you cannot go outside and play in the garden because you are going at such a high speed. If you go out, god knows where the plane is by the time you want to come back in.
On this planet what is the new development in the plasma technology will bring is enormous, we see it, I’ve seen, I can see what is going to come. The games will change totally beyond our imagination in the next 3-5 years using this new technology. The reason for it being not, it gives us new, what you call tools to play but it makes energy available in a way we are not used to, positioning we are not used to. If you go on the live stream of the Keshe foundation now we have set out to show for the first time in man’s culture of science, that he can burn no fuel and you don’t need to damage anything but he can find new position. If you go on the live stream and have a look what is actually downstairs below us, going on with the system. If you understand the potential of what that little thing which is rolling downstairs does, what it can do to your life, you don’t need imagination, skateboards which never touch the ground, bicycles with no wheels, you can play surfing with no water. The game’ the totality has changed and in the coming time as your parents tell you, more and more scientists and manufactures are coming together and in the coming months and weeks you will see totally new expansion into the knowledge and science of man even which affects you.
You can go with your laptops; you can go with your PlayStation 3, never worry if you are going to run out of charge, where does the next battery come from, do I need to recharge my game. These changes will affect you even beyond your imagination but as you always do, youngsters just go into it naturally as it being all the time that way. If you ask your grandfathers they used to go to school, if they went to school, on the back of a donkey or a horse or walk to school, cars were rare things. In two generations man’s history has changed and now man’s history will change totally with new technology. A lot of the things you hear about wars and killings will not exist. There will be no weapons for you to kill and to be killed by.
Today if you live or listen as kids or teenagers, there are riots going on all over the United States for a policeman shooting a youngster the age of 15 or 16. There will be no gun for a child to be killed by. Man will come to understand that the fighting and greed has come to an end, because you can have whatever you need, at the time that you need it. Your lifestyle will be different than ours, you do not need to worry if you go to bed hungry tonight or tomorrow, would there be food, will you have enough energy to go to school. The food will be available to every child on this planet in a freeway. I think we have seen this in a very crude way this Monday with our Chinese agriculture guides. A lot of people did not understand what entailed but us as people sit outside and understand the technology. If you go and look at the Chinese workshop of Monday, it means man has become independent, not off the land but independent that he can grow anything on this planet even in the driest part of the world. So there will be no hunger. You don’t need to pay to go hungry, food will not be a luxury, food will be part of the principle essential that is available at any point for anyone.
At the moment estimated by the United Nation, up to one third of the children plus on this planet go to sleep hungry, not knowing it there is food tomorrow. If they have enough energy to go to school or if you have been with me and seen in the past 2 years/ 3 years when I was in university in Africa, students in the upper teenagers 17 -20 in University, fall asleep when the lecturers are teaching because they haven’t had any food for 2 or 3 days because they can’t afford it.
These all will come to a pass and it has come to the pass, it’s just how them Keshe foundation will change the scene in the coming weeks and days. We have started seeing a number of manufactures, a number of countries, coming in to give a hand unconditionally to make this come true because now the tools are there and now we can deliver a system or can deliver what it is. No child will go to sleep in a dark room with no lights, this is one of the parts we call the 2015/2016 roadmap of the Keshe Foundation. We released it last year what we were going to do in 2014. So what you are going to play unlimited game, with the energy, without the hunger. You will be the first generation who does not need to work at the age of 8-10 like your great grandfathers, if you are in meals in minds just to be able to live.
If you look, go back and look at the history of Britain, go and look at the place called Manchester or Olden. As long as their father was alive and wasn’t dead, the children had a roof because the factory would give them a house in what they called two up, two down. Two rooms for the children and parents to live and cook and when the father died, the children where on the street, hungry. We have come a long way. These houses still exist; we can go and see them, thousands of them. In your generation there will be no worries where the food come and the only thing is, the only point of change comes, how fast we can get the people who make these games for you and stop making shooting games and killing games into the games of how you serve and how you can be useful to your society and enjoy it because that is what we are going to do in space.
This is not a dream anymore; this is the reality which is coming so fast, that even the government try to deny it because they don’t know how to handle it. We have assorted within the CO2 kids which means we can start making the essential energy base for the energy for your toys, for your food and I am already started getting telephone calls asking when is the energy kit out because I want to buy it now so I can start making CO2 cans and very soon after that how can we fly?, how can we go there?, how can we do that?. Do you need to go to school? In the future there will be no pens and no papers because we can’t take papers into space, unless we have another spaceship for luxuries behind us. Electronics have become a thing of the past if you understand the new technology. You will be taught through direct communication and you take what you need when you need and the knowledge you need is the points that you need.
At schools the way you go to school and you have to right and sit and be shouted at and insulted by another to say how much clever than you I am is over. It is just a matter of time. The way we use our health section to reach the emotion and understanding of the brain, to change a disease, it will become a common way to teach and language or any science you are interested in. These are not dreams, these are the things we are working on, we have and what we see, the new technology is going to bring for you. How far you are going to go depends on you and how far a man is prepared to change depends on your generation because our generation has already done its job. We have managed to destroy as much as we could in the past 50 years. We bombed each other with nuclear, we killed each other with chemical weapons, we slaughtered each other for more money in the bank and in space there are no banks, there are no nuclear or chemical weapons.
You are born and you grow up in the most beautiful time of the human race. Most probably by early next year in the first quarter or first half of next year, the first toys developed through this technology will be available to you. A football which never lands, we have already seen an effect of it, playing with whole concept of positioning. The game will be totally different, if you are not afraid of heights, then you can start playing new games that would never get to here. If you look at the late 1990’s Olympics, a guy had a back pack, flying and he had few seconds to land, if he had landed 1 second too soon or 1 second late he would have crashed, now you can do that on the back pack as much as you like whenever you like because you don’t burn fuel, you position yourself.
Seeing children who have all sorts of disabilities will be a thing of the past because the knowledge is there for every man to have a full physical development. This is what we are building. So the change will be so rapid in the next 5 years that even would say half full of beings called as a four wheels. You know the man in space is known as a four wheelers because only thing we have done is change the donkey for the four wheels and we called it a car. Nowhere in the universe does anybody use such technology, it would be backwards. If you see wheels on the moon, running around in space, or a back pack then you need a backpack and wheels on the moon to move. Now we have the knowledge we have the technology and you will be benefited by it.
Handicapped, mental disordered, mentally handicapped children will be a thing of the past in the coming years because now we have enough knowledge to be able to change the positon and growth of the brain, we have been running research and it is 100% positive and it is the most positive research we have ever done from the return of the results, a child should not suffer and mean to be in a wheelchair, where there is a possibility and a knowledge to do so and the knowledge is there it is just expanding it so we can touch every type of deformity and lack of growth of that part of the body of the man. The future for your generations if you live for the next 5-10 years is beautiful; the only one who can destroy it is you and nobody else. You will not go and be able to play football in space but you play a different game of football in space, you spend more time creating peace and supporting other cultures and races than you can ever imagine. This is not a dream, this is a reality and if you can hear very very carefully, you should hear a buzzing noise, it’s just like a fly flying in the background, these are the motors of the system which can and are developing and showed are able to reduce weight and gain weight. Now we change it to positioning and how we are building that plasma to reach that positioning and motion without burning the fuel. If you get a chance tomorrow, we might be able to show you the system outside in the lab where it is running.
Now let’s come back to earth, a lot of you children suffer from something called lice, little animals that live in your hair, that you pick up in the school and a lot of you use all sorts of chemicals to have the freedom not to have these little guests in your hair. You have to understand how these become the guest in your hairs, it’s a simple space technology. The field within your hair due to emotion or change of condition in your hair creates a condition and an environment when the little guest comes in. They always live with you, they are always in your pillow and in your mattress and everywhere else you play but in your hair you don’t make a home for them it’s like you put a little sweet waiting for the mouse to come and catch it. Or putting little cheese for the mouse to come and catch it but this time you don’t see the food you put out.
When you are emotionally disturbed in a school, that’s why we see most of these diseases in the schools because the teachers create a condition by shouting or friends that change the environment within your emotional part of the brain and this in itself creates within your skull, which is like a reactor that materials released or converted in your hair become a feeding ground. You just opened a nursery so they come for a feed or with the new style if life, you see parents changing shampoos one day to another and these changes in shampoos or washing hair, or going to the swimming pool changes the acidity and the condition of the environment of the hair so now you put the food so you wait for the bird to come in. if you have such a condition or your forever with a cold and with little chemicals trying to kill it, it's a very easy way to do it.
Rick Crammond: Sorry Mr. Keshe we lost that total last sentence it broke up. We lost the secret formula, it didn't come through.
Mr. Keshe: It’s not a secret formula, it’s what I develop in so many ways and people know that.
Rick Crammond: Ok can you repeat it because we lost it totally here.
Mr. Keshe: You need equal measure of 3 products. Like a spoon of washing up liquid, a spoon of lemon and a spoon of vinegar. You mix them very fine and you just brush your hair with it. In the morning at lunch time and dinner time and in maximum 3 days they should not come back again because the lemon juice brings the amino acid condition of the hair, the skull to a balanced level, the vinegar due to its property disassembles, literally disintegrates these little animals, even their eggs and the washing up liquid slides them off, it’s like being in a slid in the swimming pool and the three together creates a condition that does not allow on the brain or the skull learns how to handle. Once you do this it will be very seldom before you see lice back again and this is one of the biggest problems and it doesn't cost much, less than 1 cent, 2 cents or whatever you like to call it. But you just comb your hair and don't wash your hair just leave it, it doesn't show and you don't smell of vinegar and you don't smell of lemon, you will problem just smell of beautiful washing up liquid but do it 3 times a day and maybe by second day or third day you don't need it anymore. These are the psychological pressures that the adults put on the children for them to confirm they exist and this is another kind of abuse and when the child cannot handle, the fields from the emotional part creates an environment, like atmosphere of the earth around there skull, which changes the condition for living and production of materials which is essential for the skin to be a lubricant to in a conditional sugar that invites animals to come in. So what do you do? You change the condition permanently and questions? From the big children. Ye can go home now.
Rick Crammond: Thank you Mr. Keshe, I would like to try to talk a little more about these kids in space theme, for example we talked about getting energy from food and possibility in the future, people will have less emphasis on, I guess enjoying food and having food more for energy purposes rather than for enjoyment purposes. Do you think that is true? And if so is that kind of a scary thought for kids and for most adults to have to give up the enjoyment of certain kinds of foods, like sweets for example or certain other foods which stimulate us and so on. Is that something you think might be phased out or altered in our attitudes in the future?
Mr. Keshe: There is a school of thought, not the school of thought; this is the way a lot of things are done in space. We have a condition of what is called, erasing the memory. In most of the deepest space conditions, memories are put (in a) frozen condition. What it means, you will not remember anything about the earth. Once you have entered the deepen state, deep space travels, there is no use in creating a condition, which goes back to something that doesn't exist anymore. So what comes is what energy you receive to be able to live; to be able to have a life anywhere in the universe. Food like bananas or hamburgers or cheese burgers or pizzas, they stimulate in a way, sense of smell, sense of belonging and good memories or bad memories but at the same time they deliver their energy or they deliver their gravitational magnetic fields. So as our knowledge has expanded beyond the present understanding of physics and science, we can gimmick, imitate and make the smell of any food you like, give you the feeling that you chewed the same food, you eat the same food, you smell it, you taste it and in fact you have never eaten it. But that way for you is comfort, that you received the energy from it. You got to understand that for example you have a carbon, what would you write your pencil with? When you change its structure to a crystal structure it becomes a diamond, which mama wears on the ring. It's the same material but in a different formation. The same thing is with the gas. If you (bring) a gas from its one state to a diamond state, then it becomes odor, a smell, now how much you squeeze this odor, this structure gives you taste and smell from sugar to salt and vinegar or bananas, very much as we say in a plasma, you see the white plasma we call it CO2 or the same plasma in a different color, behaves like copper or can behave like iron.
The knowledge is now available to be able to do this. You can make a gas to smell and have an odor of anything you like so you smell as you’re eating banana at the same time we can create taste condition of the water in your mouth to feel you are chewing banana. Food the way we see it, carrying beef and steak and chicken nuggets in deep space for thousands of years is over, but you can still have the texture anyway. But the thing is you won’t even remember bananas. These will be pictures and memories on the walls. There are much more interesting foods in the space. A lot of people ask what is the purpose of us going to space. The way man has been here to be helped, to move out of this planet due to what is to come, to happen. You become pioneers to help the others who are in the same position but you have to first learn that everything has to be peaceful. In a way what gives you refuge, you become one that gives others refuge, how to survive in the space. This is not unique to this planet; it happens on a regular basis around the universe. So that’s why we say when the time comes to space, those who are clear to serve, will find their way into the space because the servitude comes when you have everything and you go out like an earthquake zone, you go to help irrespective if you have a nice warm house and everything else. You put your backpack on and you go and help someone who is in a disastrous condition. We are doing that with the human beings now and in time the humans (who) come to space will do the same to rescue others. This is the philosophy and this is the ethos of the universe.
So you won’t even remember bananas because by the time your child is born, bananas do not even exist in deep space. Most probably there is no earth for you to go back to either because you are so far away. You become children of the space and (have) new homes and new lands. This is the reality; it happens every day of the moment you live. You have earthquake people lose their home and they have to start a new thing. We had Fukushima, a reactor blows up all the children lost their schools, their homes are there but they cannot go to it anymore. This is the same scale but with a bigger respect to man on this planet. Any other questions? The future is very bright. It’s just you who have to change the mentality of playing war games, to playing love and care games. As I was saying to someone recently, I give you so much love that you can’t handle it. You don’t need to hate, and you don’t need to fight. There is something as children you have got to learn. When you have to fight for something, you already have lost…. if you understand that meaning.
Any other questions?
Rick Crammond: Thank you Mr. Keshe. And I would like to follow up on this idea of games for kids and games that will be realizing the vision for peace rather than the vision of conflict and maybe we can focus on that for the next session next week and we can prepare. I have got a couple of games I made which I would like to show, as an example of a different kind of game where you win by not shooting things, by not killing, instead of getting points for killings, you get points for not killing.
Mr. Keshe: I think one thing which is wrong with the vocabulary of man is the word killing. The thing is, what is strange is, you and I are of the generation during our time when we were in teenagers, the first calculators came and the first computer games came out. There was no killing in them but they were already fun to play and now every game you pick up it has to be destroyed, you have to kill or you have to jump or you have to turn something around to be damaged. That psychologically gears you up into killing. If you go back to Disney channels, if you remember Tom & Jerry and the rest. That was a philosophy of Disney that nobody gets killed off (in) its cartoons. The whole thing has changed by killing because when people get into the cycle of killing, when you grow up, you still go wondering, ‘I’ve shot so many people in a computer game, now I do it real’. What are you going to get, people going into school shooting children or becoming a bunch of youngsters who see other youngsters killing others?
It’s a way in the past 10 years; killing has become fashionable for those (of) you (who) want to make money out of it. It wasn’t in our time. In our time, these kinds of things were shunned away, I remember when my oldest son Tilly was 2 years, 2 and half years (old), there were no guns in the house but he wanted to have a gun because everyone else had (one). I made sure he didn’t get a gun until he was 2 and a half. And when I got him the gun, (he) was one minute inside of playing with it (when) he said, ‘I don’t enjoy it’. This is how we are brought up to accept. In a way let me explain to you why we use guns and these toys. It is because it shows the weakness of the child; he has to destroy for him to be somebody. If he understands the principle of shooting is wrong, that you don’t need to destroy to exist, then you can give life to exist a better life, they will be totally different. You don’t need to get points to be good. Maybe we close the session; we are coming up on 40 minutes or so for today.
Rick Crammond: Yes, that’s for sure, thank you very much Mr. Keshe. That’s a great great session.
Mr. Keshe: Thank you very much.
Rick Crammond: When is there a Knowledge Seekers workshop coming up next?
Mr. Keshe: If you wake up it will be there.
Rick Crammond: Ok thank you. Bye Bye.
Mr. Keshe: Bye Bye
Rick Crammond: Ok bye for now.