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Adrian Pop
13.12.2011, 14:17

Dalai Lama
My hope and wish is that one day, formal education will pay attention to what I call “education of the heart.” Just as we take for granted the need to acquire proficiency in the basic academic subjects, I am hopeful that a time will come when we can take it for granted that children will learn, as part of the curriculum, the indispensability of inner values: love, compassion, justice, and forgiveness.
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Adrian Pop I apologize for using existing translators to communicate with you in English. For now use this international language, but as a language to communicate in almost all land was convinced that people all over the world are wise and capable. I can help any man willing to spell this message that I send it now. I think communication is important to have good will upon which human society will be rebirth.

I am sure that most people on Earth who want to live in peace, happiness, healthy, decent and, in harmony with Nature.

Planting resources should be redirected after another logic, that related to humanity and need rid of ego and pride in us. So.

In Romania, slowly but surely worked continuously and puntiform to a team of wise men. Established as elders in Romania. Derived from these activities in the years to form an idea of Elders Tip worldwide. I think the time has come to be ruled by wise planet, people with common sense and kind-hearted. While those who like to add .....

This whole new system that we propose new Romans will certainly lead to the rebirth of human socitetatii. Some of its principles:

1. The public discussion. Everything is transparent to the secrecy and fear led modern society in collapse. We set up a Romanian forum in this regard:

- Http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro/forum.php

2. Discuss with each individual separately, starting from the snowball principle - from low to high - given the two Composite:
- Spiritual - common ideas, concepts, summaries, plans, projects, etc. .. ...
- Materials - help us to live decent among us. Business interests that we do, in the current environment situation and will take account of how to obtain money. Money won is very different legal power than the one obtained in violation of common sense laws.

3. People who care about children and their grandchildren to discuss all this with a friend you trust and it will decide to send the message to another man to mak.

4. Work will initially puntiform new road in three main directions:
- Educational System
- Health Food =
- Inventions

Adrian Pop


Imi cer scuze ca folosesc translatoarele existente pentru a comunica cu voi in engleza. Deocamdata folosesc acesta limba de circulatie internationala, dar in Timp o sa comunicam in mai toate limbile pamantului fiind convins ca peste tot in lume sunt oameni intelepti si capabili. Ma poate ajuta orice om binevoitor sa scrie corect mesajul acesta pe care vreau sa-l transmit acum. Consider ca este important sa existe bunavointa comunicarii la BAZA careia va sta renasterea societatii umane.

Am certitudinea ca cei mai multi oameni de pe Terra isi doresc sa traiasca in PACE , Fericiti, Sanatosi, decent si-n armonie cu Natura.

Resursele plantare trebuie redirectionate dupa alta logica, aceea legata de Omenie si mai trebuie scapat de orgoliu si mandria din noi. Atat.

In Romania, incet dar sigur, lucram continuu si puntiform la formara unei echipe de oameni intelepti. Infiintam astfel in Romania Sfatul Batranilor. A derivat din toate aceste activitati desfasurate in ani buni ideea de-a forma un Sfat al Batranilor la nivel mondial. Cred ca a venit Timpul ca planeta sa fie condusa de intelepti, de Oameni cu Bun Simt si plini de Omenie. In Timp cei ce se aseamana se aduna.....

Tot acest SISTEM NOU pe care-l propunem noi Romanii va duce cu siguranta la renasterea socitetatii umane. Cateva principii ale acestuia :

1. Se discuta public. Totul este transparent pentru ca secretomania si frica au dus societatea actuala in colaps. Am infiintat un forum Romanesc in acest sens :

- http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro/forum.php

2. Se discuta cu fiecare Om in parte, plecand de la principiul bulgarului de zapada - de la mic la mare -, avand in vedere doua componnte :
- Spirituala - idei comune, concepte, sinteze, planuri, proiecte..etc...
- Materiala - ne ajutam intre noi sa traim decent. Afacerile comune pe care le vom face, in conjunctura si mediul actual, vor tine cont de modul de obtinere a banilor. Banul obtinut legal are cu totul alta energie fata de cel obtinut incalcand Legile Bunului Simt.

3. Oamenilor carora le pasa de copiii si nepotii lor sa discute toate acesta cu un prieten in care are incredere si acesta va hotara daca va transmite mesajul catre un alt Om de incredre.

4. Se va actiona puntiform la inceput de DRUM NOU in trei directii principale :
- Sistem eduactional
- Sanatate = Hrana
- Inventica

Adrian Pop
Sfatul Batranilor
Bun venit la o lectie de viata. Am cunoscut oameni ale caror sfaturi au insemnat enorm de mult pentru formarea mea ca Om. La randul meu am sfatuit multi tineri si acum, cu o parte dintre acestia, ma mandresc.