Arată versiune întreagă : 3rd Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop Oct 22 2014

21.01.2017, 13:41

21.01.2017, 13:41
Transcript courtesy of Zhang Hui
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGVDP07fqRg

Okay welcome everybody to the kids knowledge seekers workshop my name is “Rick Cramond”, I’m one of the co-hosts today with “Kayvan Davani” and we’ll be talking with Mr. Keshe of the Spaceship Institute and he’ll be showing us things about the wonders of the universe brought to us through the eyes of a child basically. And we’ll continue on with what we learned last week. How things are created in the universe and how the magnetic plasma and fields interact. I think we’re ready to go. Kayvan would you like to say something to add to this workshop at this point?

As for myself, I think that Mr. Keshe said something really fundamentally important, everything is interconnected. I learned how magnetic fields either repel or attract one another. Of course, I would be more curious about knowing why but it's the beginning so it’s really hard from a matter-based scientific perception to a non-matter. I think that's the problem a lot of people have. This is what Mr. Keshe means when he says that people cannot accept their own existence. Maybe we can go along those lines. Thank you very much Mr. Keshe.

Oh you’re welcome. If we can enlighten you a bit further today, I received some emails that the adults learn more from the children.

You’re breaking up Mr. Keshe, hello?

Okay for the folks on Livestream we seem to have a bit of a problem with the connection at the Spaceship Institute. We just lost them temporarily.

As long as Mr. Keshe is not online again, do you have a position on what I just said Rick? Do you agree with me with the fundamental questions?

What are the questions?

Hi, Mr. Keshe

Could you repeat that Kayvan?

I’m expecting a state of evolution any minute or any second right now but when I listen to all these workshops, I told Rick previously, it’s that it’s going faster and faster. This is really what you probably mean by saying never in the history of mankind has so much knowledge and science and technological understanding been transferred, it’s amazing.

Well, the thing is, your generation and my generation and maybe in some cases our parents’ generation, our own generation speaks about current and voltage and all sorts of things so if you had spoken to our great-grandfathers, they would have said, atom what? Or they would have said, nothing is there. It’s just a fantasy and all lies. It’s our generation who has come to see more and understand more with a new line of communications. I’ve said this before, it’s what we can accept according to our understanding. When I was in … I said, my father when he came from Moscow about 50, 60 years ago, he said in Russia they have metal which flies. I said, are you crazy, this is impossible, you’ve gone mental, going to Russia and coming back. And after a couple of years, they saw that metal bird, it’s called an airplane, appear in Tehran. So, it’s what we have accepted, which is the difficult part to reject, cause otherwise we have to admit our own shortcoming and then understand the totality. This is one of the reasons we do these programs, we put the right seed of understanding of the creation, physics, chemistry, biology. When they are taught other lines, they become judges of the knowledge themselves. This is the whole thing, you said at the beginning, how the field interacts, what is gravity and what is not. If we look at this set of magnets. These are magnets put together to make a field of magnetic fields. So what happened in this thing. What happened is that the field, this looks like its elongated plasma, it’s more like a ray of light, of course, light is a plasma too. So what happened is this ray of magnetic field comes out of this plasma, goes with a higher speed in the direction of the arrow of the head, but as it moves, it comes in touch with other magnetic fields and in the center there are other magnetic fields. If you have two similar magnets, you see, if their sides are the right way, they, what do they do, attract each other. What is this? What is this attraction? The attraction is like a tunnel. You have a tunnel and what goes in the tunnel has to come out of the tunnel, so if you have a one-way tunnel in your place, in your city, you find out the cars cannot go through the opposite way because it’s one-way. This is how the magnetic fields are in any shape or form in the plasma condition. So what comes out in the attraction with the other fields in the environment, is that there is nowhere in the universe that we can find with no magnetic field. They’re there, different strengths, different powers that they show themselves. So as the magnetic field comes out of this ring, it has to interact with the magnetic field which is going in here. So it's a one-way system, a tunnel. A car comes out of the tunnel and it has to go in another tunnel. It has no other choice because that's how it’s been set. So, what happens? So many fields come in from here to here and they have two choices. If this one is in the same direction, it can go in. So whether it comes out of this one…

Mr. Keshe? Broke off, hello?

Yes, yes, yes we seem to have lost the Spaceship Institute again there for a brief time, I’m sure they’ll reconnect.

This is thrilling.

Okay, we get to carry on our conversation from before I guess Kayvan.

[muttled voices]

Oops, here he comes again.

Are we back?

Yeah, every time Kayvan and I try to get a conversation going here, you keep interrupting.

Do you want us to go back and come again tomorrow morning?

No, that's okay, we’ll go off somewhere else.

Have a nice coffee.

Thank you.

So, what happens is that the fields attract each other and what comes out of one has…

Oh man, I mean is this coincidence or what.

Okay well, I mean we just go with the flow here and they’ll, they might keep fading in and out, we may get parts of this transmission as it comes in. I think that there are important things that are being said here.

It’s too low bandwidth for video because we keep on falling out.

Okay, Marko, Marko, you can, let’s get off…

[muffled] computer

Wait, will you just give us a chance, a few minutes to link up with the computer?

Do you want to connect with this?

Yes, you can connect all that [mumbling].

Okay, just for the people on Livestream. People on Livestream, well we’ve got some feedback here. Okay, for the people on Livestream, I’ll just let them know that we have some technical difficulties and we’re hooking up to another computer at the Spaceship Institute.

Okay, it’s back up for display, for video cause I think if they use the SSI internet then they, due to the large stream that's already going on, it’s causing a bandwidth issue. So let’s just let them get set up please.

That might be a few minutes here, in the meantime, maybe we can carry on our conversation that we began earlier or some other one. Okay you were saying Kayvan, could you explain?

I don’t mean to interrupt your guy’s conversation there.
Thank you, we’re having a heck of a time trying to get our point across here.

I have to apologize for the technical delays.

Okay, so let’s try it again. Kayvan, your question or situation that you’re laying out there, maybe you can put it in an even simpler way so that the children can all understand as well as the children in us. Can you lay it out once again there while we have this interlude here?

Well, this line of thought I had is that, you know, when Mr. Keshe said, “All is interconnected” it made totally logical sense. Because, you know, to a lot of people, a lot of people don’t take it as granted that we are not the only creations of the universe. And I think people are having a really hard time grasping the idea that we are not alone in this universe or any other universe. And it makes sense, you know, when Mr. Keshe said, “The time is over for all and any kind of religion or any kind of dogma” I think it’s really more about peace and abundance and these were like the thoughts that somewhat comforted me the last few days. It’s like in plain sight, everything, but I’m just thinking why is it so hard to accept the very core of our existence, you know, the scientific core of our existence. So I thought maybe you might have some thoughts on that.

Accepting our core of existence. Could you say that a little simpler or in a way that a child could understand better?

Well, you know, when Mr. Keshe repeats over and over again that everything is plasma, this is the reason why I think that it's a really good idea to start with kids because these are the only ones who are still open-minded with their creative thinking and consciousness and understanding that everything is made of fields, you know, let’s just call them, for the sake of easy-ness, magnetic fields. Is that the very essence that kids can understand that? Magnetic fields that are all interconnected.

Well, I think it was in the previous workshop that Mr. Keshe showed the little connect doll, is that what it’s called? With the various joints that move and so on and each joint and even in between the joints there are these little balls that connect everything together and he was giving the analogy that these balls were like the plasma fields that were atoms essentially, but they were, the fields, were inside these round ball shaped sort of atoms that were attracted to each other and so on. And that seemed like a good way to explain it. I think that if I was a kid and had one of those dolls, I would go, oh, oh yeah that makes sense, everything’s connected, the same as these are connected, except they’re little tiny wee ones instead of these big ones. So I definitely could identify with that…

Can you hear us?

Yes, we hear you Mr. Keshe.

Oh, we muted everything and we muted ourselves.

Okay, we did see a picture there for a while. See if you can bring it back in I guess. Now we don’t hear the audio. Okay, it looks like they are reconnecting. We can hear you again now.

You can hear us again, okay. So we have a bandwidth problem deriving from the live stream of the video and this is going to work in the next 24 to 48 hours, but the system on the lab will be totally independent. We can keep it going. So, we try to start everything. John is rebooting, so we go to John’s computer because he uses a different backup system. Just give us a few seconds. You see, you’ve got to realize, as long as we are on I can explain that children have a totally different view about the creation and the created and the fields. So if we’re asked to be able to have children understand, it’s to try to see and understand in what language we speak to them and that’s why I try to use toys and different things that children will define an association. It’s very much like the video you showed last week. It reaches children in a very, very easy way, and in fact, there should be no difference for the child between a plasma of whatever we call plasma and an orange, or what we see that we call an orange. Then we see that the reality, so in front of our children they have a lot in what they see in reality and what they would like to understand. So in so many ways we express ourselves in the wrong way. So we have to find and speak the language of a child, and this will be [mumbled] you know. So the child can understand what you are talking about. There is no use talking about the creation of the universe and how things came when a child cannot relate itself to it. A child plays with a magnet, sees a magnet on the crate and says, “Oh in the world this is not this way, in the universe it’s not this way. And in so many ways we see even today, when you explain the logic we got from there, the man will be offended because he understands what he understood this part. We have a very serious situation at the moment with such a thing where we explained the technology in detail fundamental to the scientists and when the… Can you hear me?


Can you hear me?


We can talk about the scientists at the highest level, when the government tries to lie to them, they immediately refuse to accept the position of the government. Because they understood what they understood as correct because it’s what they’ve been taught. And now they start to defend it, to explain this in a common way because we have accepted to, how do you call it, withholding information until the time is right, so we have to do the same with the children. We have to teach them the basic understanding of the creation of magnetic fields. In reality, magnetic fields are not the way this is. This is how they see magnets. We have to explain, in the universe, fields like this do not exist. Fields exist in the universe in a round shape but up and rotating. But in fact, a plasma, to a child, should be an orange rotating, but it rotates all the time. Then the child understands and you can explain, this is the bottom you see where there is a hole. When there is a hole we can put something in it. So in the hole-end, the field goes through and on the top end, or we will say on the head, the field comes out. So, a child should understand, this is it, if I put it like this, the part with the arrows which we showed earlier, on one end, then the child understands that this is the shape of the magnetic field. The field goes in and it has to come out. What goes inside this orange as energy, has to be able to come out of this orange. And whatever is trapped inside, is the energy that is [?] by eating [unintelligible]. Then it makes the children can understand. They can explain a plasma in the way it is in reality of life. So we see this and we have to explain this. For us to speak about the original, children, in that level, even at 17 or 18 years old, it’s too complex. That they can understand the principle of the physics, can understand the principle of the rotation. They understand in a simple way, if you have a magnetic ball, this ball has to interact and this ball has to show some respect to another magnet. And then we see what happens. [Ahumun] was playing with some magnets this afternoon, and can I have this because it is sharing in a very nice way how magnets play with each other? You see, this is how it is and how magnetic fields are said to be. This is the shape of a plasma and what it does, Ahmun uses a very simple trick. And that is, he has decided, in his way, what is going to be going in and what is going to be going out. What he decides, dictates the direction that the plasma will flow. If we get this here, you see the plasma will start rotating a totally different direction and motion. So, what happened? The field comes out of one end, it has to attract, if the field of the plasma is rotated, you can see, if you see my hand, I don’t need to do anything and I can get it to turn as many, as fast as you like, as much as you like. In so many ways, there is no petrol, there is no fuel, there is just the interaction of the fields and you see how easy it is. We can rotate, we can jump, we can see how the fields can play with each other. We see it can create motion and then they try to understand. Call this in the middle the sun, call this an atom, so the child understands there is no motor in the plasma. It's the fields that are inside it, when it is attracted to other fields, it makes it move. So now, you try to tell the student or child, at any age, you need a fuel tank and a motor, but he says, I can move because plasma moves without a motor, I can move the same, I can decide I’m going back, I can push, I can attract, you can do anything you like with it. So this is, you can roll it, you can roll it back, you can roll it forward, but a child has to understand is that magnets, like what you see on the fridge are made to be very much for, how do we say it, for a toy, not for reality in the universe. So this is a magnet and it stays in their head and they always associate a magnet with a flat sticking kind of metal. This is what you have to teach. If it is taught, they are shown the alternative to this, this is very much [mumbled]. This is a ball, they have, all the children nowadays, have these balls or different toys. To them, this is a ball, but if they understand that this ball should open, has nothing in it, then this is very much the structure of the plasma. You see, the child understands automatically, but where the field comes to slow down enough, it becomes matter, egg, a hand, a foot, but millions and millions of them. So we have to clarify this for the children first, the video animation you made for them last week was so precise, it was so exact and so easy. And then the children have to understand that after a while, when this plasma is rotating, it loses its energy. It’s like when you are eating your food, when the food is finished you feel hungry. You have two things, you have to eat more or you have to share your food with somebody or somebody’s food so that you can survive. So what the plasma does, it actually spreads open, that's all it does. The plasma, in a very funny way, it breaks up into pieces. It totally breaks up, it opens up, but in the process of opening up, this is what happens to it, fragments pieces, and more pieces and then more pieces and then there is nothing left but pieces. Then these pieces come together again, so this is what you’re going to get. And when these pieces come together, they come in two different sizes, one bigger and one smaller. So what you’re going to get is very much, very similar to this position. You had a big one, now you have a little bigger one, a little smaller one. Then this is what we call becomes the atom. When this blows up, it does good as its parents, then it becomes a bigger and a smaller. But what happens now is exactly the same process. Now you have two magnets, one bigger, one smaller, but now we are going to have the small one shown as the same. These two will have a connection with each other. They are connected because they are brother and sister. I rotate this, the other one has to rotate, I rotate this, the other one has to rotate. And then the one which is bigger becomes the boss. So as this rotates around, the other one has to rotate with it, but in a different formation. And then this in this formation, is what we call, in terms of physics, we call it an atom. So when a big plasma splits into a smaller and a bigger plasma, slightly smaller and bigger, now we come from one plasma to two plasmas, and then this is the atom. And now we come from plasma science into physics. Because there’s a huge difference in the world of science. There’s a big difference, as much as there is between biology and chemistry, there is a difference between plasma technology and atomic physics, or what we call physics. Plasma is plasma, physics as we call it physics, is a structure between atoms. Then when you put more of these atoms together, in a way, now you come to the realm of biology, sorry chemistry. So you come from plasma to physics, now four of them become chemistry, and then when you add two more to it, you become biology. So a child can see in the parameter, what is what. So they’ll be able to talk about physics and biology and how they are connected. So it's the same, you never speak about plasma and physics. Plasma has to be spoken about on its own terms because it has its own properties, its own behavior and when two plasmas come together and show the behavior of interaction, then you find what we call physics. Then as we said, when you get two of them, two small and two big ones coming together, now the four make what we call chemistry because they have to interact with each other chemically. In a way, they have to share each other. What happens in chemistry is that the little plasmas say you can have mine and I’ll have yours and then we are all connected. And then when you add a third one two it, another atom, let’s say this is what we call oranges and these are apples, now we add a coconut and a smaller coconut and he says okay, you give me that one I’ll give you this one, and everybody gets mixed up. Now you come to biology. There is a further addition, which then becomes what we call intelligence but it is too much for children to understand. So in fact, the first thing we have to do, we have to clarify to the child what we are talking about, we spoke about the plasma last time and now we see the number of plasmas. When they interact they [?] as human beings over time giving them different names, one is called Suzie, one is called Julie, one is called Alan, but in fact when we say Susan, it means there is a girl, Alan is a boy. Now we have plasma technology and the physics and the chemistry and biology is the same. Then the interaction between the plasmas decides where we go. This is one of the biggest problems in the world of science. Because plasma is something that we have come across in the past maybe 30, 40 years, we have not had the understanding to give it its own house. This is where most of the problem with technologies like us comes into operation, because people cannot understand what is the plasma and what is atoms because plasma is honestly all the technology. Physics is a technology of mixing two plasmas. Chemistry is an interaction of at least four plasmas, a big one to a small one. If you have two hydrogen, you call it a molecule because that's the terminology. And then if you add another dimension to it, with all of them mixed up and nobody knows who it is but together we are one cell, this is what we call biology. And usually in biology we see at least a minimum of four atoms because, there is a reason for it. When you have an atom, four of them in biology. One needs to hold everyone together, so the heavy one goes in the middle, says okay, I’m here I can hold all up here within hand. One says okay, I want to come in here with the others we see here we are. So that becomes the communicator. One says I know how to bring energy. That becomes the element. And one says oh I have enough energy, you can shake me I can shake and everything falls off. So now we make what we call a molecule of the human race, what we call amino acid. In reality, this is how simple this is, but as we understood the science over centuries, a lot of people who understood it wanted to make it really complicated to show that they were really intelligent made it more and more complicated. And now we make it simple. You have a plasma and that plasma is a very, very simple thing. It holds, as we said, inside it an astonishing number of magnetic fields. So the other version of what you see as the colored balls, is this. What happens, if you can see this, this is now this inside with the magnetic fields, curly fields. Then these curly fields have to interact with, this is now a smaller one, and this one is a bigger one. So it needs to interact with the big brother that is there it came from the same mother. So now you see it's a big and a small as you saw in the atom. There is no difference. This way, when we look at it with the white balls, we call it physics, when we see it with the clear balls and we know what’s going on inside of the ball, we call it plasma technology. And then these fields inside each other have to connect up. Then this becomes plasma as gravitation and magnetic because as you saw, magnets do two things, they come together or they go away from each other. In terminology, we call them, because to the very clever we have created a name for them we call them gravity. Gravity is when you hold each other, you gravitate towards each other, you come together. So if the magnets come together, you see it, now its gravity. And this is the simplest idea. So now we have a bigger brother and a smaller brother, if you can see it, they gravitate towards each other and if I can show it with this, now you see a big and a small and see how they come together. So now we’ve explained the plasma in the possible realms, now we understand the plasma. What is plasma. When plasma reaches interaction, it has to interact with another plasma, you enter at the point of tangibility, the world of physics. Then it becomes a totally different ball game, it becomes all understood. Plasma is the way the universe works, matter and physics is the way the man works. In the universe, we don't see very much matter, unless small fractions slow down enough that they show themselves. Very, very small number of plasmas slow down enough to be seen. It’s like when you play hide and seek, as long as you can run and cannot be caught, you can hide, you are plasma. Once you are discovered, you become matter, you become physics and this is where a lot of children go wrong and physics becomes complicated. Then we can see the world of science finds new ways to teach, to learn and to share knowledge. But one of the biggest problems with our children at the moment in the schools is from the first day they go to the nursery to come out even as professors out of university is that they have to protect what they have been taught, even if it's a lie and wrong. Because once they’ve accepted it, they have to defend it, because otherwise they’ll have stupidly accepted the wrong thing. And then this is when we find [?] peer reviewing and people saying what we say is correct and the world of science for the past 2-300 years. Then knowledge finds value because you have to protect it. Then people find out knowledge has value as long as it is within the plasma of the earth. You cannot sell a Mars bar or you cannot sell a bar of chocolate to the man in space because sweetness has no taste to the man in space it’s only for man of which it was cut. We cannot say to somebody from a different planet, I’ll give you a can of Coca-Cola. To him, it is meaningless because he cannot drink the liquid because his fields are different. His fields are more into the center than on the edge. If his fields become further out, then he can drink the Coca-Cola. That’s all it is. This is where children have to be brought in to understand and not be confused. People who teach physics in the school, because they were taught the wrong way, they still carry on with the same thing, because what we sell on the teacher [mumbled] is everything [?] and then we see what’s going on [?]. In time, then we understand, we come to understand where the magnetic fields come from, what is the creation, because now we understand the simple structure of the plasma. A single plasma is plasma technology, plasma physics. When plasmas interact, they interact a totally different way than when the matter interacts. Because when you are in one of these wires here in the middle, you haven’t become a sphere yet, so you behave a different way, you behave like the wires, but when you have become a totality sphere, at the end you have like the plastic because that's the end. So we try to open the world of science in a very, very simple way. We look into the ball, there is nothing in it because it's a plasma and when it becomes weak enough that it can be seen, then at that point it becomes matter. We all understand the balls but how matter stops. I brought you something which has been years and years in the foundation and we started showing it a few years ago and a lot of people see but they don't understand. That is, this is a very simple explanation, this is how a plasma is. It's a ball, and I don’t know if you can see the water, liquid inside it. From the little black things, I’ll bring it forward if I can to see, you see little sticks. These little sticks are the fields which are coming out and then in the water until they get to the wall, at the wall they become matter. So this is a plasma but we play with it in a different way in adult sport. We feed it because it's a magnetic field, we can join up with some and the ones it doesn’t like it rejects. It’s very much like in the classroom. The children you like to play with, you play games with, and the ones you don’t like, you reject and you don’t play with. The same thing happens in the plasma technology. The ones who want to join up are the same, then they join up and they play. And the ones who are not the same or they don’t like to be in that position, they reject each other. And this is exactly what you do in your classrooms with your friends and the people you don’t like is the behavior of a plasma. If you have more and more people around you, the stronger team you become, it’s exactly the same, when the plasma absorbs more and more, the stronger it becomes. That's all it is. And then the whole start of the creation and creating starts. Then you don’t ask the question what is the magnetic field and where it was created. It's a bit of all the fields, which come together and can play. Like if you are in the second class, you play with your mates and sometimes you go and play maybe with one friend from the third class or the fourth class because he understands that he has some strength or understanding on your level. Even though he was at your level before. A year ago, he was in second class now he is a bit older, he goes to third class but he still can play with both. Your mates and one’s other. So if you want to understand the structure of plasma, look at your classroom. The ones you like to play with, you come together to play together. So we call it gravity, you gravitate to each other. The ones you don’t like, because they don’t think the same or don't play the same toys and they don’t watch the same cartoons as you, they are not in common, you refuse to play with them because there is nothing in common between you and them. Then they become magnetical field which means you reject. The fields aren’t the same. You play or you reject. And that is all it is, this is the plasma, this is the way scientists have to teach us, have to start teaching children, and then when you speak when you think in the future, we won’t think about the fish because fish is a flat. We will think about an orange, which can rotate on an axis. So this is how we end this session and I hope we opened your eyes, furthermore, a little bit more, in the world of reality and creation but as time goes in the future programs we will teach you more and hopefully within the year you will know as much as your parents do. Any questions? Is there any question?

Thank you, Mr. Keshe, I just got my microphone back on. Kayvan is there any questions from your end there with, have there been any questions from kids or mothers or from other people in the universe or from yourself perhaps?

Well no, I just want to thank you, it really makes me understand. I’m beginning to understand and I think that that's really the most important thing because as you said Mr. Keshe we are all children, so, yeah. I don’t have any questions. Thank you.

Are there any questions from the mothers of those to be or are? Well, it seems I’m becoming a very good teacher, no questions.

[name] is trying to evoke a question from his son Dawson there earlier, I thought maybe something might have come up.

Yeah he did have a question about the sun but I think that might be for a later time as we are running past anyways.

We’ll try to keep it to 40 minutes, 45 minutes and maybe we can keep the attention of the children which is not more than 25 minutes.

Okay, we could end the show now then if you like, it’s been, well we had some interruptions but it’s been 48 minutes total so maybe we should complete it now and we’ll get some questions from the children and mothers for next session. How do you see it continuing Mr. Keshe? Along similar lines with carrying on from where we left off I guess, maybe we’ll have an apple instead of an orange next time.

Next time I’ll bring a watermelon…

That’ll be the sun I guess, the big sun.

[muffled] Children have a line of teaching to children is through their stomach. And oranges or fruits are something they play with and try to show different foods. First time I brought an egg and this egg has been here for two weeks, three weeks now, soon there will be a chicken coming out of it, a chick. So we have to be reachable for the children to understand. Don’t forget, of course, that the forces outside are very strong that will say to the children you are wrong. But if we see the correct quality of science then we’ll see what happens as you’ve seen in the past 24 hours. We have shown some amazing performances from plasma and we’ve seen how weights and masses can change with little [muffled]. Because you have to show things to children. Children have to see to believe in a way they can play with.

Just to remind people that will be at the Spaceship Institute live stream which is on the same Spaceship Institute live stream channel as this Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop. So people can tune in to the live feed from the lab with the reactors going on there now, it’s quite exciting for those of us who are following that.

So we will see each other at 8’o clock tomorrow morning.



If we sleep in nothing exciting happens in the lab…

Some of us are having a hard time sleeping because there is so much excitement, but that's okay.

From all of us, thank you very much, all of you.

Thank you, Mr. Keshe! Thank you Kayvan!

Thank you Rick, thank you, bye-bye.

Thanks everybody on Livestream. That's the end of this Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop.