Arată versiune întreagă : tratament impotriva eliminarii metalelor grele introduse in organism in urma vaccinar

Adrian Pop
06.10.2016, 01:39
https://scontent.ftsr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/p50x50/13900105_281056362268654_4164524960032639455_n.jpg ?oh=2bc4d1573e0cf4a290ff2b08ffedc38b&oe=5874B900

Codarcea Vasile (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010928765008) a distribuit clipul video (https://www.facebook.com/100010574681044/videos/294294450933042/) postat de Kate Tiss (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010574681044).27 August (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=286216725085951&id=100010928765008) ·

Super, tratament impotriva eliminarii metalelor grele introduse in organism in urma vaccinarii copiilor, si nu numai, chiar si persoanele adulte pot incerca acest tratament






Kate Tiss (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010574681044) a adăugat un clip video nou - Tratament autism (https://www.facebook.com/100010574681044/videos/294294450933042/).27 August (https://www.facebook.com/100010574681044/videos/294294450933042/) ·

Pentru conformitate:
- Tratament autism
- fragment din atelierul de lucru al cautatorilor cunoasterii nr. 134 din 25 August 2016
- https://youtu.be/mwxHYZDfyyc?t=4h6m25s (https://youtu.be/mwxHYZDfyyc?t=4h6m25s)
- corecturile, adnotarile si sugestiile sunt binevenite.

Adrian Pop
06.10.2016, 01:41

KSW #134

ANKE VAN ZIEL (https://www.facebook.com/anke.v.ziel)·25 AUGUST 2016 (https://www.facebook.com/notes/anke-van-ziel/ksw-134/10210444940143852)

* MT Keshe starts with the EQ Italy and how KF Italy can help... and 4 all of us would be helpful to prepare LOADS of CO2, CuO, CH3 en ZnO! (As more EQ’s can be expected...) Always use the Liquid plasma of the GANSes.
* CO2 Liquid Plasma as a spray releases pain immediately ... in case of fracture do not spray on the fracture itself. Also in case of muscle damage and for infections
CuO for cleansing and to disinfect.. to add to the water to disinfect.
CO2 is for neurosystem
* CH3 is part of the FOOD system.
FOOD system = mix CH3 + ZnO + CO2 +aminoacids (HONC)
* German government is correct in warning their people!
Make CO2 in patches (add 1 drop CuO for total desinfection of patch)
* Release of OASIS system to provide shelter and food to Italian authorities if they ask for it.
* More on the multidynamic cores! and the high voltages that can be gained from them. And how Field Plasma level can provide Energy, Matter, Food, Medicine, Instant communication, Shelter etc.
* How matterstate is such a tiny part of the TOTALITY... and once we understand the FIELD interactions we can create everything from Field down to the matterstate...
* Our physicality is fed by our souls... our body is the spaceship...
Wherever we arrive our soul takes the equal and balanced position.
We need to know ourselves to have the discipline to steer with our emotions as Emotions are the control and our Soul is the supply.
* KF enlightens across the planet... and universe
* Importance of having the FREEDOM of Humanity as INTENT
* How to learn to work with the FIELDS... fingers can help!
* We pray for the souls of the Jewish who covered themselves as Knights if Malta and who have abused the children... all 70.000 are connected to the socalled 'Free Energy' movement... as the sick joke that they got free energy from the suffering children. Interpol list is HUGE. High on the list are people who have threatened the Keshe Foundtion for years. There are no Chinese on the list.
* Iodine question leads to a BEautiful teaching on elevating the soul... the secret of the Christ Teachings. Christ elevated himself.... via his soul restoring his body.
We too can use our own soul... (don't miss this part!)
* Question on autism caused by vaccination due to mercury in the injection. And the formula to detox and restore!
* Infiltrators were here to damage the Foundation, but in reality they served us...
* God/dess doesn't need messengers <3